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Removable partial dentures, comparition with other tipes of dental prosthesis (RPD). Preparation of dental rows toRPD.
Removable partial dentures, comparition with other tipes of dental prosthesis (RPD). Preparation of dental rows toRPD.
Partial denture: A prosthesis that replaces one or more, but not all of the natural teeth and supporting structures. It is supported by the teeth and/or the mucosa. It may be fixed (i.e. a bridge) or removable
Plan of lecture: • 1. Constructions of RPD. • 2. Parts of RPD. Transmission of chewing pressure. • 3. Indications & contraindications to using of RPD. • 4. Fixing of RPD. • 5. Stabilising of RPD. • 6. Clammer system of fixing RPD. • 7. Oral cavity preparation to RPDs.
Choise of construction of RPD depends of: • location & length of defects, • amount of teeth which stay on jaws, • state of hard tissues & parodontum, • degree of anatomic retention, • state of alveolar sprouts, • state of tubers maxillae, • state of hard palate.
Bad features of fixed partial dentures (FPD): • Necessity of grate teeth preparation (drilling of hard tissues of teeth) • They mostly are indicated at included defects of dental rows • Bad hygienic characteristics of FPD.
Removable partial denture (RPD): A partial denture that can be removed and replaced in the mouth by the patient.Interim denture (provisional; temporary): A denture used for a short interval of time to provide:a. esthetics, mastication, occlusal support and convenience.b. conditioning of the patient to accept the final prosthesis.
Базисом знімного пластинчастого протезу є пластинка з пластмаси чи металу, на якій фіксуються штучні зуби і пристосування для утримання протезу в порожнині рота
Covering of hard palate basis causes disorders of haptic, taste, temperature sensitiveness; disorders of speech, self-wiping of mucose membrane, it`s irritation, sometime appearance of womiting reflex.
Main elements of tooth-tissues supported RPDs: • Major connector • Fixing elements (clammers, locks, telescopic crowns etc.) • Denture base with artificial teeth.
Major connector (arch) is the main element It executes such functions • stabilasing • connecting • supporting
Sizes & position of major connector depend of: • jaw • Tipe of dental row defect • Location of dental row defect • Shape of palatal vault • Depth of palatal vault
Indications & contraindications to using of tissue-tooth supported PRD. In determination of indications we count such factors: • 1) amount of teeth in a dental row must be not less than 6-8 or anymore, for providing of rational distribution of masticatory pressure. An important value has not only an amount of teeth but also their placing; • 2) in the area of periapikal tissues of supporting teeth it must not be hearths to the pathological processes area of periapikal tissues of supporting teeth it must not be hearths of pathological processes; • 3) crowns of supporting teeth must be high, with the well expressed equator. Such requirement is relative, in fact the form of crown can be changed by an artificial crown; • 4) fissures of supporting teeth must be well expressed - this requirement is also relative, it is possible to deepen fissures by means of preparing; • 5) an obligatory factor which must be taken into account, this is character by a bite; • 6) state and pliability of mucous membrane of toothless areas of alveolar sproutes and pliability of mucous membrane of toothless areas of alveolar sprout; • 7) on a lower jaw there must be the deep placing of bottom of oral cavity; • 8) size and character of atrophy of alveolar sprouts; • 9) obligatory account of patient organism state.