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Unveiling Mysteries in the Book of Revelation: The Final World Rulers

Explore the symbolism in the Book of Revelation as Dr. Donald Bell uncovers the rise of the Antichrist and the False Prophet in the last days. Learn about the Beast from the sea and the two-horned Beast, gaining insights into the end-time prophecies. Delve into the characteristics of the Antichrist and the deceptive nature of his reign. Discover the strategic role of the False Prophet in leading humanity towards the worship of the Antichrist. Join this enlightening session to understand the political, military, and religious aspects of the imminent tribulations.

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Unveiling Mysteries in the Book of Revelation: The Final World Rulers

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  2. SESSION #9 by DR. DONALD BELL ------- MAJOR, USMC, RET. THREE BEASTS ---------- --------- --------- AN UNHOLY TRINITY (Revelation 13) Based upon the Book: “GOD’S ANOINTED WARRIORS”

  3. A BEASTRISES UP FROM THE SEA Revelation 13:1 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten (crowns) on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. “SEA” is frequently symbolic in Scripture of agitated peoples & nations

  4. A BEASTRISES UP FROM THE SEA Satan has 7 Crowned Heads together with 10 Horns. This Beast from the sea is not Satan, but it resembles him and is submissive to Satan’s authority. This Beast has 7 Heads and 10 Horns with Crowns on the Horns. This is Antichrist!

  5. A BEASTRISES UP FROM THE SEA This final beast has all the characteristics of the great empires which have historically ruled parts of the world. • Courage & viciousness of a “LION” • Will conquer with the speed of a “LEOPARD” • Will possess the merciless crushing power of a “BEAR” The last evil kingdom that reigns during the Great Tribulation!

  6. SEVEN HEADS & TEN HORNSOF THE BEAST 7 Heads = Great Empires • Egyptian Empire • Assyrian Empire • Babylonian Empire • Persian Empire • Grecian Empire • Roman Empire • Coming New World Empire Six historical empires have been great and powerful but none ever was able to overcome the Kingdom of God.

  7. SEVEN HEADS & TEN HORNSOF THE BEAST • Coming New World Empire This kingdom will come by a confederation of prominent nations. This is represented by the 10 Horns on the 7th Head A confederation of world powers being of one mind and giving all power into the hands of one man – Antichrist!

  8. ANTICHRIST:THE FINAL WORLD RULER From within this seventh kingdom will arise a leader who will personify the darkness of Satan in the flesh --- • an “anointed one” whom Satan has chosen to rule over this final demonic kingdom. This is the Antichrist, Satan’s messiah to the world --- • who possesses his father’s image and will require all the earth to bow down and worship his spiritual father.

  9. ANTICHRIST:HIS POPULARITY(Revelation 13:1-2; Daniel 7 & 11) He will emerge on the world’s political scene in the aftermath of worldwide economic, environmental, and military disasters. He gains control by mesmerizing the masses into believing that he alone is the one who can lead the world into peace and prosperity through a multitude of promised “changes.” He will seduce many with flatteries - even the wise among the people will stumble and be led astray. Being possessed by Satan, he will have the countenance of a lion; flattering, but very dangerous to those who will not idolize him.

  10. ANTICHRIST:APPEARANCE OF INVINCIBILITY One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?"Revelation 13:3-4 ================================================ Somewhere in his rise to absolute power, he receives a mortal wound to the head that appears to be fatal. • Perhaps he will physically suffer an assassination attempt which is falsely published in the media as having been fatal.

  11. ANTICHRIST:APPEARANCE OF INVINCIBILITY Suddenly he will “miraculously” recover and the world will marvel as if their heroic messiah has been raised from the dead. • Now the masses will embrace their “savior” with more vehement energy than ever before --- • And they will begin to see him as a god. This supposed death of Antichrist and his miraculous recovery is intended to imitate the death of Christ and His resurrection. This tactic is designed to weaken the gospel message that the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the only path to eternal life.

  12. THE COMING OF THETWO-HORNED BEAST Revelation 13:11-12 Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. THE FALSE PROPHET The spirit of Satan

  13. THE COMING OF THETWO-HORNED BEAST The primary mission of the False Prophet will be to bring all of mankind to worship the Antichrist. He will have supernatural skills of persuasion as he promotes the Antichrist as a great man with a tremendous love who will bring peace and prosperity to the world. THE FALSE PROPHET The spirit of Satan

  14. THE COMING OF THETWO-HORNED BEAST ANTICHRIST • Political & Military ============================================ FALSE PROPHET • Religious & Commercial

  15. AN UNHOLY TRINITY Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet • constitute an unholy trinity of malicious evil. As Christ received authority from His Father, • so Antichrist receives authority from the Dragon; and As the Holy Spirit glorifies Christ, • so the False Prophet glorifies the Antichrist.

