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INVOICING PLAN Monthly Payment Plan. Course Number: V003. Invoicing Plan Overview. Invoicing Plan Overview. Invoicing Plan (or “Periodic Inv. Plan”) is a type of Purchase Order created in SAP R/3
INVOICING PLAN Monthly Payment Plan Course Number: V003
Invoicing Plan Overview • Invoicing Plan (or “Periodic Inv. Plan”) is a type of Purchase Order created in SAP R/3 • Use of this transaction type on a PO will generate automatic, routine payments to the vendor at regular intervals, such as for real estate or equipment leases • The Contracts that these PO’s are referenced against are also created in SAP R/3
Invoicing Plan Overview • There are several Commonwealth-wide Contracts set up in SAP R/3 for use with Invoicing Plan, but this course will only cover Purchase Orders specific to: • 4600013235, IKON Business Solutions Multi-Functional Devices, Lot 3 only (copier lease) • All agencies are now required to use Invoicing Plan when creating Purchase Orders that reference this Contract
Invoicing Plan Overview • Use of Invoicing Plan is extremely beneficial to both the Commonwealth and the Vendor • The Vendor will always be paid in a timely manner per the Purchase Order payment terms set up by the Commonwealth • Manual input and processing of invoices by Comptroller’s will be eliminated • Agency input of goods receipts against the Purchase Order will be eliminated
Invoicing Plan Overview • Additional benefits to the agencies are: • Reduced blocked invoices due to quantity (i.e., no GR entered) • Commitments and expenditures can now be tracked in Procurement via Business Warehouse
Invoicing Plan Overview • There are minor differences between Invoicing Plan and a standard PO: • Per. Invoicing Plan (IP) must be chosen for the purchase order type instead of standard PO • The PO validity dates must be populated in the Additional data tab on the header section, and can be started on the current or a future date • The Goods Receipt box in the Delivery tab must be de-selected
Invoicing Plan Overview • Minor differences, continued: • The Invoice Reference Field within the Customer Data tab must be populated with a payment identifier • The Tax Code box within the Invoice tab must contain “I0” (Capital letter I and a zero) • The Invoicing Plan within the Invoice tab must be initiated
Invoicing Plan Overview • Similarities between Invoicing Plan and a Standard PO remain: • All required approvals must be executed before the Invoicing Plan can be sent to the vendor • The Invoicing Plan requires account assignment and text(s) information be entered • The Invoicing Plan is encumbered for the total dollar amount of the purchase order • The length of each Invoicing Plan is one year
Invoicing Plan Overview Invoicing Plan Vendors • The vendor master record is set up slightly different if it refers to an invoicing plan vendor: • Vendor needs to be an ERS Vendor • “GR-based IV” box needs to be de-selected
Invoicing Plan Overview Contracts related to Invoicing Plan • The contract header data is set up slightly different if Invoicing Plan PO’s will be issued against it: • Payment terms must be “P021” rather than “P001” (Net 30), for example
Invoicing Plan Overview Contracts related to Invoicing Plan • The line item data would also be set up slightly different within the GR/IR control area: • Tax code must be set to “I0”, not blank • The boxes next to GR, IR, GR-basedIV, and ERS must be checked
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Select Periodic Inv. Plan document type from the drop-down menu • Enter the Vendor Number (note that the vendor has already been set up as an “ERS” vendor by IES)
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Accept the default by pressing the Enter key or selecting • Choose an alternate OA by placing the cursor on the appropriate number and Enter • Upon the entry, you will be prompted to choose 1) an Ordering Address first, and 2) Invoice Presented by • The Ordering Address (OA) defaults to 116604-001
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Accept this number by pressing the Enter key or selecting • The Invoice Presented by defaults correctly to 116604-901 and should NOT be changed
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • On the (Header) Texts tab, enter information within the applicable text areas
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) Purchase Order Header Texts • Header texts are used to store information on a purchase order that will be applicable to all line items contained on the purchase order. • Header Text: Enter any special instructions and conditions required of the vendor. This text will be printed out on the purchase order that will be sent to the vendor. • Encumbrance Information Text: Enter the justification of the purchase and any special notes for internal use. This text will not print out on the purchase order that will be sent to the vendor. • Example “Justification: Copier will be used for reproduction of materials in the Analysis Division”
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) Purchase Order Header Texts (cont’d) • Shipping Instructions: Enter any specific shipping instructions to vendor that relate to all items on the purchase order. This text will always copy from the contract. This text will be printed out in the purchase order that will be sent to the vendor. • Example “Deliver between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except State holidays. All deliveries to 333 Market Street must register at the security desk in the main lobby level.”
