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Utilities Workshop 2011 /2012. October 24, 2011. Departmental Organization Year to Date Accomplishments Departmental Budget Equipment Inventory Present Needs Future Planning City Manager Comments Commission Comments Public Comments. Agenda. BILL GREEN Utilities Director.
Utilities Workshop2011 /2012 October 24, 2011
Departmental Organization • Year to Date Accomplishments • Departmental Budget • Equipment Inventory • Present Needs • Future Planning • City Manager Comments • Commission Comments • Public Comments Agenda
During the past year the Utilities Department has had an opportunity to assess the re-organization of its staff. During this time, we have been able to cut back on the number of emergency call outs while ensuring the operational integrity of the utility system. CURRENT STAFFINGUtilities Director (1)AdministrativeAssistant to Utilities Director (1)Water Treatment Plant Operator (1)Wastewater Plant Operator (1)Dual Licensed Water/Wastewater Operator (2)Maintenance Technician 1 (2) Maintenance Technician 2 (1)Meter Reader / Maintenance Technician (2)The Department is still in need of additional maintenance technicians for field work. It is our hope to be able to maintain the budget to allow for the addition of at new maintenance positions in the future.
WORKING WITHIN OUR MEANS BY: Committed to improve the quality of water in the City of Bunnell
We are in the engineering and financial planning stage of achieving our goal to providing a better quality drinking water for the citizens of Bunnell. We have secured funding to construct a new aerator, ground storage tank and an additional well. This will complete two of the three phases of the water treatment plant upgrades. We continue to work with McKim & Creed Engineering to determine the best available and cost effective technology for the water treatment process. This process will need to remove hardness and organic matter. We are currently looking at the following treatment processes:1. Nano filtration2. Ion Exchange 3. Lime softening The engineering and permitting for the new aerator and ground storage tank have been submitted.
We have identified, mapped and reworked the existing water system piping at the water treatment plant. This work has included the replacement/removal of many valves that were either abandoned or were not operational. • The installation of our emergency inter-connect with the City of Palm Coast. This system was installed in case there was an emergency condition at our facility that would take longer than normal to repair, and to meet the requirement of the FDEP as an alternative water supply system. • The installation of a emergency by-pass that has allowed for the tower to be taken off-line while continuing to provide water to our customers. WATER DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS
WATER DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS • (Continued) • Removal and replacement of non-working fire hydrants throughout the distribution system. • The replacement of many isolation valves in the distribution system that were not working properly. This has allowed our department to isolate certain areas for repairs without disrupting service to large numbers of customers. • Our department continues to map and record the distribution system as time allows. • We have identified and repaired numerous leaks within the City and have seen a reduction in the amount of unaccountable water loss.
WATER DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) • We continue to work to identify old water mains and remove the services that are connected to these lines so as to allow a better pressure and volume of water to the customers. • As we remove the services, we are also abandoning these old lines to help prevent unnecessary leaks within the system.
WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS • The digester reconfiguration has been completed and is in operation. This has allowed the wastewater department to thicken the sludge that we produce which will have a cost savings for this department. We continue to look for better cost savings in this area. • The weirs for the West BTU have been reworked. We have had to remove and repair the gear box for this unit. We are expecting this BTU to be back on line in mid-November. • We have received our operational permit that is valid until 2016. There were only minor changes to our operational permit.
WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS, cont. Installed a sewer collection station to allow for the dumping of septage. This system allows for the removal of rags and debris before it is allowed to be processed through the treatment plant. Currently the State is looking into new regulations that will require our facility to accept septage from private haulers of septic tanks within our service area. We are looking to see this rule go into effect possibly within the next year. This collection system will serve such a requirement. Installed a vehicle wash down system ( to be completed by the end of this year) for heavy equipment and the large trucks that the City currently owns. (Vac-Con truck; Garbage truck) This system is utilizing reuse water and has a recovery system for this water to be sent back to the sewer treatment process for re-treatment.
The South Anderson Lift station has been completed and is working properly. This station handles approximately 85% of the City’s sewage. • The liner that was recently installed is working very well. During the past rain events we have not seen the large surge of infiltration that was experienced in the past. • We continue to clean, inspect and map the gravity sewer system. This is an ongoing process. • We have implemented a semi-annual cleaning of all the lift stations within the City. • Reworked the sludge transfer system to eliminate the pumps and allow gravity to work for this process. • Rebuilt the Lincoln Street lift station. WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS • (Continued)
Departmental BudgetOverall our department was able to stay within the operational budget for the year 2010/2011. We were able to streamline our operations and add some vitally needed equipment to help in the day to day operations as well as continuing to give us the ability to conduct emergency repairs in house. We did not request to raise the utility rates by the 8% that was approved in 2009. Due to this department’s ability to conduct repairs in house and to have a better understanding of the overall operational cost of our system. we have been able to make additional cost savings to allow for monies to been spent in other areas; such as the engineering and financial planning for the future of the Utilities Department. This has allowed us to plan for future needs and the ability to finance the required upgrades and repairs to our system.
Departmental Budget(Continued)Currently, the department has a solid financial and operational plan to move forward and to be able to meet the customer needs, as well as the regulatory requirements of the FDEP. We have strived very hard to account for every dollar that has come into the department and to utilize this money in the best interest of all the customers within our service area. We have moved forward with engineering plans to allow for the expansion of our system to service customers that are within the Flagler County area.Our projected revenue last year was $1,816,067.00Our actual revenue taken in was (through 8/31/11) $1,722,706.00(Once year end revenues are added we will have exceeded our projections)Our estimated carry over from last year to this year $610,000.00Water Department: Allotted $1,248,676.00 Spent $846,670.00 68%(Due to Capital Projects that have been carried over to FY 11/12)Wastewater Department:Allotted $1,606,270.00 Spent $851,433.00 53%(Due to Capital Projects that have been carried over to FY 11/12)
The City has responded to the need of planning for the future of our water and sewer demands with hard decision making and financial planning and engineering. • The numerical nutrient count ruling is in its final stages. Final rulings to be available within the end of 2012. • Our staff will continue to plan for future growth and development. Our goal is to provide water and sewer service to as many customers as that come available to us, to be ready to receive new businesses and residents into our City. • There will be a number of construction projects starting up this year at the water treatment plant. This is a reflection of the City’s commitment and dedication to it’s customers to improve the quality of service that they need and deserve. Drinking Water & Wastewater Future Planning
Utilities Director Final Comments: Thank you for supporting the staff of the Utilities Department, we strive very hard to make a difference here. I want to assure this commission and the citizens of Bunnell that we will continue to find and implement ways to make improvements to our system in order to provide quality water that they will be proud of in the near future. I am looking forward to the 2011/2012 year. This is the year that we will start to see many of the improvements that we have worked so hard in planning and engineering for. I understand that most of the improvements that have been made to our systems have been underground and in buildings the citizens do not readily visit. That is about to change. They will see old tanks removed and new tanks installed. They will see and taste a difference in their water as a direct result of these improvements. It is my desire to continue to improve the quality and dependability of the City utilities system, I would like to thank my staff for working so hard and for showing the true dedication that is needed to keep up with the demanding needs of a product such as ours. I would like to take a moment and thank the City Manager for the support and faith that he has put in me and my staff over the last two and a half years.
Fire hydrant replacement on Bay Street near Sizemore Welding
New fire hydrant and EZ valve installed on North Anderson Street
Discussion by Commission Public Comments (4 minutes each)