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RtI -MTSS District Leadership Team: Where to Begin. LaChawn Smith , NHCS, Director of Instruction lachawn.smith@nhcs.net Cynthia Shields , NHCS, ELA Lead Teacher cynthia.sheilds@nhcs.net Courtney Moates , Sunset Park Elementary School, Special Education Teacher courtney.moates@nhcs.net
RtI-MTSS District Leadership Team: Where to Begin LaChawn Smith, NHCS, Director of Instruction lachawn.smith@nhcs.net Cynthia Shields, NHCS, ELA Lead Teacher cynthia.sheilds@nhcs.net Courtney Moates, Sunset Park Elementary School, Special Education Teacher courtney.moates@nhcs.net Leigh Gates, NHCS, RtI Specialist leigh.gates@nhcs.net
Go to the following link… www.todaysmeet.com/NHCSRTI (a presentation back channel) • Answer questions • Ask questions • Access up to a month from now
Agenda • A Little About You & A Little About Us : • Clicker Questions • Overview of TodaysMeet • Brief History of RtI in NHCS • District Leadership Team Critical Components: • Research & Practice • Successes and Barriers: • Ours & Yours • Next Steps: • Where Do We Go From Here? • What are your next 3 steps as an individual, team, or district?
What state are you from? North Carolina Virginia Massachusetts Other
What is your grade level? • Elementary School • Middle School • High School • Multiple
How many years of experience do you have with RtI? • No experience • 1-5 • 6-10 • More than 10
What is your role? • General Education Teacher • Special Education Teacher • Instructional Support • School Administrators • District Administrator • State Administrator • Other
Summary of TodaysMeet www.todaysmeet.com/NHCSRTI (a presentation back channel) What is your experience with RtI District Leadership Teams: What are your successes? What are your challenges? What are your questions?
History of RtI in NHCS • NHCS was 1 of the original 5 pilot sites for PSM in NC • Pilot sites were supported & trained by EC @ State Dept. • RtI was “birthed” in Special Education in NHCS • Special Education partnered w/ Instruction @ State level ‘10 • NHCS is trying to bridge the Sped & Instruction gap with the RtI District Leadership Team
District Leadership Team Critical Components Research & Practice
The What IMPLEMENTATION TEAMS Impl. Team NO Impl. Team 80%, 3 Yrs 14%, 17 Yrs Effective Letting it Happen Helping it Happen Making It Happen Question: How many folks have an RtI District Leadership Team? How long has it been in place? Slide adapted from NC DPI RtI Regional Training 11/2/12
District Team The Who Elementary Education Director Middle School Director High School Director Federal Programs Director PBIS Coordinator RtI Coordinator EC Director Assistant Superintendent Accountability Director Curriculum Coaches Classroom Teacher/Principal EXAMPLE Team Members Question: Who is on your Team? Slide adapted from NC DPI RtI Regional Training 11/2/12
NHCS District Team The Who Instruction Director Student Services Director EC Director Lead ELA Teacher Lead Math Teacher RtISpecialist Lead Science Teacher Parent Liaison Assistant Principal Special Education Liaison Psychologist Team Members RtI-MTSS Coordinator from a Pilot School Special Education Teacher Question: Who are we missing? Slide adapted from NC DPI RtI Regional Training 11/2/12
Teams: Purpose The How District implementationDistrict-wide problem-solving Provide support to schools District School School implementationSchool-wide problem-solving Provide support to staff Grade/Department (PLC?) problem-solving Grade/Department Individual Student Individual student problem-solving Question: How can we connect these teams for implementation fidelity? Slide taken from NC DPI RtI Regional Training 11/2/12
The How District Leadership Team RtI Coach School Leadership Team Grade Level Coach Grade Level Coach Grade Level Coach Grade/Department Grade/Department Grade/Department Slide taken from NC DPI RtI Regional Training 11/2/12
The How District Team School Team Coach Alignment Vision Initiatives Collaboration Teaming Video from Johnston County: Aligning Initiatives Question: What are some suggestions for aligning visions, initiatives, collaboration, and teaming across departments? Slide taken from NC DPI RtI Regional Training 11/2/12
The When & Where COMMUNICATION School/District Leadership Team Work Group Work Group Work Group COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION Question: What are the topics of your work groups? How could/do you facilitate communication back to the District Leadership Team? Slide taken from NC DPI RtI Regional Training 11/2/12
Strategies and Barriers Ours & Yours
Rick DuFour: Groups vs. Teams
Strategy: Implementation Science Question: What is your experience w/ implementation science?
Strategy: The Hexagon Tool Question: Have you heard of this tool?
Strategy: Facilitators and Barriers Question: What are your facilitators? What are your barriers?
Next Steps: Where Do We Go From Here?
Please Complete the “Next Steps” Section of the Handout for yourself and/or your district… The How Ours & Yours Team Members Implementation Science Question: What is your next step(s)? The What Question: What can you bring back to your setting based on this session? The Who Implementation Drivers The Hexagon Tool The When The Where
Questions or Comments? Thank you for participating!
References Regional Trainings provided by North Carolina Department of Public Instruction: Responsiveness to Instruction SISEP: State Implementation & Scaling Up Evidence-based Practices NIRN:National Implementaiton Research Network Video from Johnston County: Aligning Initiatives
RtI-MTSS District Leadership Team: Where to Begin LaChawn Smith, NHCS, Director of Instruction lachawn.smith@nhcs.net Cynthia Shields, NHCS, ELA Lead Teacher cynthia.sheilds@nhcs.net Courtney Moates, Sunset Park Elementary School, Special Education Teacher courtney.moates@nhcs.net Leigh Gates, NHCS, RtI Specialist leigh.gates@nhcs.net