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Note: The validity start and end dates are being used as start and end dates for the plan, and are not to be confused with the validity dates in a statewide or agency- wide outline agreement • On the Additional data tab, populate the validity date fields with a start and end for the plan period
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • The Validity start date on the PO should always be the first day of the month after the copier is (or will be) received • Examples
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • The Validity end date on the copier PO may not extend beyond June 30th – the end of every fiscal year • Examples: May 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009 July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) Special note regarding Purchase Orders where Federal funds are used • When Federal funds are used, additional rules related to the Validity end date on the copier PO will apply • The PO also may not extend beyond September 30th – the end of the Federal fiscal year • Examples: May 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009 July 1, 2009 through September 30, 2009 October 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 July 1, 2010 through September 30, 2010
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Complete the Org. data header data tab, entering your Purchasing org. and Purchasing group
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) Important: When creating the PO, do not insert any data into the Invoice Reference field within the Customer data tab This step will be completed as a “change” after the copier is delivered
Create Invoicing Plan(Line Item Level) • Note: Scroll to the right to access the Outline agreement field • Enter line item information, beginning with the Outline agreement field: • Outline Agreement = 4600013235 • Agreement Item = [applicable contract line item] • Select the ENTER icon to pull the contract item details into the Purchase Order
Create Invoicing Plan(Line Item Level) Repeat step 6, as necessary, until all line items (optional accessories) have been entered • (cont’d) • PO quantity = 1 * *Limit of one copier base unit per Purchase Order • Account assignment category = [applicable selection] • Allow remaining default line item information to remain
Create Invoicing Plan(Line Item Level) • Enter account code information on the Account assignment tab Note: To distribute costs among multiple account assignments, please reference the instructional document “IP with Multiple Account Assignment”
Create Invoicing Plan(Line Item Level) • On the Delivery tab, remove the checkmark from the Goods Receipt box
Create Invoicing Plan(Line Item Level) • On the Invoice tab, ensure that the GR-based IV box is unchecked
Create Invoicing Plan(Line Item Level) • Continuing on the Invoice tab, start the invoicing plan by selecting the Invoicing Plan button • In the Specify Invoicing Plan box, select MFD Lease from the drop-down menu
Create Invoicing Plan(Line Item Level) • Note: This screen is for viewing only – do not change any of the defaulted information • Based upon the Invoicing Plan type that was chosen, payment dates and amounts are automatically populated between the validity start and end dates
Create Invoicing Plan(Line Item Level) • Notice the invoicing schedule is for 4 payments of $159.60 – one each month beginning on 3/31/2009 and ending on 6/30/2009
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Select the CHECK icon to see if the PO contains errors • At the message prompt, hold the PO by selecting the Hold button • Save the PO by selecting the SAVE icon
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) Adding Attachments to the PO • Attachments can be added to orders via the change purchase order transaction (ME22N) • Most document types can be added to a purchase order, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Adobe Acrobat • Where applicable, reference the following 6-step process for adding an attachment
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Select the drop-down menu in the Services for Object icon • Select Create • Select Create attachment
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Select (highlight) the applicable document from default directory folder • Select the OPEN button
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Continue the process until all attachments have been added • Select (either) “X” to exit Services for Object • Re-save the PO by selecting the SAVE icon • Upon approval, issue the PO to Ikon to order your copier
Create Invoicing Plan • As noted in step 4, the validity periods for each Purchase Order are specifically defined • As noted in step 6.d., each Purchase Order has a limit of one copier (MFD) base unit • Therefore, continue creating and issuing additional Purchase Orders, as necessary, for each copier needed and the subsequent validity periods • See next slide for examples
Create Invoicing Plan • The Purchaser needs to lease three copiers for their office through 4/29/2010 (the end of the MFD lease contract)
Create Invoicing Plan • The steps outlined on the following slides should be completed for each Purchase Order • See examples on slide following Step 3
Create Invoicing Plan(Header Level) • Note: Locate your Ikon/Richo copier machine serial number by pressing the User Tool/Counter button on the machine control panel. Next, press the Inquiry Button. The copier machine serial number will be posted under Serial Number of Machine header. • Using ME22N to change the PO, insert the Serial number for your newly delivered copier into the Invoice Reference field within the Customer data tab Do not use any spaces or special characters such as #, $, @, etc.
Create Invoicing Plan(Line Item Level) • Select the Delivery complete check-box within the Delivery tab • Note: The Invoicing Plan is triggered by the start date in the Invoicing Plan box, as well as the selection of the Delivery completed box in the Delivery tab. Repeat step 2, as necessary, for all line items • Re-save the PO by selecting the SAVE icon
Create Invoicing Plan • Using our previous example, serial numbers would be inserted for: • Copier #1 into PO 4500700001, 002, and 003 • Copier #2 into PO 4500700004, 005, and 006 • Copier #3 into PO 4500700007, 008, and 009 • The Delivery Completed checkboxes should be selected for all PO’s, including those for future fiscal years
Common Error Message and Resolution (Please hold, then save, if a new IP PO) Create Invoicing Plan An “endless loop” occurs when trying to save the document that SAP considers faulty
Common Error Message and Resolution (Please hold, then save, if a new IP PO) Create Invoicing Plan • In the error message box, review any additional warnings to understand the “hard stop” error
Create Invoicing Plan • In this example, the start date reflects the previous month (01/01/2009) instead of the current (02/__/2009) or a future date
Create Invoicing Plan • As per the error message long text, go to line item’s Delivery tab and de-select the Delivery complete box
Create Invoicing Plan • Continuing to correct the error, enter the current date * (02/06/2009) into the Validity start field, and it will default into the Invoice Plan on the line item’s Invoice tab * Or, alternately, a future date