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Research Highlights. Biomaterials and Pharmaceutical Materials - BPM. Investigator Department Expertise Ron Siegel* Pharm/BME Drug and hormone delivery, biosensing, hydrogels, microfabrication Bob Tranquillo BME/CEMS Biopolymers as tissue scaffolds; cell-matrix interactions
Biomaterials and Pharmaceutical Materials - BPM InvestigatorDepartmentExpertise Ron Siegel* Pharm/BME Drug and hormone delivery, biosensing, hydrogels, microfabrication Bob Tranquillo BME/CEMS Biopolymers as tissue scaffolds; cell-matrix interactions Marc Hillmyer Chemistry Biocompatible block copolymers for polymersomes/drug delivery and worm-like micelle/tissue scaffolds Effi Kokkoli CEMS Bioadhesion and drug targeting Raj Suryanarayanan Pharm Solid state properties of drugs, stability of drug/biomaterial formulations Chun Wang* BME Biomaterial/tissue interactions, gene delivery, immunotherapy Wei Shen BME Bioactive materials • composition-structure-functional property relationships and microstructural mechanical models of native and bioartificial tissues • cell-based fabrication of bioartificial tissues • novel tissue mechanical testing and analysis methods • biomaterials for drug delivery and tissue engineering *Program Director
Biodegradable Polymers for DNA Vaccine Delivery Chun Wang 8:50 Thu Multifunctional block copolymers Microparticles + Targeting to antigen-presenting cells DNA plasmid encoding antigen Nanoparticles In vivo evaluation of immunotherapeutic responses
Phenylboronic acid sidechains Modified from K. Kataoka et al., JACS, 1998, Vol.120 Hydrogel-Based, Micromachined, Wireless (RF) Implantable Glucose Sensor Ron Siegel 11:10 Thu Glucose Diffusion Hydrogel Swelling/Deswelling Resonant Frequency Resonant Frequency (MHz) Glucose Concentration (mM)
Coating Process Fundamentals—CPF Investigator Expertise Lorraine F. FrancisSolidification, stress development, microstructure, properties Marcio S. Carvalho* Fluid mechanics, rheology, numerical methods Satish Kumar Transport processes, interfacial phenomena, microfluidics Alon V. McCormick Curing, thermodynamics & kinetics, NMR, stress development H.Ted Davis Drying, porous media, cryo-microscopy, wetting and spreading Chris Macosko Rheology, polymer processing David Norris Nanomaterials, photonics, colloids Wieslaw Suszynski** Coating process experiments, apparatus, flow visualization Michael Tsapatsis Zeolite coatings, separations *Pontifica Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro **Research Engineer and Laboratory Coordinator
CPF Goals GOALS: • Understand scientific principles of liquid coating flow, interfacial engineering, solidification, microstructure development and coating properties • Develop new ways of thinking about and researching coating processes and coatings • Apply scientific and engineering principles to relevant problems based on interactions with industrial partners • Develop new processes for advanced materials products • Develop new ways to visualize, probe and characterize coatings
Liquid Displacement in Lithographic Printing Goal: Use visualization and modeling in order to understand the mechanism of emulsification in lithographic printing Visualization: • Discovered a novel emulsification mechanism for water in ink • Retracting water film between ink layers leads to distribution of emulsified droplets Modeling: • Modeled the breakup of the thin water film using lubrication theory • Calculated length and time scales appropriate for lithographic printing • Provides guidance for reducing the size of emulsified drops and improving print quality Retracting water film in ink Emulsified water droplets Emulsion length scale: Rick Lenz (Kumar) 3:20 Wed
