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BA Journey 2

BA Journey 2. Principal Impact: Climate and Culture; GPS Dashboard, ASIS , Cycle of Inquiry. Norms. Pull your own happy wagon Take care of your personal needs when necessary Silence Cell Phones and limit cell phone interruptions Stay actively engaged Limit sidebar conversations.

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BA Journey 2

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  1. BA Journey 2 Principal Impact: Climate and Culture; GPS Dashboard, ASIS , Cycle of Inquiry

  2. Norms • Pull your own happy wagon • Take care of your personal needs when necessary • Silence Cell Phones and limit cell phone interruptions • Stay actively engaged • Limit sidebar conversations

  3. Objective: • Follow-up discussion (QA- on observer tools, quality evidence, tagging, rating, feedback) • Creating a Positive School Climate – Impacting the Culture – focusing on student learning and staff morale • Cycle of Inquiry - School Improvement Plans – where does Indistar fit? • GPS Dashboard, ASIS • Student Success Plans

  4. Review observing teachers and collecting evidence….. • Carousel Review Activity • What do you remember? What questions do you still have? • 1. PGPs • 2. Informal observations/Formal observations • 3. 4 kinds of evidence • 4. Quality scripting evidence • 5. Reflective Planning Conversations • 6. Formative years/Career Summative • Discussion and questions re: EdReflect functionality • Share Mid-Year Conference Sheet – allow for time for review of discussion prompts

  5. All on the Wall Activity What are the top three factors that impact school culture? [Source: www.thepartysourcellcstore.com

  6. Culture vs Climate • 3 Articles: • School climate: School culture, they are not the same thing – Steve Gruenert • Is your school’s culture toxic or positive? – Education world • School Climate and Equity - NSCC • Groups of 6 • Become the expert activity • Read your part of the article • Teach your part to the rest of your group • 3 Volunteers to chart responses • How does this impact or connect to being culturally responsive?

  7. How does trust and transparency impact climate? • CONCENTRIC CIRCLE • Two circles – one inside and one on the outside • Find someone to face to begin the first discussion • I will give you a statement • Inside person will have one minute to discuss • Then outside person will have one minute to discuss • Outside circle rotates one to the right

  8. Equality vs. Equity

  9. Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading • Activity - Raise your hand if….. • On a notecard write your definition to what you think being culturally responsive means… • Turn and talk to your table partners • Brainstorm examples of what this looks like in the classroom • Brainstorm examples of what this looks like as leaders working with teachers • What does this look like at the district level?

  10. Know Yourself - Understanding our own culture

  11. School Climate/Culture Carousel • Vision & Values • Rituals & Ceremonies • History & Stories • Architecture & Artifacts • Brainstorm ideas that impact these • Count off 1 – 4 • Go to your assigned chart • Choose a recorder • Brainstorm ideas that impact • At signal rotate to next chart • Choose a reporter

  12. Measuring your school climate • High Reliability Schools • https://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/edscls • https://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/sites/default/files/EDSCLS_2.7.2_Questionaires.pdf • Student • Instructional staff • Non-instructional staff • Parents • Spanish

  13. Building and Sustaining School Culture – Great School Leadership https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrTcdravK1ZQRwAg4sPxQt.?p=building+school+culture&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&fr2=piv-web&hspart=adk&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt&type=fm_appfocus5_ff#action=view&id=4&vid=f6347be6379c543a3634cd194804219b

  14. Cycle of Inquiry – School Improvement Plans • What is your role in the school improvement process? • Role of the Principal/Role of the Assistant Principal • Campus Leadership Team • Needs assessment – • ASCD - http://sitool.ascd.org/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=/ • HRS – Surveys – Reproducible from HRS book • Climate/Culture • Effective Teaching • Indistar - • Wise Ways/Rapid Success Indicators/

  15. School-level improvement plans and timeline • Arkansas Code Annotated § 6-15-2914 (Act 930 of 2017) establishes a new timeline for school-level improvement plans: • (b)(1) Beginning on May 1, 2018, and by May 1 annually thereafter, a public school shall submit to its public school district a school-level improvement plan for approval by the public school district and public school district board of directors for implementation in the following school year. •   (2) School-level improvement plans shall be posted on the public school district’s website by August 1 of each year. • (c) School-level improvement plans shall be: •   (1) Monitored by the public school district for implementation fidelity and progress throughout the year; and •   (2) Evaluated annually by the public school district for goal progress and accomplishment. • Each school is required to develop a school-level improvement plan.  The plan should utilize a continuous cycle of inquiry.

