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Boys Lacrosse Rules & Mechanics Summary Level I Training: Day 4. Training Agenda. Session I 3 rd Team on the Field The Game Field , Lines and Goals Personnel Equipment Time. Session III Positioning 3 rd Team on the Field Transition and Off Sides Out of Bounds and Restarts
Boys Lacrosse Rules & Mechanics SummaryLevel I Training: Day 4
Training Agenda Session I 3rd Team on the Field The Game Field, Lines and Goals Personnel Equipment Time Session IIIPositioning 3rd Team on the Field Transition and Off Sides Out of Bounds and Restarts Counts and Stalling Faceoff Mechanics Session II Pregame Responsibilities Faceoff Fouls 3rd Team on the Field Substitutions and Box Area Crease Play Goals FDSW, Play-on, TPOAD Signaling PenaltiesSubstitutions & The Box Area Session IV Equipment Inspection Game ManagementPost-Game Youth Rules US Lacrosse Level 1 Test Field Training Stations Game Experience
Ball Caught in Crosse • Ball caught in crosse is an immediate whistle, award ball to opposing team. If caught in player equipment or uniform, suspend play immediately and award with A.P. Exception: if ball is caught in goalkeeper crosse, uniform or equipment within crease, award to defensive player outside goal area. Equipment Inspections Immediate Whistle
Equipment Inspection Under NFHS rules, officials are required to inspect the equipment of at least one player per team per half. These inspections take place in dead-ball situations, such as: • During a team time-out • After a goal • Before a face-off • Between periods All crosses may be inspected and need not have been in game., but choose one that has had an impact on the game.
Request for Equipment Inspection The head coach may request the official inspection of any opponent’s equipment (an “equipment check”) during the game. The request must reference the player by number and occur during a dead ball. • Only one set of equipment is to be inspected per request.All aspects of the equipment are inspected. • Each coach has the right to one “unfounded” request per game. • The first time a coach requests an equipment check and the player is not assessed a personal-foul penalty for illegal equipment, no penalty is assessed to either team. • However, for all subsequent requests by that team that fail to discover illegal equipment, a time-out will be charged to that team or, if no time-outs remain, an illegal procedure penalty will be assessed. Rule 4:30
Penalties for Illegal Crosse • Deep pocket: 1 min NR, stick can return. • Does not meet length requirement or is altered: 3 minute NR and stick out of game on table. • Strings longer than 6”, instruct player to cut, 1 minute NR if failure to do so. • Enforce severest penalty not both. 1 minute NR. • USC for adjusting stick prior to handing it to official in addition to any addition fouls. Rule 1:7, 8 and Rule 5:5
Inspection Mechanics • Officials are to select players who are suspected of using an illegal set of equipment or who are impact players. • The player need not be on the field at the time for the official to request his crosse (but try not to enter team huddles). • Inspect player’s crosse away teams and coaches. • All aspects of the crosse are inspected as well as his other equipment under NFHS rules. • Players or coaches are not to influence the official’s choice of the set of equipment they choose to inspect. (Don’t pick their choice unless they make an official coach’s request for an inspection).
Goal Scorer Adjusting Crosse • watches goal scorer and yells “Don’t touch your stick! Please give me the stick!” • signals goal, gets long pole • Goal disallowed for pulling strings before or afterrequest. • If no check was planned but the scorer pulls the strings shortly after the goal, goal is disallowed and 1-minute USC is served. • Adjusting the crosse is a 1-minute USC . L T Rule 5:5 Situation D and E
Lost or Broken Equipment • If a anyone loses or breaks required equipment other than the crosse in a scrimmage area, stop play immediately. • Award ball as with inadvertent whistle. • USC for intentionally losing equipment to stop play. • A Broken crosse is not a crosse. IP. Rule 6:5
Lost or Broken Goalie Equipment • If goalie breaks his crosse or loses or breaks any other required equipment, stop play immediately (allow shot in flight to conclude). • Award possession as with inadvertent whistle. • USC for intentional lost equip. to stop play. • Goalie playing without crosse is a technical foul.
