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EXAMINATION OF ENDOCRINE DISORDERS (2) Case reports Dr. Pavel Maruna. Case report No. 1 Hypothyroidism. Female, 46 yr. Patient treated with arterial hypertension 3 y ea r s;
Female, 46 yr. Patient treated with arterial hypertension 3 years; Palpitations for many years, established diagnosis of neuro-circulatory asthenia, higher frequency of palpitations in last months, reported as paroxysmal heart pulsation, accompanied with a pant, independently on her physical activity; Impaired glucose tolerance, last 3 yr. on a diet; As a new problem, paresthesis in fingers, swelling of hands developed several weeks ago.
Allergy: negative Chronic medication: ramipril (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) as an anti-hypertensive treatment Abuse: alcohol and smoking - negative Gynecological history: menses from 12 to 44 yr. (e.g., menopause 2 yr. ago), 2 deliveries, 1 abortion. Social situation: married, 2 kids, working as a shop assistant. Family history: twin sister treated with thyroid dysfunction; without other serious diseases in her family.
Actual problems: Progressive difficulties in a last year: Patient is a slow, non effective, sleepy. Tiredness, worsening memory. Poorer pronunciation, rhonchus (=low pitch wheezing). Constipation. Weight increase about 5 kg for last 12 months.
Physical examination: BP 130 / 85 mmHg, heart rate 50 / min., regular, temperature 36,0 °C Height 165 cm, weight 74 kg, BMI 27,2 Differences from a normal status: • Moderated/ slowed down psycho-motor tempo, • limited mimics in face, • rhonchus, • dry skin with a yellow tone, • spare hair, • symmetrically edematous (upper) eyelids, • symmetric soft painless goiter, • hand and finger swelling, • peri-maleolar edemas.
Laboratory findings Na 138 mmol/l (137 - 146) K 4,1 mmol/l (3,8 - 5,0) Cl 101 mmol/l (97 - 108) glycemia 5,5 mmol/l (3,9 - 5,6) urea 6,9 mmol/l (2,8 - 8,0) creatinin 112 μmol/l (44 - 110) cholesterol 7,8 mmol/l (3,8 - 5,8) triacyl-glycerols 1,1 mmol/l (0,68 - 1,69) total bilirubin 17 mmol/l (2,0 - 17,0) ALT 0,46 ukat/l (0,10 - 0,78) AST 0,72 ukat/l (0,10 - 0,72)
Blood count Leukocytes 8,6 x 103/mm3 (4,1 - 10,2) Erythrocytes 3,12 x 106/mm3 (4,19 - 5,75) Hemoglobin 101 g/l (135 - 174) HCT 32,8 (0,39 - 0,51) MCV 105 fl (82 - 98) MCH 0,32 pg (28,0 - 34,6) Platelets 295 x 103/mm3 (142 - 327)
Thyroid examinations free T4 4,2 pmol/l (11,0 - 21,0) free T3 0,7 nmol/l (1,5 - 3,0) TSH 33,3 mIU/l (0,5 - 5,0) anti-TSHR Ab negative anti-TPO Ab +++ anti-thyroglobulin Ab ++ USG imaging Volume of thyroid gland 25 ml (normal limits to 20 ml), lobes are symmetric, bilaterally numerous foci with low echo-genity. Thyroid gland delimited (without invasion to surrounding structures). Lymph nods of a normal shape.
Achilles tendon reflex: markedly protracted ECG Sinus rhythm, ventricular activity 50 / min., horizontal axis, PR segment 220 ms, QRS duration 90 ms, QT-c interval 420 ms, low voltage of QRS complex, ST segment in iso-electric line, normal shape of T wave.
Recommendation: To start a treatment with levothyroxine (Euthyrox tbl.) in a dose 25 ug per day (1 tbl. in the morning). After 4 weeks, Euthyrox may be increased to 50 ug per day. After 2 months, laboratory control of TSH, free T3 and free T4 levels.
Question No. 1 Diagnosis of hypothyroidism in this patient can be established with a knowledge of history and physical examination, still before laboratory examination. Nevertheless, which laboratory parameters confirm hypothyroidism in this patient? What is their relation to thyroid dysfunction ?
Question No. 2 Mild anemia was found in this patients. Based on morphological classification, which type of anemia is it? What is a pathogenesis of anemia in hypothyroidism ?
Question No. 3 Discuss following findings and their possible links to hypothyroidism: • hypercholesterolemia • ECG curve changes
Question No. 4 The diagnosis of thyroid disorder is based on knowledge of: 1. Thyroid function (hypothyrodism, hyperthyroidism, euthyroid status); 2. Local signs (goiter, local expansion - trachea, esophagus, vessels); 3. Etiological classification. What is a cause (etiology) of hypothyroidism in this patient?
