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Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad

Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad. Chapter 30. Democrats in 1912. Woodrow Wilson Nominated to run for the democrats in 1912 Former president of Princeton University Only president with a Ph.D. The “Bull Moose” Campaign of 1912. After the Republicans refused to let TR run:

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Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad

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  1. Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad Chapter 30

  2. Democrats in 1912 • Woodrow Wilson • Nominated to run for the democrats in 1912 • Former president of Princeton University • Only president with a Ph.D

  3. The “Bull Moose” Campaign of 1912 • After the Republicans refused to let TR run: • He formed a third party – The Progressive Party (aka The Bull Moose Party) • Jane Addams (progressive leader) endorsed TR • William Howard Taft and TR’s relationship deteriorated: • They were former best friends • But they now now ripped each other's policies and personalities

  4. 1912 Campaigns • Woodrow Wilsoncampaigned on what he called the “New Freedom” • TRcampaigned on what he called the “New Nationalism • Taft – Hardly campaigned at all

  5. New Nationalism • Roosevelt’s New Nationalism • government should eliminatethe bad trusts • leave the good trusts alone • Campaigned for female suffrage • Pushed for minimum-wage laws and an 8 hrs. work day

  6. Wilson’s New Freedom • Wilson’s Views on Business in America • favored small business • desired to break up all trusts • Shunned all social warfare programs (women’s suffrage, minimum wage etc…)

  7. TR Assassination Attempt • While on the campaign trail (Milwaukee): • TR was shot in the chest while on stage giving a speech • TR gavethe speech anyways and was then rushed to the hospital after he collapsed • Wilson called off his campaign so he didn’t gain an unfair advantage while TR was recovering.

  8. Woodrow Wilson: Minority President • 1912 Election • Woodrow Wilson won the electioneasily • TR and the Progressive Party cost the Republicans the election because they split votes between TR and Taft

  9. Wilson: The Idealist in Politics • Woodrow Wilson • A great orator • very intelligent • cold personality • intolerant of stupidity • very idealistic • White-supremacist

  10. Wilson’s “New Freedom” • Wilson launched an attack on the “triple wall of privilege” • the tariff • the banks • the trusts

  11. Wilson Tackles the Tariff • Wilson helped pass the Underwood Tariff of 1913 • reduced import fees from 40% to 25% • enacted a graduated income tax (tax brackets)

  12. Wilson Battles the Bankers • 1913 Federal Reserve Act • which created the new Federal Reserve Board • Oversaw a nationwide system of twelve regional reserve districts (each with its own central bank) • Had the power to issue paper money

  13. The President Tames the Trusts • Federal Trade Commission Act • investigated the activities of trusts and stopped unfair trade practices • Bribery • False Advertising • Mislabeling of products

  14. Taming the Trust cont… • 1914 Clayton Anti-Trust Act • Extended the Sherman Anti-Trust Act • Clearly defined a list of objectionable businesspractices • Exempted labor unions from being classified as trusts

  15. New Direction in Foreign Policy • Wilson did not pursue aggressive foreign policy like TR and Taft • Stopped “Dollar Diplomacy” • Forced Americans shippers to pay tolls to use the Panama Canal • Granted Filipinos full territorial status • Bought the Virgin Islands from Denmark

  16. Thunder Across the Sea • 1914 • GavrioPrincip (Serbian Nationalist) assassinated the Archduke of Austria-Hungary • Started World War 1 • Because of alliances: • Serbia, Britain, France and Russia (Triple Entente) vs • Austria-Hungary and Germany (Central Powers)

  17. American Neutrality • Originally, Wilson issued a proclamation of neutrality • Both alliances denounced American neutrality because both wanted America on their side.

  18. Early in the War • Britain had control of the Atlantic Ocean • Set a blockade on German ports • Starve out 750,000 people because no food can be imported • In retaliation, German submarines begin to sink British Ships • “Strict Accountability” • Wilson told Germany that if any American ships got sunk they would be held strictly accountable and would have to answer to the U.S.

  19. A Step Closer to War for the US • 1916 – Germany begins “unrestricted submarine warfare” • Allowed for armed merchant ships (not passenger boats) to be sunk without warning. • The Sinking of the Lusitania • A British passenger boat carrying British and American citizens (and weapons) • Sunk by the Germans • The Result • 1,198 people died (128 Americans) • The American public was outraged and began to consider war with the Germans

  20. Staying out of War • German U-Boats sink the French ship The Sussex • Wilson keeps America out of war • BUT threatens to break diplomatic ties with Germany if they sink an American ship. • Germany offers America the “Sussex Pledge” • Promises America they will not sink any American Ships • BUT, America has to get Britain to stop the blockade on Germany in order for the agreement to go into effect • Wilson could not fulfill his side of the deal

  21. Winning Re-election • 1916 • Woodrow Wilson - Democrats • Campaigned on the fact that he kept the US out of war • Charles Hughes – Republican • Wilson barely wins • 277 – 254 electoral votes

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