  16. THE FALSE PROPHETHIS THREE-FOLD MINISTRY Revelation 13:13 It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, ========================== The False prophet will perform incredible signs and wonders in order to demonstrate supernatural authority. The world will embrace him as a true prophet. 1 SIGNS & WONDERS

  17. THE FALSE PROPHETHIS THREE-FOLD MINISTRY These “showy miracles” will shift the focus of many away from the works of Christian disciples to the Antichrist. The healing and other miracles of our Lord through the work of His disciples will be directed to needy individuals from a pure heart of love. Those who experience the miracles of God will not be deceived by the False Prophet 1 SIGNS & WONDERS

  18. THE FALSE PROPHETHIS THREE-FOLD MINISTRY In Revelation 13:14-15 The False Prophet will command the people to make an “image of the Antichrist” which will then be given breath to speak. When this image is complete, all the inhabitants of the world will be required to worship it. Those who refuse to worship this so-called “speaking image” will be sought out and slain. 2 Image of Antichrist

  19. THE FALSE PROPHETHIS THREE-FOLD MINISTRY Scenario #1 A “golden image” like that erected by Nebuchadnezzar in ancient Babylon who required all persons to bow down and worship it or be put to death. Require all peoples to gather before a picture of this image & worship it at designated times during the day. 2 Image of Antichrist

  20. THE FALSE PROPHETHIS THREE-FOLD MINISTRY Scenario #2 A new religious organization setup in existing churches throughout the world where people gather & worship the Antichrist. This religious organization would be the “speaking image!” All religions would be united in worship of their perception of “god.” 2 Image of Antichrist

  21. THE FALSE PROPHETHIS THREE-FOLD MINISTRY In Revelation 13:16-18 The False Prophet will command that mankind must receive the mark of the beast in order to participate in the marketplace. The primary purpose for the mark is to control all of the world’s commercial activity as well as to identify those who refuse to take the mark. 3 Mark of the Beast

  22. THE FALSE PROPHETHIS THREE-FOLD MINISTRY Mark on forehead for – Leaders in commerce & government. Mark on right hand for – Common workers not in leadership. ======================================================== God’s mighty warriors will be social outcasts in the world, but will maintain --- • “The Lord Almighty is our God, and Christ alone is our King”. • And they will NOT take the “Mark of the Beast” 3 Mark of the Beast

  23. SATAN’S TACTICS MANIFESTEDIN THE “HEADS OF THE BEAST” First: Satan uses an all out frontal assault with the intent of completely annihilating the world of Christianity from the face of the earth. We can expect to see these same tactics being used in the future. • Imprisonment in concentration camps. • Women and children being targeted for slaughter in order to create tremendous fear among the masses. • Murder of the elderly and newborn babies for purpose of controlling population growth. • Brutal and humiliating torture. • Destruction of all Christian bibles under the threat of death.

  24. SATAN’S TACTICS MANIFESTEDIN THE “HEADS OF THE BEAST” Second: To entice God’s people to voluntarily turn from the worship of the Lord to worship the “prince of this world.” Some Historical Examples: • Egyptian lifestyle. Instead of trusting the Lord during the hardships encountered in the wilderness, they grumbled and wanted to return to Egypt • The influences of the Greek culture which encouraged self-seeking pleasures and immorality. • The Roman Empire established a powerful and dark authority within Christianity that was designed to turn Christian worship away from Christ and to a human representative – emperors & popes.

  25. A SEVEN YEAR COVENANT A future prince, Antichrist, who is shortly to come upon the worldly scene, will make a seven year covenant with the secular nation of modern Israel. • This covenant, or peace treaty, is made by Israel without the Lord and is described in Scripture as the “covenant with death.” After 3 ½ years this dark covenant which was founded on lies will be broken by the Antichrist, --- • who will then set up his own image in the Jerusalem temple as another counterfeit anointing of the most holy place.

  26. PURPOSE FORTRIBULATION EVENTS Tribulation is an attack of the world’s system against the true believers of Jesus Christ. Good and evil cannot coexist – • As the battle intensifies, the peoples on both sides become more visible and neutrality disappears. At the same time, the Army of God becomes stronger and more radiant as they stand for the truth of God and His Spirit grows stronger among them. Tribulation will increase in escalating stages, yet so will the strengthening of His army.

