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The Top Jobs in five different European countries - a booklet -. INTRODUCTION
The Top Jobs in five different European countries - a booklet -
INTRODUCTION During our week together in Latvia we spoke about the different top jobs in Latvia, Turkey, Spain, Italy and Germany. Here is a little summary of all the information that we received. Maybe it will be helpful for the one or the other when they are going to decide where and what to study.
1. Top Jobs of Turkey 2. Top Jobs of Latvia 3. Top Jobs of Italy 4. Top Jobs of Spain 5. Top Jobs of Germany Table of Contents
Top Jobs in Turkey • 1. Doctor • 2. Engineer • 3. Dentist • 4. Pilot • 5. Architect • 6. Business Man (CEO) • 7. Computer Programmer • 8. Photographer • 9. Psychologist • 10. Sportsman
Top Job No. 10- Sportsman - • What does a sportsman do? • They are trained to compete in a sport involving physical strength, speed, endurance. What do they earn? • There is a wide range in the earnings of sportsmen. Amateurs earn less than professionals. They can have an income of up to some billions. How good are the chances of employment? • It is depending on the talent. But if they are trained and talented they can be very famous. What are the working conditions like? • They gain their physical strength by work outs in gyms, stadiums or other outdoor places. Furthermore, they need to follow a strict diet, beside their physical training.
Top Job No. 9- Psychologist - • How do you become a Psychologist? • In order to become a psychologist, you first of all need to finish high school. Afterwards it is necessary to study Psychology at University for 4 years. What do they earn? • They earn approximately between 1000 – 3000 €. How good are the chances of employment? • There is a wide range of possibilities where a psychologist is able to work, e.g. in schools or hospitals. You are also able to open your own practice. What are the working conditions like? • They usually work in indoor places like schools, hospitals or offices. The working hours of a psychologist working in a public hospital are 5 days a week from 9am to 4pm.
Top Job No. 8- Photographer - • How do you become a photographer? • There are two different ways to become a photographer. The first pos1sibility is to study in the Art Department of a university. Or you can make a photographing education for 1 year after high school. What do they earn? • They earn approximately between 850 – 2500 €. How good are the chances of employment? • There are different options where to work. They can work in newspaper agencies, official/ private offices or art centres. What are the working conditions like? • They work inside and outside. Often they have jobs at weddings, anniversaries, fashion shows, birthday parties and a lot more.
Top Job No. 7- Computer Programmer - • How do you become a computer programmer? • After you have finished high school, you need to study at university for at least two years. What do they earn? • They earn approximately between 450 – 3600€. How good are the chances of employment? • Computer Programmer are needed everywhere. They can work in public and private places. There is a wide range. What are the working conditions like? • These people work in offices and are in touch with first degree information. They can program software and are able to deal with problems of all ICT matters.
Top Job No. 6- Business Man (CEO) - • How do you become a business man? • No graduation certificate is needed to become a business man. What do they earn? • They earn from 2500 € upwards. How good are the chances of employment? • There are too many people who want to become a business man at a successful company, therefore it can be quiet hard to get a good job. What are the working conditions like? • In this position you usually work in an office and have many working hours. Sometimes you even have to travel in order to attend meetings.
Top Job No. 5- Architect - • How do you become an architect? • It is required to study at university for 4 years to be able to call oneself an architect. What do they earn? • In Turkey the salary is between 900€ - 2500€. How good are the chances of employment? • This profession is demanded in Turkey. Architects can be employed at both public and private sector or run their own offices. What are the working conditions like? • If they work in the public sector, they have a five-day-week from 8am to 5 pm. Working conditions in the private sector may differ according to the employer’s regulations.
Top Job No. 4- Pilot - • How do you become a pilot? • You need to visit the Land and Air Warfare school for 4 years in order to achieve and undergraduate education. Later you need to have a training period of another 4 years. What do they earn? • They earn between 4.000€ and 10.000€. How good are the chances of employment? • This profession is needed in Turkey. They get jobs in aviation companies, military services or foreign airline companies. What are the working conditions like? • They don't have a regular working life. The structure of their day is dependent on the time of the flight. Often they have to stay somewhere overnight.
Top Job No. 3- Dentist - • How do you become a dentist? • After finishing high school, you have to study in the Faculty of Dentistry for 5 years. They have many biological courses. What do they earn? • When they have just finished university, the earn 1.000€-3000€. But talented and experienced dentists can earn up to 7.000€. How good are the chances of employment? • Almost every graduate gets a job. They can work at hospitals, dispensaries or at their own practices. What are the working conditions like? • Usually their working day is from 9am to 4pm five days a week.
Top Job No. 2- Engineer - • How do you become an engineer? • Four years of studying at an university are needed in order to become an engineer. Furthermore, you often have to specialise in one topic. What do you earn? • They earn approximately between 1000€ – 8.000 €. How good are the chances of employment? • It is depending on the qualifications and skills of the graduate. What are the working conditions like? • They usually work 6 days a week. Most of them work in office buildings, laboratories or industrial zones. They often have to travel a lot.