History Recorded in 2008 Female, 60 yr. old Past history: without severe diseases in anamnesis Chronic treatment: irregularly analgetic drugs for dorsalgia (back pain) Allergy: negative Abuse: negative Family history: without important diseases in parents and siblings Gyn. history: delivery 1, abortion 0. Social status: solitary, old-age pension
History Patient was admitted to internal department of regional hospital in Moravia for progressive dyspnoe stage II.-III. (according to NYHA classification) In physical examination cachexia, heavy kyfo-scoliosis, short stature (136 cm), pectus excavatum tachypnoe, dyspnoe in minimal activities (walking). In laboratory – markedly elevated D- dimers (>6000), high activity of ALP (16 μkat / l).
History The examination in hospital excludedfollowing diseases: acute coronary syndrome, pulmonary embolism, dissection of aortal aneurysma, pneumotorax …
X-ray imaging Chest native X-ray: Heavy kyfoscoliosis of thoracic backbone. Backbone skiagram: Diffuse osteoporosis with de-differentiation and destruction of vertebrae. Skull skiagram: Without destructive changes of bones.
With these findings, the patient was send to hospitalization to Osteological department of the 3rd Internal clinic, 1st Faculty of Medicine in Prague ...to examine bone metabolism and to start a therapy.
With these findings, the patient was send to hospitalization to Osteological department of the 3rd Internal clinic, 1st Faculty of Medicine in Prague ...to examine bone metabolism and to start a therapy. Newly patient reports a progressive lowering in body height in last 2 years. As a main problem, patient complains about dorsal pain.
Physical examination Height 136 cm, weight 29 kg, BMI 16.1 BP 130/90 mmHg, heart rate 115/min., O2 saturation 95% Kyfo-scoliosis, pectus excavatum.
Physical examination Height 136 cm, weight 29 kg, BMI 16.1 BP 130/90 mmHg, heart rate 115/min., O2 saturation 95% Kyphoscoliosis, pectus excavatum. ECG Sinus tachycardia 105 / min., AV blockade of the 1st degree
Laboratory examination Na 141 mmol/l (137 - 146) K 5,0 mmol/l (3,8 - 5,0) Cl 107 mmol/l (7 - 108) Ca 2,66 mmol/l (2,00 - 2,65) Ca 2+ 1,45 mmol/l (1,0 - 1,4) PO4 0,93 mmol/l (0,6 - 1,6) Mg 0,79 mmol/l (0,66 - 1,08) LDH 2,63 ukat/l (2,20 - 3,75) Urea 6,0 mmol/l (2,8 - 8,0) Creatinine 61,0 μmol/l (44,0 - 110,0) Uric acid 411 mmol/l (220 - 420)
Laboratory examination ALT 0,26 μkat/l (0,10 - 0,78) AST 0,28 μkat/l (0,10 - 0,72) GGT 0,66 μkat/l (0,14 - 0,84) Bilirubin 8 mmol/l (2,0 - 17,0) ALP 13,53 μkat/l (0,6 - 2,2) Cholesterol 5,4 mmol/l (3,8 - 5,8) Triacylglycerols 1,8 mmol/l (0,68 - 1,69) Total protein 78 g/l (65,0 - 85,0) Albumin 40 g/l (35,0 - 53,0) TSH 6,821 mIU/l (0,5 - 5,0) Free T4 15.2 pmol/l (11,0 - 21,0) PTH 257,2 pmol/l (1,6 - 6,9)
USG of thyroid and parathyroid glands Enlargement of a parathyroid body bellow left lobe of thyroid gland. Thyroid gland of a normal size and shape. 99mTc-MIBI Higher accumulation of 99mTc-MIBI near a lower edge of a left thyroid lobe
99mTc-MIBI = methoxy isobuthyl isonitril The molecule passes cells membranes passively, once intracellular it further accumulates in the mitrochondrias. Detection of 99mTc gamma emission Adenoma of a parathyroid gland
Abdominal USG imaging Without pathological changes. Echocardiography Normal ventricular function, normal valvular morphology and function. Spirometry Severe restrictive respiratory failure. Severe reduction of a vital lung capacity to 25% of normal values.
Diagnostic consideration (1) Findings of PTH, Ca, and PO4 near a lower limit support a diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism. A severe bone syndrome in a clinical and laboratory examination. Suspicious adenoma of a left lower parathyroid gland. There is an indication to surgical removal of parathyroid adenoma. ...And following surgical treatment of deforming kyphoscoliosis with markedly decreased lung capacity.
X-ray examination of pelvis and femoral bones Marked deformation of pelvic skeleton, „heart-shaped“ pelvis, deflection of both femoral bones, low density of all displayed bones
Chest X-ray image Bell-shaped chest with gibbus, Total resorption of humerus head on the left side.
