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…a la clase de español! abailey@kyrene 480.783.1314 Please fill out the ½

¡ Bienvenidos …. …a la clase de español! abailey@kyrene.org 480.783.1314 Please fill out the ½ sheet on the desk and return to me at the end of “class” . La Señora Bailey. Former “Kyrene Kid” Graduated from ASU (Go Devils!!) with a degree in bilingual education

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…a la clase de español! abailey@kyrene 480.783.1314 Please fill out the ½

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  1. ¡Bienvenidos… …a la clase de español! abailey@kyrene.org 480.783.1314 Please fill out the ½ sheet on the desk and return to me at the end of “class” .

  2. La Señora Bailey Former “Kyrene Kid” Graduated from ASU (Go Devils!!) with a degree in bilingual education Fifth year at Altadeña Taught two years of Dual-Language/reading intervention in the Creighton District in Phoenix Teach 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Spanish Cheer sponsor, track coach and Minitown Advisor

  3. 6th grade Spanish (1 semester)… • Most receive A’s and B’s…grades are based largely upon work completion, participation, and effort. • No homework • Only a few quizzes throughout the semester 7th/8th grade Spanish (full year)… • Nightly homework • Weekly quizzes and tests • Midterm and a final • Passing the 8th grade final exam gives the student credit for Spanish 1-2 in the TUHSD • There is NO beginning Spanish class offered in 8th grade!

  4. 1st quarter Build vocabulary Develop general conversation skills Gender and plurals of nouns 2nd quarter Questions Adjectives/agreement Verb conjugations 3rd quarter Listening/Speaking skills More verbs Negatives 4th quarter Irregular verbs Possessive adjectives Weather 7th Grade

  5. 1st quarter Review 7th grade Irregular verbs Talking on the phone Family vocabulary Extending/accepting/ declining invitations 2nd quarter Present progressive Stem changing verbs “Tener” expressions Food vocabulary 3rd quarter Ordering in a restaurant Making polite requests Indirect object pronouns Making comparisons 4th quarter Giving directions Clothing and shopping Preterite (past tense) Review packet/final 8th Grade

  6. Textbook and Workbook 7th grade 8th grade Adelante (yellow) En Camino (orange) • Not very grammar driven, but does a great job of review…I will provide supplemental material and instruction • Textbook will soon be accessible online!

  7. Differences between 6th grade Spanish and 7th/8th grade Spanish… • Homework…and it is NIGHTLY!!! • Students will keep a separate Spanish homework log. Please check your child’s log regularly to see if they are caught up with all of their assignments. • 5 points per assignment • Always due the next Spanish day, unless that day is a Wednesday • A “stamp” = complete, on time, and looks to be 80% correct • A signature = complete, but late • Nothing = I have not seen the assignment • Extra credit is given for completing all assignments on the log • Homework should not take hours to complete! • Homework directly correlates to student success!

  8. WRAC: Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum I use the district foreign language equivalent of “6 Trait” standards in grading writing assignments: • Comprehensibility • Vocabulary • Language Control • Mechanics • Content • Writing pulls many concepts together, and makes the students better writers in English and Spanish!

  9. Quizzes and Tests • Weekly tests and quizzes • Missed quizzes/tests must be made up within ONE WEEK of the quiz/test being given, or the student will receive a ZERO!!! • Midterm (late January/early February) and a Final Exam (last two weeks of school) • I do my best to get grades posted online in a timely manner !

  10. Review for the TUHSD final exam for high school credit… • About 1 month prior to the test • Students are given the writing and speaking prompts roughly 2 weeks before the exam. • Review sessions are held everyday after school (except Wednesdays) for the two weeks leading up to the final…even Saturdays!

  11. TUHSD 8th grade exam for high school credit for Spanish 1-2 • Multiple choice, speaking, writing, and listening sections • District average…72% • Altadeña’s average…97% (2010) • Of that number, over 1/3 of Altadeña students make honors

  12. How can you help your child??? • Check your child’s homework log daily. • Encourage shorter, more frequent study sessions…10 minutes each day, rather than 2 hours one day. • Quiz your child with their flashcards, and have them write out the Spanish. • Expect them to work hard and to be successful.

  13. How can you help your child??? • www.conjuguemos.com • Great reviews specific to our curriculum • Click on “demo version”, Spanish by book, Adelante (7th grade), En Camino (8th grade) • www.studyspanish.com • Good explanations of grammar concepts followed by review quizzes. • www.quia.com • Students can type in their own vocabulary words and create many different review activities…concentration, word searches, Battleship, etc.

  14. Reflection Policy • 1=Warning • 2=Parent contact is made • 3=Parent contact and one lunch detention • If your child receives a reflection paper, please sign and return the next day he/she has Spanish.

  15. ¡Muchas gracias!

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