Pulsed Electron Beam (PEB) Polymerization Conversion Exploration of PEB in CPFP: PEB polymerizes neat acrylic monomers faster than continuous EB A kinetic model explains PEB curing and polymerization A unique low-voltage PEB apparatus enables further exploration of PEB Conversion 2-EHA Total Dose (kGy = kJ/kg) Ben Richter (Scriven, McCormick, Weiss (3M)) 10:40 Thurs + poster
Organic Optoelectronic Interfaces - OEI Organic Optoelectronic Interfaces - OEI Investigator Department Expertise C. Daniel Frisbie CEMS Organic electronics, OFETs, AFM David Blank CHEM Ultrafast optical spectroscopy Jean-Luc Brédas CHEM (GA Tech)Computational quantum chemistry Chris Douglas CHEM Organic synthesis Russell Holmes CEMS OLEDs, Solar cells, Thin film growth Paul Ruden ECE Device modeling Xiaoyang Zhu CHEM Ultrafast photoemission spectroscopy Investigator Department Expertise C. Daniel Frisbie CEMS Organic electronics, OFETs, AFM David Blank CHEM Ultrafast optical spectroscopy Jean-Luc Brédas CHEM (GA Tech)Computational quantum chemistry Chris Douglas CHEM Organic synthesis Russell Holmes CEMS OLEDs, Solar cells, Thin film growth Paul Ruden ECE Device modeling Xiaoyang Zhu CHEM Ultrafast photoemission spectroscopy Organic synthesis, thin film growth and characterization, spectroscopy, devices, electronic structure theory & modeling
Organic Semiconductors Polymer Semiconductors Small Molecule Semiconductors Poly(3-hexylthiophene) MEH-PPV Sexithiophene Pentacene Alq3 Polyaniline Phthalocyanine Relative Charge Mobilities Perylene P3HT (0.1 cm2/Vs) a:Si GaAs 10-10 10-6 10-2 102 106 Si Polystyrene Pentacene >1 cm2/Vs
fwd rev 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 VG (V) The Benchmark: Pentacene Field Effect Transistors Pentacene OFET 10-4 10-6 ID (Amps) 10-8 10-10 10-12 Film and Contact Deposition • Challenges • Lower voltages • Higher output currents • Higher switching speeds • Stability Thermally Evaporated Organic Metal Shadow Mask Substrate
Low Voltage, High Conductance PEG-OFETs PEG-OFET SiO2 -gated Semiconductor = • Huge ON current • Low voltage • Solution Processible PEO/LiClO4 -gated ON current is 1000x of typical OFET!! Matt Panzer (Frisbie) 1:20 Wed
Boosting Switching Speed: Ion Gels (Collaboration with MP) ionic liquid + polymer = ion gel Ionic Liquid: [BMIM][PF6] C > C* Triblock copolymer: PS-PEO-PS Jeong Ho Cho, Jedi Lee, Yiyong He (Frisbie, Lodge) 1:40 & 2:00 Wed Peter Simone 10:40 Wed in MP
Synthesis, characterization, dynamics, processing, properties, and theory Microstructured Polymers - MP Investigator Department Expertise Marc A. Hillmyer CHEM Polymer synthesis and characterization (Director: Polymer Synthesis Facility) Frank S. Bates CEMS Thermodynamics, scattering, synthesis Timothy P. Lodge CHEM/CEMS Polymer dynamics, solutions, scattering Chris Macosko CEMS Rheology, processing David C. Morse CEMS Theory and modeling David Giles CEMS staff Polymer Characterization Facility Affiliated Investigators Ed Cussler (CEMS), Lorraine Francis (CEMS), Dan Frisbie (CEMS), Tom Hoye (CHEM), Efie Kokkoli (CEMS), Chris Leighton (CEMS), Ron Siegel (PHRM), Bill Tolman (CHEM)
PI R PDMS micelle Ultra-Low Interfacial Tension in Polymer Blends ( Interfacial Tension g in PI/PDMS blends with PI-b-PDMS copolymer additive ) theory David Morse Wed 3:20pm copolymer % volume fDMS in copolymer Related posters: Joel Bell and Carlos Lopez (Macosko)
Nanowires from block copolymer templates Etchable block copolymer templates for electrochemical growth of nanowires E-field alignment of etchable bcps Electrochemical growth of Cu2O Scale bar = 100 nm Bryan Boudouris (Hillmyer) - Wed 2:20pm Hybrid photovoltaic applications Crossland, Ludwigs, Hillmyer, Steiner Soft Matter2007