  27. PURPOSE FORTHE “WRATH OF GOD” The Wrath of God is a military action on the part of the armies of heaven to avenge and rescue God’s people in the world. • God’s wrath is directed solely against the forces of darkness. • What restrains the outpouring of God’s wrath is the ability of His people to maintain their stand and communicate their faith. • There are many in darkness that will be called into the light during times of “God’s wrath.” • When this is complete and God’s message is shut down within His people, then the full wrath of God will be poured out on the earth.

  28. OUR LORD’S CALLING - Revelation 13:10 If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints. ENDURE & REMAIN FAITHFUL

  29. OUR LORD’S CALLING - The world system shall make war against the people of God who continue to witness during the reign of this Antichrist. These are Christian warriors who refuse to submit to his authority, and maintain that it is not Antichrist, but Jesus Christ who is their King. ENDURE & REMAIN FAITHFUL

  30. OUR LORD’S CALLING:“ENDURE & REMAIN FAITHFUL” Why is imprisonment of many of God’s people is employed by the enemy instead of executing them? • Imprisonment allows time for the enemy to break down the spirit of people for the purpose of allowing them to voluntarily turn away from the Lord and render allegiance to the Antichrist. Satan rejoices when men visibly turn away from Almighty God and render allegiance to him, even if it is not from a pure heart. The one who has turned away from the Lord will undoubtedly be praised before the world as a newly enlightened hero. This will be a shameful experience.

  31. OUR LORD’S CALLING - Our Lord will provide a hiding place for us when the time of persecution arrives. Our hiding place is wherever God’s will is for us. Trust in the Lord for our individual hiding places. Stand in the gap and prepare our brothers & sisters for the coming hour of trial. ENDURE & REMAIN FAITHFUL

  32. OUR LORD’S CALLING - Although Christians will be physically overcome during this horrendous period of time; they are the ones who are victorious in this war. This is the Body of Christ experiencing what their Lord Jesus Christ endured 2,000 years earlier. They are now glorious participants in His great victory. Matthew 5:10-12 1 peter 1:6-9 ENDURE & REMAIN FAITHFUL

  33. A CHINESE SONG:“TO BE A MARTYR FOR THE LORD” From the time the early church appeared on the day of Pentecost, The followers of the Lord all willingly sacrificed themselves. Tens of thousands have sacrificed their lives that the gospel might prosper. As such they have obtained the crown of life. Those apostles who loved the Lord to the end Willingly followed the Lord down the path of suffering.

  34. A CHINESE SONG:“TO BE A MARTYR FOR THE LORD” John was exiled to the lonely isle of Patmos. Stephen was crushed to death with stones by the crowd. Matthew was cut to death in Persia by the people. Mark died as his two legs were pulled apart by horses. Doctor Luke was cruelly hanged. Peter, Philip, and Simon were crucified on the cross. Bartholomew was skinned alive by the heathen. Thomas died in India as five horses pulled apart his body.

  35. A CHINESE SONG:“TO BE A MARTYR FOR THE LORD” The apostle James was beheaded by King Herod. Little James was cut up by a sharp saw. James the brother of the Lord was stoned to death. Judas was bound to a pillar and died by arrows. Matthias had his head cut off in Jerusalem. Paul was a martyr under Emperor Nero.

  36. A CHINESE SONG:“TO BE A MARTYR FOR THE LORD” I am willing to take up the cross and go forward, To follow the apostles down the road of sacrifice. That tens of thousands of precious souls can be saved, I am willing to leave all and be a martyr for the Lord. To be a martyr for the Lord, To be a martyr for the Lord, I am willing to die gloriously for the Lord.

  37. THE NEXT SESSION WILL ADDRESS: MYSTERY BABYLON CAPITAL OF WEALTH, PLEASURE, & HARLOTRY Babylon –Influencing Mighty Nations • The Woman Who Rides The Beast • Who Is The Woman? – Who Is The Beast? The Woman Loves The Beast • The Beast Hates The Woman Her Great Fall Is Coming– She Will Burn In A Day • Parallelism Between America & Mystery Babylon Purpose For Tribulation – Purpose For God’s Wrath • Our Lord’s Calling – “Come Out Of Her My People” First Read: --- Revelation 17 - 18

  38. Workbooks Available! Workbooks & Power-Points may be downloaded for each session which can be used for teaching small groups! My book“GOD’S ANOINTED WARRIORS” is also available at: www.ecwatchmen.com


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