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LEADERSHIP. Articles: “Effective Leadership in a Changing World” by Glenn Boseman , DBA, CLU, CLF “Are You a Trandformational Leader?” by Howard R. Bromley and Victoria A. Kirschney -Bromley. Definition of Leadership.

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  1. LEADERSHIP Articles:“Effective Leadership in a Changing World”by Glenn Boseman, DBA, CLU, CLF“Are You a Trandformational Leader?”by Howard R. Bromley and Victoria A. Kirschney-Bromley.

  2. Definition of Leadership • Winston Churchill defined leadership as the ability to influence people to set aside their personal concerns and support a larger agenda. • Effective leaders motivate people to perform above and beyond the call of duty in order to enhance group success.

  3. Effective Leadership • Two Issues: • Defining the real job of a leader • Evaluating two types of leaders • Transactional • Transformational

  4. Defining the real job: • Leadership is not defined by a persons traits but by how an individual utilizes the traits. • The major defined traits are: • Intelligence • Dominance • Sociability • Self-monitoring • High energy • And Self-confidence

  5. What do leaders do? • Leaders are responsible for achieving performance through the efforts of others. • They do this through: • Positively energizing others • Having the courage to make difficult decision • The ability to execute

  6. Research Project: • Four characteristic that followers seek in a leader: • Honest • Forward looking • Inspiring • Competent • (Research done by : Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner)

  7. Evaluating leadership styles: • Two leadership styles are transactional and transformational.

  8. Transactional: • Transactional leader builds important influence components between the leader and followers. • The leader understands the benefit of good relationships. • Leaders reward for performance. • They manage by exception (putting out fires and taking necessary corrective action.)

  9. Transformational Leaders: • Advanced by James McGregor Burns in 1978. • A transformational leader acts to maximize the needs of the follower. • The term stems from the ability to inspire and develop people as resources and move them to a higher state of existence.

  10. Transformational Traits: • A transformational leader is one who: • Creates and articulates a vision. • Provides a role model. • Provides individualized support. • Communicates high performance expectations. • Encourages the acceptance of group goals. • Provides intellectual stimulation.

  11. In Summary: • The outcome of a transactional leadership is that the follower will deliver only performance that is expected and rewarded by the leader and no more. • The outcome of the transformational leadership is that the follower will perform beyond the stated level of expectation.

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