Required Equipment • Not wearing required or prohibited equipment: 1 min NR (total for all violations) • No mouthpiece: stop play, 1 min NR unless official KNOWS it came out during play. • Improper uniform: Only 1 Technical Foul • Illegal equipped substitutes should simply be denied entry onto the field until legally equipped.
Illegal Number of Long Crosses • A maximum of four long crosses per team are allowed on the field at levels that allow long crosses. • A team caught violating this rule is guilty of illegal procedure. • A coach may call for a double horn at the next dead ball if he believes the opponents have too many long crosses. • As with equipment inspections, he gets one “free” request of this kind, and further violations are punished with the loss of a time-out or, if no time-outs remain, with a technical foul. Rule 4: 31
Training Agenda Session I 3rd Team on the Field The Game Field, Lines and Goals Personnel Equipment Time Session IIIPositioning 3rd Team on the Field Transition and Off Sides Out of Bounds and Restarts Counts and Stalling Faceoff Mechanics Session IV Equipment Inspection Game ManagementPost-Game Youth Rules US Lacrosse Level 1 Test Session II Pregame Responsibilities Faceoff Fouls 3rd Team on the Field Substitutions and Box Area Crease Play Goals FDSW, Play-on, TPOAD Signaling Penalties Field Training Stations Game Experience
Four Keys to Success • Look the part. • Be in the proper position. • Communicate effectively. • Know the rules.
Inadvertent Whistle • If Team A had or was entitled to possession, Team A keeps possession. • If the ball is loose in the crease, the defense is awarded possession. • If the ball is loose outside the crease, award by Alternate Possession.
Inadvertent Flag • Stop play at the earliest point notinterfering with an imminent scoringopportunity. • If Team A has possession at the time ofthe flag, Team A keeps possession. • If the ball is loose at the time of the flag,award by alternate possession (except if ball is in crease: award to defense in alley)
NFHS Coach’s Challenge • Meet in sub area, start 1:40 timer. • Challenge denied before 1:40: coach may use remaining time and is charged TO (or is assessed technical foul if none remain) • Officials not convinced of legitimate argument within 1:40 assess timeout or technical foul, restart within 20 seconds. • No challenges after game ends. ?????? &%*$@! Rule 7:13
The “Ramp” Ejection Rule 5:12 Unsportsmanlike Conduct Rule 5:10 • For poor behavior by Team A, options are: • Try to work through these steps in order. • Sometimes you may need to skip steps (especially taunting/racist behavior) 1 to 3 Minutes Conduct Foul With B in Possession 30 Second Rule 6:6 Loose Ball Conduct Foul Award Ball to B Verbal Warning
Fights • Gets in early and stop before it starts • Remembers color/numbers of players involved and the sequence of involvement • Officials may attempt to physically separate players if they believe it can be done without endangering the safety of the players or the officials. Do not risk personal injury to separate players. Rule 5:12
Fight Mechanics • Gets in early and stop before it starts • Remembers color/numbers of players involved and the sequence of involvement. • Note: Officials may attempt to physically separate players if they believe it can be done without endangering the safety of the players or the officials. Do not risk personal injury to separate players.
Fight in Front of Bench Side Official T Fight! Freeze! L
Fight in Front of Far Side Official Fight! T Freeze! L
One-Man Mechanics • Run the near sideline if you can get two people to call the far sideline. • Otherwise, run the far side and have the coaches call out of bounds (use AP if necessary). • Run top of box to top of box. • Worry more about safety calls than technical fouls like offside. • Coaches will understand that you can’t see everything by yourself.
