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Projects Review: Optical Position sensor (Finishing) Diamond Detector for Secondaries (Starting). Meeting - Wire Scanner Electronics 15/03/2013 Jose Luis Sirvent PhD. Student. 1. Optical Position Sensor. A)Electronics (Schematic):. 1. Optical Position Sensor.
Projects Review:Optical Position sensor (Finishing)Diamond Detector for Secondaries (Starting) Meeting - Wire Scanner Electronics 15/03/2013 Jose Luis Sirvent PhD. Student
1. Optical Position Sensor • A)Electronics (Schematic):
1. Optical Position Sensor • A)Electronics ( LD_Driver Simulations): • Red: V_Diagnostics (From integrated PD) • Green: V_Control LD Damaged LD Working properly
1. Optical Position Sensor • A)Electronics ( PD_Driver Simulations): -3dB @ 87.8MHz Slits 10um @ 200rad/s (640KHz) Slits 5um @ 200rad/s (1.4MhZ)
1. Optical Position Sensor • A)Electronics ( PD_Driver Simulations): Signals 1MHz Signals 50MHz
1. Optical Position Sensor • A)Electronics ( PD_Driver Testing):
1. Optical Position Sensor • A)Electronics ( Appearance):
1. Optical Position Sensor • B) Tolerancing the system: • Focusers 180deg (Which tolerance?) (0.25 deg Calib error ~ 6uRad) • Focusers Equidistant with centre or rotation (Which tolerance?) (0.1mm Calib Error ~1uRad ) Fits well with: 1.4 deg displacement Real displacement references: 1.38deg
1. Optical Position Sensor • C) Re-Validation of the System (Calibration & Validation Methods): • 1.) Calibration & Validation with RON 225 (Not possible to see error of RON225, reliable validation?) • Accuracy = 24uRad (Already in our desired limit) • 2.) Calibration & Validation with Second Focuser (Not possible to see alignment errors, reliable validation?) • If perfectly aligned then we could asume complete eccentricity compensation. • Scale accuracy?, Detection error?, higher harmonics compensation? • Measurements 1 & 2 remove “Eccentricity” and sees how repeatable are the following turns respect to the calibration turn • 3.) Calibration with Second Focuser & Validation with RON225 (We see a combination of errors RON225 & Focusers alignment) • Alignment, Accuracy Ron225, Detection error, Scale error,
1. Optical Position Sensor • C) Re-Validation of the System (Calibration & Validation Methods): • Speed: 64rad/s , Alignment: 0.58deg, Spot 20um, Track 10um
1. Optical Position Sensor • C) Re-Validation of the System (Calibration & Validation Methods): • Speed: 203rad/s , Alignment: 0.58deg, Spot 20um, Track 10um
1. Optical Position Sensor • C) Re-Validation of the System (Calibration & Validation Methods): • Speed: 290rad/s , Alignment: 0.58deg, Spot 20um, Track 10um
2. Diamond detector for secondaries • A) Trying to model Electronically the detector for Minimum Ionizing Particle: pCVD For a MIP particle generated charge 1.52FC: Pulse: I=1.67uA t=1.05ns Definition of MIP: Type of particle? Proton, Electron, Pion… Energy of a MIP particle? From Bend’s & E. Griesmayer articles Please: Correct me If I’m there is any mistake
2. Diamond detector for secondaries • A) Trying to model Electronically the detector for Minimum Ionizing Particle: LHC Bunch spacing 25ns
2. Diamond detector for secondaries • B) Estimation of the Beam interaction with wire: • Approximation 1: MariuszSapinski 2007 • Considers: Wire Speed, Wire Diam, Beam profile, Bunch & Turn period • But playing with the equations it’s simplified to : * Efficency Factor
2. Diamond detector for secondaries • A) Estimation of the Beam interaction with wire: • Approximation 2: A. Lechner 2013 • But provides simulations of Fluency Secondaries & Dose that could take already Eff. Factor into account Alternative Protocol: Extraction of each particle fluency per Bunch Evaluation of Bethe-Bloch equation for each particle type to obtain stopping power per um. Calculate charge generated for each particle type in the pCVD per bunch Sum of all particle charges contribution to obtain total charge per bunch. Charge to Total max current Pulse time Rise+Falling+Width MIP + Bunch duration Suggestions to calculate max current from the deposited dose?
2. Diamond detector for secondaries • C) Proposed short term planing:. • Develop a complete electronic model of the sensor. • Finish the estimation calculations for the generated charge in the detector for dynamic range determination. • Validate the electronic model estimated with real measurements in the laboratory (Capacity & Resitance). • Study different (rad-hard) possibilities/strategies for the high dynamic range pre-amplification of the diamond detector signal before it’s transmission through long cables. • Study the impact of long cables in the signal delay, shape and SNR. • Determine which cable should be used to transport the detector signal to subsequent electronics. • Evaluate different possibilities for Back-end electronics (Amplifiers, shapers, integrators…) • Study different digitalization schemes to allow high dynamic range with the maximal resolution possible and bunch by bunch information. • I have to send the 6 months DOCT_Progress Report before 29/03/2013 • Small document 1-2 pages. • I’ve already writen a draft but one part has to be writen by supervisor (Bernd, Jonathan?)