Magnetic Heterostructures—MH Investigator Department Expertise Paul Crowell PHYS Magneto-optics/time-resolved studies E. Dan Dahlberg PHYS Thin film magnetism, transport, MFM Allen M. Goldman PHYS Electron tunneling/transport, MBE Christopher Leighton CEMS Magnetic films/heterostructures, transport Bethanie J. H. Stadler ECE Magneto-optical materials, thin films Randall Victora ECE Theory/modeling of magnetic materials Jianping Wang ECE Magnetic materials for recording and spintronics Renata Wentzcovitch CEMS Electronic structure calculations Develop a fundamental understanding of interfaces in magnetic heterostructures, with a focus on spin transport and dynamics
IPod Mini Hitachi Global Storage Magnetic Heterostructures - MH • New Technologies: • Magnetic Random Access Memory • Magnetic tunnel junction sensors • Patterned media • Semiconductor spintronics • Highly polarizable materials
750 x 750 nm Magnetic Nanostructure Arrays for Bit Patterned Media • Conventional media thought to be limited to the 500 Gb/in2 range • “One bit per nanodot” recording schemes under investigation • Challenges: Regularity, uniformity, polydispersity, integration Fabrication over large areas! Toshikazu Kubo (Fuji Electric) (Leighton, Hillmyer) 3:40 Wed pattern transfer Co3Pt Self-assembled cylinder-formingblock copolymer templates
Materials and Heterostructures for Spintronics Lateral Ferro-Semi-Ferro Spin Valves Xiaohua Lou, Madhukar Reddy (Crowell, Palmstrom) Poster Growth and Characterization ofof Highly Polarized Materials Lan Wang, Mike Manno (Leighton) Poster CoS2 • Integration of ferromagnetic metals withsemiconductors • Demonstration of a device in which information can be written, processed, and read out using spin-polarized spin transport • Information can also be written and read outoptically • Single crystals and films • Guidance from electronic structurecalculations • Extensive use of magnetic andstructural characterization tools
Nanoparticle Technology - NPT Investigator Department Expertise Uwe Kortshagen ME Nanoparticle synthesis, characterizationEray Aydil CEMS NP/NW materials for solar cellsWilliam Gerberich CEMS Micromechanical characterization, nano-indentationSteven Girshick ME Particle nucleation modeling, thermal plasma CVDJoachim Heberlein ME Thermal plasma arc technology David Norris CEMS Colloidal NPs Synthesis, functionalization, characterization, integration
Silicon Nanocrystal Inks Lorenzo Mangolini (Kortshagen) 1:20 Wed Achievements: • Two-step, integrated gas-phase plasma process to form silicon nanocrystal inks Fundamental issues: • Crystal formation in low-temperature plasmas • Plasma-aided surface functionalization of nanocrystals • Surface properties of nanocrystals
e Quantum Dot Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Achievements: • First demonstration of a quantum dot sensitized nanowire-solar cell. Fundamental issues: • Charge-carrier generation in quantum dots • Electron transfer dynamics from quantum dots to nanowires • Hole transport medium Kurt Leschkies (Norris, Aydil, Kortshagen) Poster Janice Boercker (Aydil) 3:40 Wed
Nanostructural Materials & Processes—NMP Investigator Department Expertise Alon McCormick CEMS Reaction Engineering of Materials Synthesis; Spectroscopy; Molecular Simulation H. Ted Davis CEMS Colloid and Interface Science; Statistical Mechanics C. Daniel Frisbie CEMS Molecular Materials and Interfaces; Molecular Electronics Wayne Gladfelter CHEM Materials Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Scanning Probe Microscopy Greg Haugstad CHAR FAC AFM Scanning Probe Microscopy(Director, Characterization Facility) David Norris CEMS Photonic Crystals; Nanocrystals; Colloids Andreas Stein CHEM Solid State Chemistry of Porous Materials Associated Investigators: Michael Tsapatsis – Frank Bates – Lee Penn synthesis, phase behavior,structure, and performance of surfactants and self-assembled molecular and colloid systems
