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Purpose of this Training. To update DDOTs, Special Education Directors, Title III Coordinators, and instructional leaders on pertinent issues and changes regarding the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP), the Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA), the Virginia Substitute Evaluation Progra
1. 2011 - 2012 VAAP, VGLA, VSEP, VMAST Administrators’ Update Workshop
Virginia Department of Education
August 2011 1
2. Purpose of this Training To update DDOTs, Special Education Directors, Title III Coordinators, and instructional leaders on pertinent issues and changes regarding the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP), the Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA), the Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program (VSEP) and the Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST).
School leaders are expected to share this information with other administrators, teachers, and parents. 2
3. Topics VAAP Update
VGLA Update
VSEP Update
VMAST Mathematics Update
Manual and SEI Tag Distribution Schedule
Additional Training Opportunities
4. 2011-2012 Program Changes 4
5. Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) 2011 -2012 Update 5
6. VAAP Update VAAP Participation Criteria
Content Areas Assessed
New Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL)
Types of Evidence and Evidence Gathering
Scoring Rules
2011 - 2012 Important Dates (Proposed)
Important Reminders
Questions and Answers 6
7. VAAP Participation Criteria The VAAP Participation Criteria have not changed for the 2011-2012 administration.
A student recommended for the VAAP:
must have a current IEP or one that is being developed;
must demonstrate significant cognitive disabilities;
8. VAAP Participation Criteria (continued)
must have a present level of performance that indicates the need for extensive, direct instruction and/or intervention in a curriculum based on ASOL. The present level of performance or student evaluation may also include personal management, recreation, leisure, school and community, vocational, communication, social competence, and/or motor skills;
9. VAAP Participation Criteria (continued)
requires intensive, frequent, and individualized instruction in a variety of settings to show interaction and achievement; and
is working towards educational goals other than those prescribed for a Modified Standard Diploma, Standard Diploma or Advanced Studies Diploma
VAAP students in grades 3 through 8 are required to submit evidence in the same subject areas as required of their non-disabled peers in the same grade level.
11. High school students participating in VAAP must submit Collections of Evidence (COE) that include reading, writing, mathematics, science and history/social science by end of their grade 11 school year or according to a schedule determined by the local school division.
School divisions must document the option to be used for 2011-2012 in an online survey by September 23, 2011.
12. New Mathematics ASOL will be implemented beginning in 2011-2012. Mathematics ASOL are based on the new 2009 Mathematics Standards of Learning.
New Mathematics ASOL are available in the 2011-2012 VAAP Implementation Manual.
13. VAAP Types of Evidence Work Samples
Anecdotal Record*
Data Chart/Graph
Captioned Photographs 13
14. VAAP Types of Evidence *Anecdotal Records must include:
A detailed description of the learning environment (including instructions, materials and prompts provided)
Date(s) of student performance
A detailed description of the observed student performance
A statement of accuracy describing the student’s level of achievement on the ASOL being defended 14
15. VAAP Evidence Gathering VAAP evidence must be completed:
under the supervision of the student’s content area teacher or other school personnel.
under testing conditions in which the student does not have access to hints, clueing, or prompts that would provide answers. 15
16. VAAP Scoring Rules VAAP scoring rules have not changed.
Evidence must show individual student achievement
Evidence must be student-generated
Evidence must include a correctly labeled Student Evidence Identification (SEI) tag
Evidence must include a completed 2011-2012 VAAP Content Area Cover Sheet for each content area
Evidence must include a signed affidavit or it will not be scored.
Evidence must include photograph captions and grading, as appropriate 16
17. Proposed VAAP 2011-2012 Schedule
18. VAAP Important Reminders VAAP will be scored by Pearson again in 2012; therefore, monitoring and pre-scoring are strongly recommended.
VAAP Mathematics Standard Setting will be conducted Spring 2012.
A federally imposed cap of 1% continues to be in place for the number of VAAP proficient scores that can be used in AYP calculations. 18
19. Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA)
2011 - 2012 Update 19
20. VGLA Update Participation Criteria
Students with limited English Proficiency
Students with Disabilities
Content Areas Assessed
Standards of Learning
Types of Evidences and Evidence Gathering
Scoring Rules
2011 - 2012 Important Dates
Important Reminders
Questions and Answers 20
21. Participation Criteria for VGLA for Reading OnlyStudents with Limited English Proficiency
22. Participation CriteriaStudents with Disabilities IEP Teams/504 Committees must:
Prepare and review 3 work samples in a multiple-choice format and 3 work samples in an alternative format for the content area being considered. Work samples should address the same skill or concept.