Top Job No. 1- Doctor - • How do you become a doctor? • They have to study in the medical faculty for 6 years. If they want to be more professional, they have to take the Medical Specialization Examination and complete their Ph.D degree. What do you earn? • Usually you earn between 2500€ – 8000 €. How good are the chances of employment? • There is a high demand of doctors in Turkey, therefore, almost all of the graduates find a job e.g. in a hospital. What are the working conditions like? • The job of a doctor usually is hard and exhausting work. Normally they work from 9 am to 4 pm for five days a week. But sometimes they also have to stay at the hospital over night.
Top Jobs in Latvia • Businessman • Lawyer • Designer • Architect • Psychologist • Banker • Photographer • Musician • Interpreter • Doctor
Top Job No. 10- Doctor - • How do you become a doctor in Latvia? • You have to study for 6 years at either the University of Latvia or at the Riga Stradins University. What does a doctor earn? • In the Latvian hospitals a doctor earns more than 600€ per month. The wage of a private doctor is depending on his qualifications. How good are the chances of employment? • Doctors can work at hospitals or open their own practices. So it is very likely that they find a job. What are the working conditions like? • A family doctor works about 8 hours per day. But there are also doctors that work on call. Furthermore, the working hours depend on the appointments of the people
Top Job No. 9- Interpreter - • How do you become an Interpreter? • In order to become an interpreter, you have to study for 3 – 5 years at a university. Possible universities in Latvia: Ventspils University, Riga Technical University, Daugavpils University, etc. How much does an interpreter earn? • Their income depends on their qualification. It can be between 500€ and 4.000€. How good are the chances of employment? • Interpreters are really needful in touristic seasons. But in areas where there aren't that many tourists, it's hard to find a job. What are the working conditions like? • An interpreter's work is variable. It depends on the amount of work that is required. Sometimes it is 3 hours a day but sometimes it's 16 hours per day.
Top Job No. 8- Musician - • How do you become a musician? • There is for example the “Jazepa Vitola Latvian Academy of Music”, where you can gain experience. Or you participate in different festivals or music schools. How much does a musician earn? • The earnings are dependant on the talent. Musicians with a great talent can have a good income. You can also get a good wage by organising your own concerts, where you earn about 700€ for one concert. How good are the chances of employment? • Many musicians show their talent in TV-shows or go to other countries to become more famous. What are the working conditions like? • They can work alone or in a band. Musicians participating in orchestras work 6 – 7 hours a day (30 – 35 hours a week).
Top Job No. 7- Photographer - • How do you become a photographer? • A professional high school education can be gained during courses at the “Stylists’ School of Biruta Magele” and “Riga’s Vocational School”. What does a photographer earn? • There is no fixed income. A wedding photographer earns 70€ to 1.400€ for a photo session, but others who work in a private studio only earn 5-8€ per hour. How good are the chances of employment? • After finishing the required courses, you can work as a private photographer, organise private photo sessions or be employed at a newpaper. What are the working conditions like? • A wedding photographer works for 8-10 hours, but afterwards, he still has to edit the photos. This takes about 25-35 hours. Photographers with their own studios work 40-50 hours a week.
Top Job No. 6- Banker - • How do you become a banker? • To become a banker you have to study for 3 years (4 years if extramural) at the State Technical School in Liepāja or Rīga. Later you can study for a master or a doctor degree. What does a banker earn? • In Latvia, a banker earns 570€ to 715€. How good are the chances of employment? • Bankers can only work in banks, that are owned by the state. In Latvia there are 6 big banks, e.g the Bank of Latvia. Furthermore, a banker can work in banks all over the world. What are the working conditions like? • A banker works 10-12 hours per day, 5 days a week. His work takes place mainly in an office.
Top Job No. 5- Psychologist - • How do you become a psychologist? • It is necessary to study 3 years at any university in Latvia. The studies cost about 5714€. What does a psychologist earn? • A state psychologist earns about 350€ per month, but private psychologists earn as much money as they agreed to with their client. How good are the chances of employment? • The profession and the need for it is a growing all over Europe. Schools, kindergardens, clinics, etc. all need psychologists What are the working conditions like? • The daily workload varies and depends on the challenges and the type of institution, where the psychologist works. Sometimes it's really hard work.
Top Job No. 4- Architect - • How do you become an architect? • In order to become an architect, you have to study for 5 years at a university to achieve you bachelor degree. Often it is required to complete a training period, usually at least 3 years before they sit for the licensing exam. What does an architect earn? • They earn between 710€ - 2840€ per month. How good are the chances of employment? • If you are very creative and a good architect, it's not too hard to find a job. What are the working conditions like? • It is important that you can work with other people together and convince your clients of the right choices. Also, you need to be capable of a lot of work. They often don't have a free day.
