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Introduction to GEO Cold Region efforts Yubao Qiu GEO Secretariat yqiu @geosec.org. 11~12 Dec. 2012 CEOS-GEO WP meeting Geneva, Switzerland. Global Issue: The Cryospheric Components. Three poles concept.
Introduction to GEO Cold Region effortsYubao Qiu GEO Secretariatyqiu@geosec.org 11~12 Dec. 2012 CEOS-GEO WP meeting Geneva, Switzerland
Global Issue: The Cryospheric Components Three poles concept It includes snow, sea ice, lake and river ice, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, permafrost and seasonally frozen ground, and solid precipitation
Heritage: CEOS IGOS-P, IPY, GEO Tasks “Legacy of the International Polar Year 2007-08”, AR-09-03b. (Subtask of AR-09-03: Advocating for Sustained Observing Systems) Another subtask, “Accelerating the Implementation of the Global Climate Observing System” (CL-09-02), includes the Global Cryosphere Watch. A few other tasks address snow and ice issues at least peripherally (e.g., CL-06-01, EC-09-01). … By Jeff Key, 2010 WP2012-2015: GEO - Information Services for Cold Region
WATER Improving water-resource management through better understanding of the water cycle C3 Information Service for Cold Regions Leads Canada (University of Waterloo, ells@uwaterloo.ca), China (BNU), Spain (CSIC) and United States (NOAA) Priority Actions • Archive, manage, and provide access to in-situ and remotely-sensed metadata and data sets for monitoring frozen ground, glaciers, ice sheets, sea ice, and snow, through appropriate national, regional and global systems and centres (see also EC-01). • Archive, manage, and provide access to in-situ and remotely sensed data sets and associated metadata for monitoring cold regions through appropriate national, regional, and global systems and centres for: (i) frozen ground, glaciers, ice sheets, sea ice, and snow; (ii) biodiversity, ecosystem productivity and human-environment interactions, including use of community-based monitoring (see also EC-01 and BI-01); (iii) ocean, atmosphere, and land surface structure, composition, and processes (see also IN-02 and SB-01)
Build a polar data catalogue through integrated observation and modelling data from the broad range of “International Polar Year” research activities • Support the development of sustained and coordinated pan‐Arctic observing and data sharing systems that serve societal needs. Improve the networking among existing observing systems and sites to create pan‐Arctic observing networks. Promote the implementation of the SAON project (Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks; see IN-01) • As a component of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) portal, establish a Cryosphere Constellation of Portals by linking existing and proposed portals of cryospheric information, such as the Polar Data Catalogue (Canada), National Snow and Ice Data Centre and SAON (USA), and Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no). Link this Cryosphere Constellation of Portals through WIS/GEOSS interoperability standards.
GEO Cold Region Contribution: Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain, United States, ICIMOD, IEEE, INTERACT, SAON, WCRP, WMO • In Work plan 2012-2015: Priority Actions • Promote the implementation of the SAON project (Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks; see also IN-01-C3-Promotion and Coordination across Surface-based and Space-based Observing Systems) • Promote GCW (the fundamental contribution from WMO through WIS) • Link GLIMS, GlobGlacier, and the National Snow and Ice Data Center. see also IN-01 • Link Polar Data Catalogue, National Snow and Ice Data Centre, and SAON through GEOSS interoperability standards • New contributions: • PSTG (Polar Space Task Group) – WMO / CEOS • Provide Arctic ecosystem monitoring via INTERACT (Arctic Ecosystem monitoring) • Provide the CryoClim Cryospheric climate monitoring service • Integrate the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) in GEOSS • Providing the essential climate variable (ECV) sea ice for the Arctic and the Antarctic • Provide Snow Cover mapping and experiment for the Tibetan Plateau • Provide Glacier dynamics mapping in Tibetan Plateau using satellite observations • Advance Permafrost (InSar) monitoring
GEO Broker Global Initiatives: Arctic: SAON INTERACT Antarctic: … The third pole PSTG … GCW… CEOS IGOS-P Cryo. GEO Web Portal Regional GEOSS GEO goes widely Components go deeply
Thank you! GEO Cold Region: COLD-REGION@list.geosec.org