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LIFE ON THE MISSION FIELD. OUTLINES. 1. Operational definition 2. Introduction 3. Qualities of a good missionary leader 4. (a) The lifestyle of a missionary leader. (b) Why you need to live a missionary life (c) What is the purpose of living a purpose?

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  3. 1. Operational definition 2. Introduction 3. Qualities of a good missionary leader 4. (a) The lifestyle of a missionary leader

  4. (b) Why you need to live a missionary life (c) What is the purpose of living a purpose? 5. Activities on the mission field 6. Challenges on the mission field

  5. Operational Definition

  6. Missions: - This can be defined as the church mandate (given to the church by Jesus Christ) until Jesus return.

  7. Missionary: - This is a person called of God and sent by a group of believers or the Holy Spirit to a needy area with the primary objective of reaching the people with the gospel.

  8. • Mission Field: - This is a place where a missionary is doing a cross-cultural work of the preaching of the gospel.

  9. People Group: - This can be defined as large sociological grouping of individuals who perceived themselves to have a common affinity for one another. From the viewpoint of evangelisation,

  10. it is the largest possible groupwithin the gospel can be spread without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance.

  11. Reached People Group: - These are the groups of individual with the same culture with a considerable knowledge of the gospel Reached and now have an

  12. indigenous community of believers with adequate numbers and resources to evangelise their group without little or no outside assistance required.

  13. Unreached People Group: - These are set of individuals who perceive themselves to have a common affinity for one another and have been hidden to the gospel i.e. no missionary work has been done in their midst.

  14. These are a segment society (world) with insufficient numbers of Christians and resources to evangelise this community without outside cross-cultural assistance.

  15. Culture: - This is the people’s patterned way of doing things. It is the sum total of a people’s world view, beliefs, values and behaviour.

  16. Culture Shock: - Can be defined as a sense of confusion and disorientation that is faced by a missionary when he moves into another culture.

  17. Contextualisation: - This can be defined as understanding and communicating Biblical truth in such a manner that the hearer perceives it to be his culture

  18. It can be seen as a method of presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ in a meaningful manner to a particular culture.

  19. Contextualisation reflects a deep concern of mission personnel to communicate effectively so that they can disciple all nations as commanded in (Matt. 28:20).

  20. It requires learning. Contextualisation is the act of changing the context of the people’s culture into the culture of God as it is ordained hi the scriptures.

  21. As a missionary, when you get to the Mission field, it is good to take a consideration about the people’s culture in other to contextualise their cultures in connection to the scriptures.

  22. For example, there are some cultures that encourage and practice killing of twin’s babies, eating of human being, such as these are negative to the doctrine of the

  23. Bible and therefore must be contextualised. Though it’s not every aspect of their cultures that can be changed unless it is against the culture of God as it is written in the volume of scripture.

  24. Note: The art of Contextualisation is not always as easy as one may be thinking; it is an act that calls for sacrifice: through prayers and fasting for the people the lord can change them easily.

  25. When the Missionary visits them, it is good to encourage them, counsel them hi the light of the following scripture (Hab. 2:15, Jer. 35:1-6, 14: 17-19), especially those who are drug.

  26. Identification: -This is the process whereby a missionary imbibe the spirit of oneness with his host community that makes it possible for him to learn about them and share with them. (Having things in common.) • Church: - This is the assembly of the called out ones.


  28. Mission is a programme laid down by God to reach every people and everywhere. According to (Matt. 24:14)

  29. “And the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness into nations, and when then shall the end come”

  30. The people above two dimension of expansion in the preaching in the gospel.

  31. a. Geographical Spread: the gospel shall be preached in ail the world, in everywhere.

  32. b. Cultural Penetration: The gospel shall be preached in all nations (ethnics group.) This is further clarified in (Matt. 28:10-20)

  33. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and the son, and of the Holy Spirit

  34. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the World, Amen.”

  35. From the above God designed mission to take time for those involved to bring the targeted people to a deep understanding of his mind. To do this,

  36. will take time and will necessitate some behaviour which will be used to enter their midst and communicate the gospel to them by their lives and ministries.


  38. a. Must be born again b. Must be prayerful c. Must be hardworking d. Must be bold e. Must know good ideas from bad ones.

  39. f. Must be spiritually sound g. Must be able top lead Bible study • Must be to evangelize, • counsel the workers and the church in general. i. Must be able to trust God for greater things

  40. j. Must seek the welfare of the people you are leading and whom you are living with. k. Must be patience, humble, meek, sincere, faithful and be truthful l. Must have the ability to receive from God

  41. M.Must be a man of vision both spiritual and physical (let your vision be broad) N. Must be a man of integrity 0. Must possess a large heart to receive insult and provocations P. Must care for his people.


  43. Missionary on the field must not rely on his wisdom alone. He must rely on the Holy Spirit and live in vital fellowship with the lord because there will be challenges.

  44. • Missionary must be known as a prayer warrior and must be a person that is dedicated to the word. This is a life which Christ lived when he was on earth.

  45. • He must have fellowship with the Lord most especially in the morning. (Quite Time) everyday so as to hear from God and to receive words of encouragement from him on daily basis

  46. • He must rejoice in the Lord at all times because he needs divine strength. The life on the mission field is a life of self-denial whereby you deny yourself of everything

  47. , such as worldly things and worldly affairs; and always be willing to receive your converts at every moment of the day except when you are praying.

  48. • Christ lived a life of hardship. He denied himself completely of everything. Jesus was humble, so we need to be humble. (Phil. 2:5-11.) •

  49. • A missionary must live a life of faith, a life of love and sinless life because it is holiness in you that will make them know the true life of Jesus Christ. Always force yourself to love your converts irrespective of their dirtiness loving them will make them love Christ the more.

  50. • A missionary must not give room for suspicions. Therefore brothers should avoid walking with sisters in the night or having a corner discussion with each other. .

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