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Scope and where are we now Issues Where do we need to be Next steps

Regional Funding Advice Meeting Regional Skills Priorities Jim Neilson, Director South West Regional Skills Partnership. Scope and where are we now Issues Where do we need to be Next steps. Scope. LA. JC+. RDA OTHERS. RSP Collaborative actions ESF. LSC. HE. SKILLS REQUIREMENTS.

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Scope and where are we now Issues Where do we need to be Next steps

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  1. Regional Funding Advice MeetingRegional Skills PrioritiesJim Neilson, Director South West Regional Skills Partnership

  2. Scope and where are we now Issues Where do we need to be Next steps


  4. LSC Priorities • Increase the proportion of people of working age achieving functional literacy and numeracy skills • Increase the proportion of working age adults qualified to at least full Level 2 and 3 • Increase the proportion of Apprentices who complete the full Apprenticeship framework • Better integrate employment and skills • To increase the proportion of young people achieving level 2 at age 19 • To increase the proportion of young people achieving level 3 at age 19 • Reduce the percentage of 16-18 year olds classified as “Not Engaged in Education, Employment or Training”

  5. RSP Priorities 4 Priorities • Improving leadership & management skills • Developing enterprise skills for all ages • Developing skills to increase innovation & creativity • Ensuring skills needs, in key sectors in particular, are addressed at level 3 and above Sectors work Sub Priorities • Integration of migrant workers • Supporting integrated IAG • Supporting strategies for the reduction of NEETs

  6. ESF Priorities • Competitiveness • Extending employment opportunities • Developing a skilled and adaptable workforce • Convergence (Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly) • Tackling Barriers to Employment • Improving the Skills of the Local Workforce

  7. Issues

  8. One of the highest skilled regions Proportion of the working age population with level 2+ qualifications, all regions, 2007

  9. Productivity & Skills More qualifications Linking skills to business performance Better use of skills Productivity & Skills are correlated

  10. Productivity & Employment SW ‘prosperity’ is largely due to high employment levels Productivity & Employment are correlated

  11. Skills Shortage Vacancies Skills shortage vacancies as a % of total vacancies, by region, 2007

  12. Regional diversity in skills performance Working age population with level 2+ qualifications, 2007

  13. 972 42% 900 800 846 +23% 700 600 620 +20% + 614 +16% 500 559 +21% 473 +12% 400 300 342 +8% 200 3% 100 122 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 AGE 15-19 20-24 35-39 40-44 0% 100 425 -11% 380 -8% 729 -16% 200 - 300 400 500 600 700 800 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Demographics Projected change in age groups 2005-2020 (in thousands) • There will be a decline in prime age workers • Big increase in older workers • Yet these are the people we are least likely to train • In fact 75% of our 2020 workforce are in work NOW

  14. Policy Changes • Leith Review • Demand led system – Employment and Skills Boards • Integration of employment and skills • Shift of 14-19 responsibilities to LAs • Shift from Level 2 to Level 3 • Increase in Apprenticeships • Education reform • Increase in participation age to 18 • Diplomas

  15. Structural changes • LSC to close • Responsibilities being split between Local Authorities, for pre – 19 provision (regional commissioning group chaired by RDA) • Young People's Learning Agency - help LAs work coherently together in providing for the 14 -19 education • National Apprenticeship Service • Skills Funding Agency - administer the flow of £4bn p a to colleges and training providers • National and sub regional Employment and Skills Boards

  16. Where do we need to be?

  17. Leitch

  18. Leitch Targets • 95% of adults to achieve the basic skills of functional literacy (at least level 1) and functional numeracy (at least level 3), an increase from levels of 85% for literacy and 79% for numeracy in 2005 • More than 90% of adults qualified to at least a full level 2, an increase from 69% in 2005 • 1.9 million additional full level 3 attainments over the period, at a rate of 213,000 per annum. An intermediate target for 2011 of 56% • 40% of adults qualified to level 4 and above, up from 29% in 2005 • 500,000 apprenticeships a year

  19. SW Baselines v Leitch Target

  20. Regional Funding AdviceNext Steps • 17 October Stakeholders meeting • 21 October RSP Board meeting to discuss plans • 18 November SLIM Consultation event on Skills • 27 November RSP special Board meeting to sign off advice

  21. Related skillsconsultations • Refresh of the Regional Skills, Enterprise and Employment Analysis • Refresh of the RSP priorities • Refresh of the ESF Framework • Single Regional Strategy

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