Single Mechanics SM SM R
Single Mechanics R HC HC
Concussion Any player who exhibits signs, symptoms or behavior consistent with a concussion shall be immediately removed from the game and shall return to play until cleared by an appropriate health-care professional. • The Head Coach is responsible to ensure they are properly checked. • The Head Coach has to take all responsibility as long as officials are following the guidelines. • Headaches/Fogginess • Difficulty concentrating/Easily confused • Slowed thought processes • Nausea • Lack of energy/tiredness • Dizziness/poor balance • Sensitive to light and sounds • Mood changes- irritable, anxious, or tearful • Does not need to lose consciousness!
Lightning poses an extreme risk for players, spectators, and officials. Be extremely cautious, and err on the side of safety! Don’t wait for rain; suspend or cancel the game immediately whenever an electrical storm poses a potential risk to the players or spectators.
Post-game • Come close to the ball at horn to discourage post-game “issues.” • You have jurisdiction and can expel people after horn (suspensions to be served). • Officials maintain administrative responsibilities for the contest through the completion of any required reports or correspondence in response to any action occurring while the officials have jurisdiction. State associations may intercede in the event of unusual incidents after the officials’ jurisdiction has ended or in the event that a game is terminated prior to the conclusion of regulation play. • Watch teams cross to benches, then quickly leave field as a crew (don’t stay for handshake unless state requires you to). • Call assigner ASAP if necessary (e.g., fights, expulsions); follow with written report. Rule 2:6 Art 1 New in 2012
Assault Prevention • Be fair and reasonable during the game. • Avoid addressing spectators at any time. • If anyone attempts to argue, be polite and conciliatory. Make no threatening gestures or comments, regardless of provocation! • Be a Team: Enter and exit the field together immediately, and avoid one-on-one discussions with players, coaches, and spectators when possible—especially after the game. Never get into a “parking lot discussion”! • If possible, ask coaches to remove the individual from the field. (If the problem occurs while you still have jurisdiction over the game, you can penalize anyone officially associated with the team with a conduct foul, an unsportsmanlike conduct, or an expulsion, even if the incident occurs after time expires. You can also terminate the game if you feel that any unsafe situation exists!).
Youth Rules
Youth Divisions U15: 10 minute stop time. Full counts. OT. Final 2 minute Stalling enforced. U13: 10 minute stop time. Full counts. Up to 2 OT. Final 2 minute Stalling enforced. U11: 8 minute stop time or 12 running. No OT. 4 goal, no FO. T not required. No counts. 3 yard rule. No body checking. U9: 12 minute running time. if both coaches agree, 1 coach per team on field (wider than wing lines). 4 goal difference, no FO. OT not required. No counts. 3 yard rule. No body checks.
Running Time • Clock stops for TOs and end of period. • Running Time Penalties: penalty time starts and stops with the whistle. • U9 offending player must leave field, and remain out of the game for the length of his penalty time but may be replaced.
U11 and U9: 3 Yard Rule • All stick checks, body checks, legal holds and legal pushes must be on a player in possession or with THREE YARDS of a loose ball or ball in flight.
Personal Fouls At the youth level, US Lacrosse expects STRICTER ENFORECEMENRT of the Cross Check, Illegal Body Check, Checks Involving Head/Neck, Slashing, Unnecessary Roughness and Unsportsmanlike Conduct rules than is common at the High School level. Safety is PARAMOUNT
Take Out Checks • No take out checks are permitted at any age level (U15-U9) • Any body check in which the player lowers his head or shoulder with the force and intent to put the other player on the ground. • Any body checks considered more aggressive or more physical that necessary to stop the advancement of the player carrying the ball or to move a player away from the a loose ball. This includes but is not limited to: • Check in which a player makes contact with sufficient force and intent to knock down • Check in which a player makes contact with sufficient force and intent to injure • Check made in a reckless or intimidating manner • No body checks on a player in a defenseless position: • Blind side check • Body check on a player who has his head down playing a loose ball • Body checking a player whose head is turned receiving a pass EVEN if that player turns immediately before the check.
Youth Slashes • U13, U11, U9: Any one handed check is a slash. Contact not required.