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Implementing a health check program for Year 7 students to improve their physical and emotional well-being. School nurses play a vital role in providing health support. Transition to secondary school is a critical time for health awareness.
Year 7 health check Pilot EvaluationJuly/August 2012
Healthy Child Programme • A health review at should be offered at school transition in Year 6/7 (10–12 years). • This will also provide an opportunity to introduce the school nurse, and to explain how to access health advice and information, at a time when many pupils feel anxious. Department of Health (2009). http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_107566 /
School Nursing Development Programme • Students starting secondary school should be encouraged to get to know their school nurse so they know where to go for help and advice when they need it. • The school nursing service has a crucial role in improving the physical and emotional health of children and young people. Department of Health (2012). http://www.dh.gov.uk/health/2012/08/backtoschool/
Year 7 Electronic Questionnaire Pilot • A working party created a Meridian survey for the year 7 questionnaire. • A pilot was set up in Falmouth School, running in July/August 2012. • Three tutor groups of Year 7 students participated during ICT lessons. • Students had a short presentation from the school nurse, followed by a question and answer session, they then completed the survey and an evaluation.
Evaluation of pilot • It was a survey and not a questionnaire • It provided us with data that we already had access to via healthy schools service. • The online method did not allow young people to be able to request an appointment or information. • The young people stated the online method did help them think about their health, although they did not think the questionnaire was useful. However, they stated that meeting the school nurse and being able to ask questions was a good idea.
Change to practice • As from Sept 2012 we will no longer undertake a questionnaire, but will offer a health check to every Year 7 student. • Parents will not be asked for consent but will be informed by school text and school prospectus and will also be invited to raise issues about their child’s health. • All health checks to be offered by February each year.
Process Make an appointment to meet key person at school Undertake School profile Ask for information to go on school website Request a text is sent to Parents of Y7 children Undertake a presentation to all year 7 pupils Tutor groups/PSHE/IT If a health check is requested undertake using the proforma in protocols
School website/prospectus • Schools will be asked to display the text belowwithin their website and in their prospectus: School Nursing Service Each autumn term the school nurse will meet with groups of year 7 pupils in order to raise the awareness of health issues that the school nurse can support young people with, to highlight the school nurse weekly drop in service and to offer each year 7 pupil a health check. If you would like to discuss a year 7 health check please contact the school nurse team on (individual SN team telephone number) Further information can be accessed via website: www.schoonurseteamcornwall.org http://www.cornwallfoundationtrust.nhs.uk/cft/ourServices/ChildrenAndyoungPeople/SchoolNursing.asp
Text Message for parents • Schools will be asked to send the below textmessage in the autumn term: This term your year 7 child will be offered an optional health check with the school nurse. If you wish to discuss further telephone (individual SN team telephone number).