  16. Cycle of Improvement • Must start with a needs assessment • Plan: • Goals/Outcomes • Evidence-Based Practices • Professional Learning • Do: • Timeline • Implementation • Check: • Evaluation • Action Steps • Systems: • 1. Academics • Financial and Operating/Governance • Transportation and Facilities • Human Resources • Communication and Engagement • Student Support

  17. Components of the school improvement plan: • PLAN: Design and revise a data-informed plan for improving learning and resources allocation (with stakeholder engagement) • Establish goals or anticipated outcomes based on analysis of students’ needs • Identify evidence-based interventions and practices to be implemented • Effective Practices Booklet (located in Indistar) is a resource for determining effective practices that include a rating; based on John Hattie’s work; Important for Title I schools! • Describe the professional learning necessary for adults to deliver the interventions and practices (connected to TESS – PGP goals) • DO: Implement the plan • Describe the implementation timeline for monitoring of the interventions and practices for effectiveness • CHECK: Assess, reflect, and act for improvement • Describe the timeline and procedures for eval of the interventions and practices for effectiveness

  18. As an example - Chronic Absenteeism – Student Engagement • Needs Assessment – What data? What questions? Why? • Plan– Reduce the number of students with chronic absences • Develop a protocol • What will change • What is your prediction • Action plan to put into place • Do - Timeline to conduct or do the strategy (execute test) • Collect data • Document • Check – Compare results to predictions • What did you learn – what are the results • Next Steps • Adapt the protocol • Adopt • Abandon

  19. http://www.indistar.org/ • Effective practices • Wise Ways • Continuous improvement that are required with Indistar • Family and community engagement plan • Health and Wellness information • Special education forms • Federal program applications and supporting • 2018-2019 school year: a district will be required to show on a spreadsheet in Indistar that it is using its Title II, Part A funds for class size reduction in Grades K-3.  • 2019-2020 school year: a district will use the spreadsheet in Indistar to show that it has reduced all class sizes where Title II, Part A funds are used in K-3 to no greater than a 17:1 student/teacher ratio. • Your plans for professional development activities must be clearly outlined in your Title II, Part A application in Indistar. Memo Number COM-18-077 https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/ What Works Clearinghouse

  20. Share page from School Improvement for ALL by Kramer & Schuhl, 2017; Determine Vision versus Reality

  21. GPS Dashboard

  22. GPS Dashboard • School information • Student by Grade • If you click on the column title it will arrange it form least to most or most to least • Now click on a student name/then click on student information • Medical alerts, contact information, plus much more • When are they expected to graduate/student GPA/other program info like GT • Now click on the academic dashboard

  23. Demo - https://sgpsdemo.ade.arkansas.gov/Dashboard/Districts/METALLICROLLS/Schools/Gold-High-School

  24. Creating a Dynamic List for SQSS Indicators Personalize it, save it, be able to come back to it and even share it with others in the building

  25. Click save now, click dynamic list and you will get show dynamic list Can only share if you are a school level person; can’t if you are a district level person Can create these lists for students not being successful – use for student improvement plans – may be more Interested in students struggling and helping them make progress so that you can earn these pts. Instead Of keeping up with the points earned for successful students.

  26. ASIS – https://adeasis.arkansas.gov/demo/Students

  27. Student Success Plans • (b)(1)Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, each student, by the end of grade eight (8), shall have a student success plan developed by school personnel in collaboration with parents and the student that is reviewed and updated annually. • (2) The student success plan shall, at a minimum: • (A) Guide the student along pathways to graduation; • (B) Address accelerated learning opportunities; • (C) Address academic deficits and interventions; and • (D) Include college and career planning components. • (3) An individualized education program for a student with a disability, identified under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq., meets the requirements of this section if the individualized education program:   • (A) Addresses academic deficits and interventions for students not meeting standards-based academic goals at an expected rate or level; and • (B) Includes a transition plan that addresses college and career planning components.

  28. Student Success Plans • Go to Arch Ford • https://sites.google.com/a/archford.org/afadmin/home/student-success-plans • Administrator site or Curriculum Coordinators • Student Success Plans • Examples

  29. Reflection and Feedback • Ticket out the door • Honest feedback on what I can do differently for next year when planning the BA Journey • Thank you for coming

  30. Resources • PBIS • http://www.pbisworld.com/ • Start with choosing a behavior • Then Tier 1, 2 or 3 Interventions • Love and logic - https://www.loveandlogic.com/articles-advice/educators • Educator resources - teaching tips, articles and advice • Love and logic’s collection of teaching resources include free articles and handouts for educators covering a wide range of subjects, from anticipatory consequences to misbehavior and classroom interventions. • Harry Wong resources - https://www.teachers.net/wong/SEP13/ • Many articles that can be used with teachers • Center on response to intervention - https://www.rti4success.org/related-rti-topics/secondary-schoolsThis link are resources for middle school and high school • RTI Network - http://www.rtinetwork.org/learn/behavior-supports • Free Printable Behavioral Charts - http://www.freeprintablebehaviorcharts.com/behaviorcharts11+.htm • CSSR – Center for Secondary school redesign - http://cssr.us/free-resources/

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