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Mother Josepha the pilgrim. The Pilgrim. is in touch with the nature. With wind and weather. She is on the way. She is seeking help. 1. Kevelaer. The last wish of Mo. Josepha in this world , …. Somebody should go to Kevelaer and bring my prayer. Kevelaer.
The Pilgrim is in touchwiththe nature
1. Kevelaer The last wish of Mo. Josepha in thisworld, …. Somebodyshouldgo to Kevelaer and bring myprayer
Kevelaer • Joyfully, Hendrina Stenmanns made her pilgrimages to Kevelaer • In processsionwith her fellowparishionersoraloneorwith her littlebrotherAnthon.
TheComforter of theafflicted Like Arnold Janssen and Mo. Maria, shebrought all of her concerns.
2. Aengenesch • Theresheaskedhelpfor all her worries.
3. Tienray • There, theComforter of theafflicted was admired • In her last pilgrimage, sheoffered to theBlessed Virgin Maria her little golden cross thatshehadreceived in her first Holy Communion
Thereis a Lourdesgrotte in Tienray, that was constructed in order to honor Mary
4. Das Wundertätige Kreuz von Haltern With her friend, Anna Schröers, shevisited theMiraculous Cross from Haltern
5. Boextel In Boextel, sheadoredthePreciousBlood
6. Boxmeer The time ispreciouslikethepreciousblood
7. Klein Jerusalem The Little Jerusalem reminded her of the Holy Land
8. Barloo • In Barloo, shejoyfullyhonored St. Odilia
9. Xanten • a place, at which old and modern Martyrs are venerated.
10. Die Pilgerfahrt nach Steyl Shemadethepilgrim to Steylforthefortyhoursprayers. There, finally, shefoundtheplace to fulfillthedeepdesire of her life.
So we, led by your guidance stillMay safely pass through every ill
This presentation is prepared in honor of the beatification of Mo. Josepha HendrinaStenmanns by Sr. OrtrudStegmaierSSpS and technically done by Sr. Augusta SurijahSSpS Most of the pictures are our old collections, so it’s difficult to mention the original source one by one. For that we want to ask apologize and thank to all of you who has any contribution for this presentation. May God rewards you with a special blessing through the intercession of Mo. Josepha. Anyhow, if you are the owner of any image and you do mind we use it, please contact us : webmaster@worldssps.org January 2008