Calculated spectra: Modification of Thermal Emission via Photonic Crystals Fan Li, Zhiyong Wang (Norris, Stein) 8:20 Thurs
Crystallization of Silver Stearate from Lithium Stearate 30 sec reaction 0.1 w% LiSt 1 min >5 min LiSt +AgNO3 AgSt Sam Dong, Dave Whitcomb (Eastman Kodak) 4:40 Wed
C=O Si-O-Si C-H =C-H SEM Surface Image Lateral Raman Image pores pores drug drug Raman Imaging of Drug Loaded Collar Raman and SEM images were compared to determine surface features and differentiate between components. Yellow = Dexamethasone Blue = PDMS Eric Vandre, Jeanette Polkinghorne (Boston Scientific), (Haugstad) 3:20 Wed Drug-Matrix Collar
IT Characterization Facility (www.charfac.umn.edu) Greg Haugstad, Director • Highlights • $15 million worth of equipment • 2 sites • 6 New Instruments • 15 Analytical Professionals • 13.85 FTE; 8 PhD, 3 masters • > 230 person years of experience • Training and certification for hands-on use • Workshops and classes • Instrument development • Users • 140 UMN faculty research groups • 20 other universities • 63 companies • Poster session demos: Agilent, Hysitron, TA Instruments • Tour
(~$15M) CharFac Instrumentation Suite X-ray Diffraction & Scattering • Bruker AXS (Siemens) D5005 XRD • Siemens D500 X-Ray XRD (multi-sample changer) • Scintag XDS 2000 Theta-Theta XRD (wide T range) • Rigaku D-max B XRD • Bruker AXS microdiffractometer with 2D detector • Philips X’pert Pro high-angular resolution XRD • Rapid-data acquisition/combinatorial microdiffractometer • 2D SAXS, 2 meter line • 2D SAXS, 6 meter line with in-line DSC, rheometer, and mechanical strain device, T stage • Anton Paar SAXSess Proximal Nanoprobes (AFM & nanomechanical/profiling) • Two Digital Instruments (Veeco) Nanoscope III Multimodes (EFM, MFM, KPFM, FMM, force volume) • Molecular Imaging (Agilent) PicoSPM and PicoPlus; T, RH, EC control; shear mod, MAC mode, Q control; closed-loop • LFM, tapping/phase, pulsed force mode on all four SPMs • Mobile LabView station: custom capabilities • Probe modification: Metal-coating & plasma; microsphere attachment; liquid and vapor phase chemical modification • Hysitron Triboscope (nanomechanical tester interfaced with DI Multimode) and stand-alone Triboindentor • MTS Nanoindentor XP • Custom-built micromechanical tester (MMT) • Tencor stylus profilometer Visible Light Microscopy • Video and Computer-Enhanced Light Microscopy • Zygo optical profilometer Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopes • JEOL 6500 FE-SEM (EDS, EBSD, cathodolum.) • JEOL 6700 FE-SEM (high-res.) • Hitachi S-900 FE-SEM (cryo, in-lens high-res.) • Hitachi S-4700 FE-SEM (cryo) • Electroscan Environmental SEM • JEOL 1210 TEM (cryo, EDS, PEELS) • JEOL 1200 TEM (biological appl’s) • Two FEI Tecnai G2 30 FEG TEMs; one with STEM and EDAX, the other with cryo, tomography, energy filtering • FEI Tecnai T12 TEM • Two full suites of specimen prep tools (SEM/TEM) for hard and soft materials and biological specimens Surface and Thin-Film Analytical • Ion beam analysis: NEC 5.1 MeV accelerator, He+ and H+ Rutherford backscattering (RBS); FReS (hydrogen content), PIXE, PIGE/NRA; channeling analysis • SSI monochromated X-ray photoelecton spectros. (XPS) • Phi unmonochromted X-ray photoelectron spectros. (XPS) • Auger spectroscopy (AES; scanning and sputter profiling) • Phi TRIFT Time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) • Woollam VASE spectroscopic ellipsometer Vibrational spectroscopy • Nicolet Magna-IR 750 FTIR spectrometer with microscope and attenuated total reflectance • Witec confocal Raman microscope with full spectroscopic imaging in XY and XZ; AFM grade closed-loop scanning
2008 Meeting – May 27 – May 30 • Industrial • Partnership for • Research in • Interfacial and • Materials • Engineering Annual Meeting Plenary Session May 27, 2009 2009 Meeting (May 26 - May 28)