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QURANIC GRAMMAR AS-SARF “Morphology of the words” Lesson 4

QURANIC GRAMMAR AS-SARF “Morphology of the words” Lesson 4. Lessons from the book MABADE” ALA’RABIYAH – basics of Arabic Grammar RASHEED SHARTOONI. Standard form vs. Commonly used form.

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QURANIC GRAMMAR AS-SARF “Morphology of the words” Lesson 4

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  1. QURANIC GRAMMAR AS-SARF“Morphology of the words”Lesson 4 Lessons from the book MABADE” ALA’RABIYAH – basics of Arabic Grammar RASHEED SHARTOONI

  2. Standard form vs. Commonly used form The student must know that not all the forms in Arabic language are standard {QYASIYA} that means there are forms used for certain words do not fall under standard form or scale and these are called SOMAAE’YA that means heard from or commonly used: • QYASIYAقياسية –اندَفَعَ (Push) اندِفاعاً • SOMAAE’YA سماعية- فَعَلَلَةٌ DAHRAJA دَحرَجَ دَحرَجَة

  3. Note: • Since the MASDAR is derived from a verb, therefore it is a better to take a summary of the types of the verbs from the aspect of the number of the letters in its root formمجرّد , and study the various forms of the verb after the addition مزيد of one or more from the letters which form سألتمونيها(You all asked me about her)

  4. Mojarrad and Mazeed verbs • مجرّد – Verbs with Root letters • Any form of a verb that contains ONLY the root letters. • ضرب – He Hit • كتب – He Wrote • مزيد– Root Verbs with increased letters. • كتبوا They wrote • أضرب He went on strike

  5. Note: The Mojarrad past verb Verb can have a dhummah, kasra or fatha on the Ayn of the verb. The Fa and La of the verb must be fatha for past tense. Past tense verbs are prefixed by the following letters: Seen, Alif, Laam, Taa, Meem, Wow, Noon Yaa, or Haa Mojarrad Three Lettered Verb has three forms فَعِلَ شرب فَعَلَكتب قرب فَعُلَ Mojarrad Four Lettered Verb has one form: Fa’lala فعللزلزل

  6. 4&5-MOJARRAD and MAZEED A singular triliteral root verb is without any increased letter and is called MOJARRAD . For example عَرَفَ (he knew). A MAZEED triliteral verb with increased letter to its root can be as follows: Either one added letter: for example:أکرَمَ (he honored) AKRAMA. B. Or two added letters: for example: اِنطَلَقَ(he was set free). INTALAQA C. Or three added letters: for example:اِستَغفَرَ(he asked for forgiveness). ISTAGHFARA The book mentions ten forms of increased (MAZEED) verbs.

  7. Mazeed with one letter If you increase three lettered Mojarrad Verb by one letter, you can have the following forms: Fa’ّala with a shaddah on the A’YN of the verb (فَعَلَ) Form: Alima  Al’lama (Taught) عَلَمَ عَلَم Afa’la (اَفعَلَ) Form: KaromaAkrama (offered his Generousity) اكَرَمَ كَرَمَ Faa’ala (فَاعَلَ) Form: ShahadaShaahada (Witness) شاهَدَ  شهَدَ

  8. MAZEED with one increased letter There are ten forms of triliteral verbs with increase letters, we will start with the form of one increased letter: There are three forms of triliteral verbs that have one increase letter: A. فَعَّلَ (FA’A’LA)This is form II Here the second root letter is doubled. For example:خَبَّرَ (he informed) B. فاعَلَ (FAA’ALA) This is form III. Here an alif is added to the root. For example: خابَرَ(he notified ) C. أفعلThis is form IV. Here a glottal stop is added to the beginning of the root. For example: أخبَرَ (he notified)

  9. Mazeed with two letters If you increase the three lettered Mojarrad Verb by Two letter, you can have the following 5 forms: Tafa’ala with SHADDAH on A’YN (تَفََعَلَ)Form:  Ta’al’lama (He Learned) تَعَلَم Tafaaal(تفاعَلَ) Form Tashaaraka (Associated) تشارَك Infa’ala(أنفعل ) Form:  InTalaqa & Insarafa (Left) Ifta’ala(أفتعل) Form:  Ijtamaa’ (he met ) Ifa’alّa with SHADDAH on LAAM (اِفعَلَ) Form:  Ihmar’ra (Become Red) إحمَرَ

  10. MAZEED with two increased letter There are five forms of triliteral verbs that have two increase letters: A. تَفَعَّلَ (TAFA’A’LA)This is form V. Here a tā’ is added and the second root letter is doubled. For example: تَقَبَّلَ (he accepted with strength) ; in respond to a demand strongly B. تَفاعَلَ (TAFAAA’LA)This is form VI. Here a tā’ and an alif are added. For example تَقابَلَ(they both met) ;both parties agreed and initiated the action C. اِنفَعَلَ (INFAA’LA)This is form VII. Here a glottal stop and a nūn are added. For example: اِنقَبَلَ (it was accepted) :action under influence or under pressure D. اِفتَعَلَ (IFTAA’LA)This is form VIII. Here a glottal stop (HAMZA) and a tā’ are added. For example: اِقتَبَلَ (he received) : Action with intention and purpose E. اِفعَلَّ (EFALLA)This is form IX. Here a glottal stop is added and the last root letter is doubled. For example: اِحمَرَّ (he become red): transformation to a description

  11. Mazeed with three letter If you increase the three lettered Mojarrad Verb by Three letter, you can have the following forms: Istafal(اِستَفعَلَ ) Form:  Istafsfara (Seeking the Meaning) Ifawala(اِفعَوعَلَ ) Form:  Ihdowdaba (Bending) اِحدَودَبَ If’aal’lّa with SHADDAH on LAAM (افعالَ ) Form: Ik’dhaar’ra (Becoming Very Green) ّاخضارَ

  12. MAZEED with three increased letter A. اِستَفعَلَ (ISTAFA’LA)This is form X. Here a glottal stop, sīn and tā’ are added. For example: اِستَغفَرَ (he asked for forgiveness) B. اِفعَوعَلَ (IFA’OWA’LA)This is form XII. Here a glottal stop and a wāw are added along with another second root letter , example: اِحدَودَبَ (It was bent outward) ( Form XI is not mentioned in this book)

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