Chest X-ray image Bell-shaped chest with gibbus, Total resorption of humerus head on the left side. Conclusion Skeletal deformities are typical for osteomalacia
„Bone“ laboratory parameters Osteocalcin 201,8 μg/l (15 - 46) 25(OH)-D3 vitamin 5 ng/ml (15 - 42) 1,25(OH)-D3 vitamin 48,4 ng/l (19 - 67) U - Ca 2,5 mmol/24 h (3,5 - 6,5) U - PO4 19,1 mmol/24 h (13 - 42)
Diagnostic consideration (2) Skeletal deformities are characteristic for osteomalacia, not for primary hyperparathyroidism. Extremely low levels of kalcidiol (25-OH-D3 vitamin), as a marker of vitamin D storage in organism.
7-Dehydrocholesterol (liver) Vitamin D3 metabolism Photoreaction (skin) Calcitriol (1α,25-dihydroxycalciol) Calciol (cholekalciferol, D3) 25-hydroxylation (liver) 1α-hydroxylation (kidneys)
Diagnostic consideration (2) Skeletal deformities are characteristic for osteomalacia, not for primary hyperparathyroidism. Extremely low levels of kalcidiol (25-OH-D3 vitamin), as a marker of vitamin D storage in organism. Marked skeletal decalcification – low calciuria, high ALP (marker of increased osteoblastic activity).
Diagnostic consideration (2) Findings give evidence against primary hyperparathyroidism Long-term hypo-calcemia leads to hyperplasia of parathyroid glands with following autonomous over-function of one of them. This course suggests for tertiary hyperparathyroidism.
Tertiary hyperparathyroidism Due to prolonged hypocalcemia, one hyperplastic parathyroid body developed functionally autonomous adenoma. Hypocalcemia has changed to hypercalcemia.
Recommendation • Surgical revision of parathyroid glands, displacement of autonomous body (v.s. adenoma) as well as other 3 (likely hyperplastic) parathyroid bodies, the maintenance of ½ of one of them - what is sufficient for normal PTH production. • Post-surgery massive re-calcification due to expected „hungry bone“ syndrome.
Surgery February 20– 29, 2008, hospitalization at the 3rd Dept. of surgery, Faculty hospital in Motol. February 22, 2008 – Extirpation of adenoma of the left lower parathyroid gland, currently total extirpation of upper and lower parathyroid body on the right side, subtotal ablation of the left upper body. Post-surgical course: Laboratory: Ca 1,71….1,75 mmol / l Post-surgery creepiness of hands and face ... as expected manifestation of transitory hypocalcemia
2nd hospitalization February 29 – March 02, 2008, 3rd Internal Department Subjectively:Intermittently depressive. Objectively: Rest scar above sternum, without other variations. Laboratory: Ca 1,85 mmol/l (2,0 - 2,65) PO4 0,67 mmol/l (0,6 - 1,6) ALP 25.45 ukat/l (0,6 - 2,2) PTH 18,01 pmol/l (1,6 - 6,9).
Diagnostic consideration (3) 1. Tertiary hyperparathyroidism – extirpation of parathyroid adenoma which developed in long-term secondary hyperparathyroidism. 2. Post-surgery „hungry bone“ bone syndrome with hypocalcemia. 3. Osteomalaciaof an unclear origin as a primary disease
Mineral deposits 25 mol Ca (rapidly replaceable 100 mmol) Daily intake approx. 25 - 30 mmol ICT signal function 0,1 μmol / l Bone remodelation 7,5 mmol / d (phosphates, oxalates...) Quick replacement 500 mmol / d Absorption upto 15 mmol / d ECT 2,5 mmol / l totally only 35 mmol Secretion to 7 mmol / d Tubular resorption 230 mmol / d Filtration 240 mmol/d 5 – 6 mmol /d Ca balance in organism 17 – 25 mmol /d
What now? 1. To establish etiology of osteomalacia – suspicion of malabsorption. 2. Repeated controls of calcemia during therapy: Calcium 1,5 g / den, Alpha-D3 1 ug/den. (Alpha-D3 is vitamin D3 hydroxylated in position 1)
Hospitalization on the 4th Internal Clinic, 1st Faculty of Medicine in Prague Examinational hospitalization for suspicion of intestinal malabsorption syndrome
Auto-Ab, coeliakia Auto-antibodies negative Normal macroscopic finding Biopsy with normal histological image Gastroscopy Colonoscopy Diverticolis of sigmoideum, other parts without pathological changes. Histological examination from biopsies with normal findings.
Abdominal CT imaging Without important changes. As an incidental finding, a cyst of right hepatic lobe and a renal stone of a right kidney (10x7 mm) were revealed.
Intestinal resorption of Ca2+ Fc240 = 9 % (normal limits 20 - 22 %)