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Chosen by Grace: A Mission-Driven Life

"Explore Isaiah 6:1-8 and discover how a life chosen by God's grace reveals abundant grace to mankind. Renew your vision, value system, and vitality in service to live a purposeful and fulfilling life."

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Chosen by Grace: A Mission-Driven Life

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  1. A mission driven life Isaiah 6:1-8

  2. A mission driven life is: A life chosen by the grace of God, for the sake of revealing His abundant grace for mankind, so that all may experience the beauty of this grace.

  3. 1. A mission driven life requires anew vision in life • In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne… (v 1a) • God is always in reign even in our helpless and hopeless situation • Suffering is a better agent than complacency in stimulating our spiritual sensitivity or vision

  4. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.(Matt 28:18)

  5. 2. A mission driven life requires anew value system • See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.(v. 7b) • Holy lips = Holy thought and affection (desires) These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. (Matt 15:8)

  6. God does not only look for faithful worker but genuine worshipper • Worship is to esteem God as the ultimate desire of your heart Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.(Psalm 37:4) • New Life in Christ but not abundant life in Him • Great Commission but not Great Commission driven life

  7. 3. A mission driven life requires anew vitality in service Here am I. Send me!(v.8b) The mission strategy for the 21st Century is equip Christians to become God’s channel or agentof blessings to all people from everywhere to everywhere

  8. 所以你們當求莊稼的主、打發工人出去、收他的莊稼。耶穌叫了十二個門徒來、給他們權柄、…能趕逐污鬼、並醫治各樣的病症。所以你們當求莊稼的主、打發工人出去、收他的莊稼。耶穌叫了十二個門徒來、給他們權柄、…能趕逐污鬼、並醫治各樣的病症。 (太9:38-10:1)

  9. Don’t try to think of a good excuse to avoid His mission for your life…

  10. Don’t try to think of a good excuse to avoid His mission for your life…

  11. Our calling is to putholy centeredness in our daily living • If you love God, you will do everything possible to please Him daily. • You need to renew your: - vision in life - value system - vitality in service

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