Answer “Yes” to all qualifying questions
Provide a justification statement 22
23. VGLA Content Areas Assessed In 2011-2012:
VGLA mathematics is no longer available.
VGLA continues to be available for students with disabilities in reading, writing, science, and history/social science.
VGLA reading will continue to be available to students with limited English proficiency. 23
24. Types of Evidence 24
25. VGLA Evidence VGLA evidence must be completed:
under the supervision of the student’s content area teacher or other school personnel.
under testing conditions in which the student does not have access to hints, clueing, or prompts that would provide answers. 25
26. VGLA Evidence Not Allowed
Work samples (quizzes, tests, worksheets) in which students have had multiple attempts to complete the same work sample
27. VGLA Scoring Rules VGLA scoring rules have not changed.
1. Evidence must be student generated.
2. Evidence must include a correct SEI Tag.
3. Evidence must clearly demonstrate student performance at or above the required level of the SOL being defended.
4. Evidence must clearly demonstrate the depth of knowledge expected of the student in accordance with the SOL test blueprint.
5. Evidence must be graded.
28. VGLA 2011 - 2012 Important Dates 28
29. 2012-2013:
VGLA mathematics and reading will no longer be available for students with disabilities.
VGLA will continue to be available for students with disabilities in science, writing, and history/social science.
VGLA will continue to be available for LEP students in reading.
VGLA Important Reminders 29
30. Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program (VSEP)
2011 – 2012 Update 30
31. VSEP Update VSEP Participation Criteria (New Procedures)
Special Permission VSEP for Grades 3-8 Math
Content Areas Assessed
Types of Evidences and Evidence Gathering
Scoring Rules
2011 - 2012 Important Dates
Important Reminders
Questions and Answers
32. VSEP Participation Criteria(New Procedures) Intent to Participate Evaluation Plan/Worksheet This part of the process is completed by IEP or 504 team and submitted electronically at the local level.
Reviewed and approved by building principal, Division Director of Testing (DDOT) and Special Education Director.
Reviewed and approved by VDOE. This part of the process will be completed by content and special education teachers.
Submitted to the DDOT electronically by building principal
Reviewed and approved by a local panel with knowledge of course content and VSEP scoring rules. 32
33. Intent to Participate Form Replaces the old Intent to Submit a Substitute Evaluation form and indicates that:
The student meets the VSEP participation criteria.
Accommodations for the SOL test have been considered.
An alternative method of assessment is required.
There is a clear justification for the selection of VSEP for the course/content area.
A separate Intent to Participate Form is required for each content area assessed.
34. VDOE Review and Approval Purpose of the review is to determine
If the information provided indicates that the student meets all of the participation criteria
If the school division has provided a reasonable rationale for participation based on the student’s disability and its impact
Review results
Approved, Approved with Conditions, or Denied
Conditions noted must be met before collection of student work
35. Evaluation Plan/Worksheet Explains how the student will demonstrate individual knowledge of each SOL in the test blueprint through assessment products and methods.
Should be unique and individualized for the student
Available on VDOE website for each course and content area
36. Local Review of Evaluation Plan/Worksheet Purpose of Local Review
To ensure that proposed products and methods
address all parts of the SOL (stem and bullets)
Do not include evidence in a multiple-choice format
Are not likely to violate VSEP scoring rules
Review Results
Approved, Approved with Conditions, or Denied
All conditions must be met before the collection of student work begins.
37. VSEP Approvals When both approvals have been obtained, the collection of student evidence may begin
VDOE approval for the Intent to Participate
Local review panel approval for the Evaluation Plan/Worksheet
Copies of the approvals should be kept in the office of the DDOT and at the student’s school. 37
38. Special Permission VSEP Participation For a small number of eligible students with disabilities in grades 3-8 for mathematics only
Requires completion of Special Permission Request form and submission to and approval by VDOE.
Requires local review and approval of the Evaluation Plan/Worksheet
39. Target Population for Special Permission VSEP Students with:
A new disability
Rapid deterioration of sensory functions
A unique disability that prevents the student from accessing the SOL assessment even with allowed testing accommodations 39
40. Special Permission Request Form Section I – Student and School Information
Section II – Qualifying Statements
Section III – Documentation to Support Special Permission Request
Section IV – Justification Statement
Section V - Requires review and approval by building principal, DDOT and Special Education Director and submission to VDOE through SSWS Drop box.
41. Special Permission VSEP After the approval by VDOE:
Content teacher and Special Education teacher must develop a VSEP Evaluation Plan/Worksheet for the mathematics content.
Evaluation Plan must address the products and methods used to demonstrated the student’s SOL mathematics content knowledge.
Evaluation Plan/Worksheet must be submitted for local review and must be maintained in the Office of the DDOT and the school. 41
42. Special Permission VSEP
Will use all other VSEP procedures, timelines, and scoring rules in the 2011-2012 VSEP Implementation Manual.
Will be scored by Pearson 42
43. Standards of Learning Beginning in 2011-2012, VSEP Mathematics Coursework Compilations (CWCs) must be based on the 2009 Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL)
EXCEPTION: Resubmissions of CWC originally submitted prior to fall 2011 will be based on 2001 Mathematics SOL
44. Types of Evidence 44
45. VSEP Evidence VSEP evidence must be completed:
Under the supervision of the student’s content area teacher or other school personnel.
Under testing conditions in which the student does not have access to hints, clueing, or prompts that would provide answers.
46. VSEP Scoring Rules VSEP scoring rules have not changed.
1. Evidence must be student generated.
2. Evidence must include a correct SEI Tag.
3. Evidence must clearly demonstrate student performance at or above the required level of the SOL being defended.
4. Evidence must clearly demonstrate the depth of knowledge expected of the student in accordance with the SOL test blueprint.
5. Evidence must be graded.
47. VSEP 2011 -2012 Important Dates 47
48. VSEP Important Reminders
Students are not allowed to participate in the VSEP and the SOL assessment for the same subject area test during the same administration.
Students participating in the VSEP and Special Permission VSEP are counted as non-participants in the calculation of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). 48
49. Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST)
2011 – 2012 Update 49
50. VMAST Update
VMAST Participation Criteria
Content Areas Assessed
2011 - 2012 Important Dates
Important Reminders
Questions and Answers
51. VMAST-Eligible Students Learner Characteristics:
Works at a slower pace
Has deficits in factual knowledge
Has difficulties engaging with materials
Benefits from differentiated instruction and additional instructional time
Requires a high level of support
May have below grade level in reading skills
May have retention or memory deficits 51
52. VMAST-Participation Criteria The student has a current IEP with standards-based content goals.
Student’s disability precludes him or her from achieving and progressing commensurate with grade-level expectations.
Student achievement and progress is evaluated using multiple, objective sources of evidence.
Student’s daily instruction and assessment modifications are clearly documented. 52
53. VMAST-Participation Criteria Does the student need significant instructional supports to access grade level Standards of Learning and show progress?
Does the student need modified classroom assessments in order to demonstrate knowledge of grade level content?
Is the student not expected to achieve grade-level proficiency within the year? 53
54. VMAST-Content Areas 2011-2012
Spring Administration of grades 3-8 mathematics and Algebra I
Spring Field Test of grades 3-8 reading and EOC English Reading
Spring administration of grades 3-8 mathematics and reading, Algebra I and EOC English Reading 54
55. VMAST 2011 - 2012 Important Dates 55
56. VMAST-Important Reminders
Students eligible under Section 504 are not allowed to participate.
Achievement expectations are modified, not curriculum. VMAST participants are expected to demonstrate their knowledge of grade-level content.
Research-based supports and simplifications have been added to existing online reading and mathematics test items.
57. VMAST-Important Reminders
Passing Algebra I and EOC English Reading scores may be used for verified credit
Passing grade 8 reading and mathematics scores may be used for literacy and numeracy certification for the Modified Standard Diploma
Only 2% of proficient scores can be used in AYP calculations 57
58. Irregularities and Violations All testing irregularities must be reported to the Virginia Department of Education as directed by the Division Director of Testing using the Testing Irregularity Web Application System (TIWAS).
Violations of assessment procedures and security guidelines may also be reported by email at: Student_Assessment@doe.virginia.gov or by phone at (804) 225-2107 or by fax to (804) 371-8978 or by mail to Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement, Virginia Department of Education, P. O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA 23218-2120. 58
59. Manuals and Student Evidence Identification Tags (SEI) Implementation Manuals, Administrator’s Manual and SEI tags were shipped to divisions on July 16, 2011.
Manuals and SEI tags (and forms) are also available on the VDOE website.
Website is being updated with other 2011-2012 alternate/alternative assessment resources. 59
60. Training Opportunities 60
Virginia Department of Education
Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement
(804) 225-2102