Top Job No. 3- Designer - • How do you become a designer? • To become a professional designer, you have to study at a university, college or private design school. Often it is required to hand in some sketches before the entry. What does a designer earn? • A designer earns 250€ - 1350€ per month. How good are the chances of employment? • In a time when advertisement, etc. plays a key role in our society, the job of a designer becomes very important. What are the working conditions like? • The average designer works 10 hours a day from Monday to Friday. They have to be very creative and need to know what attracts the consumers of a product which they are designing.
Top Job No. 2- Lawyer - • How do you become a lawyer? • You have to study jurisprudence at university. Possible universities are: Riga Graduate School of Law or the University of Latvia. What does a lawyer earn? • A lawyer earns about 710€ per month. How good are the chances of employment? • Even though you can work in the private and public sector, it is very difficult to find a job as a lawyer in Latvia. There is no need for them. What are the working conditions like? • As a lawyer you work 30 hours per week, often in an office, but that isn't essential.
Top Job No. 1- Business Man - • How do you become a business man? • There are two different subjects that you can study to become a business man: Either management sciences or economics. Possible universities are The University of Latvia or the Turība. What does a business man earn? • Usually, they earn around 700€ per month, but that is depending on the size of his business/ company. How good are the chances of employment? • The perspectives of a business man in Latvia are great. Due to the low costs, it's a good place to start a business. What are the working conditions like? • They say that a good business man works 24 hours, 7 days a week. As you are your own boss, you can decide when you are working.
Top Jobs in Italy • Doctor • Fashion Stylist • Engineer • Teacher • Graphic Designer • University Researcher • Writer • Photographer • Computer Programmer • Architect
Top Job No. 10- Architect - • How do you become an architect in Italy? • To become a junior architect, you have to attend a three-year-study at a university. Afterwards, it is recommended to specialize for 2 more years in a sector that you have chosen. What does an architect earn? • In the public sector an architect earns, after 5 years of activity, about 1.500€. But there are also many people who earn less. How good are the chances of employment? • In the past years, the demand of architects wasn't very high. But that has changed by now. It is going to get easier for architects to find a job. What are the working conditions like? • An architect usually works 7/8 hours a day, 5 days a week; he can have 2/3 weeks holiday if he/she is employed in the public sector. But there is a high competition between them.
Top Job No. 9- Computer Programmer - • How do you become a computer programmer? • In order to become a computer programmer you have to get a high school degree in information technology (5 years), then you need to attend university for 3 to 5 years. What does a computer programmer earn? • The average wage is between 1.500€ - 2.500€ per month. How good are the chances of employment? • In Italy, there is a steady demand for this job. What are the working conditions like? • The working hours depend on how much work you have to do but normally you have an 8-hour working day, 5 days a week.
Top Job No. 8- Photographer - • How do you become a photographer? • There are several ways to become a photographer: You can graduate at a technical or art school with photography courses (5 years) or you can attend special courses in photography or university courses (5 years). But your training hasn’t got an end as you have to keep up to date. What does a photographer earn? • They earn averagely 1000€ to 2000€ per month. How good are the chances of employment? • Photographers are always demanded in Italy. What are the working conditions like? • A photographer usually works as free licensed. He can give his professionalism to different customers from public and private sectors. The working hours go from 5 - 10 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Top Job No. 7- Writer - • How do you become a writer? • To become a professional writer, you should visit an university for 3-5 years, where you study for example Literature. Or you study journalism, this takes only 3 years. What does a writer earn? • It’s difficult for a writer to get a fixed and plentiful wage. There are only a few writers, who succeed. How good are the chances of employment? • Good writers are always needed. Usually, you are not employed, you work on your own. What are the working conditions like? • A writer can work no stop to finish his latest masterpiece (novel, poetry collection , thriller…), but on the contrary he can wait for days his/her inspiration to start a new work. There are no fixed working hours.
Top Job No. 6- University Researcher - • How do you become a university researcher? • To be a university researcher you need to participate at a university public concourse. What does a university researcher earn? • The range goes from 800€ to 1200€. In the private sector, the payment is way higher. How good are the chances of employment? • As in Italy this job is not paid very well, a lot of young researchers emigrate to the USA or other countries, where the salary is higher. What are the working conditions like? • The working hours depend on the project or the research you are working on. Usually, you work in public universities not more than 8 hours a day. But you can also work for private companies, especially in the pharmaceutical field.
Top Job No. 5- Graphic Designer - • How do you become a graphic designer? • You need to have a 3-year university degree or other special courses in this subject. But it is very important that you are passionate about the things you do. What does a graphic designer earn? • If you work in the public sector you can earn from 1300€ up to more than 2000€. How good are the chances of employment? • In Italy there is a steady demand for this job. What are the working conditions like? • You can work in the public or private sector and usually you work about 8 hours a day 5 days a week; But if you have to finish a particular work, you might have to work longer than that.
Top Job No. 4- Teacher - • How do you become a teacher? • You have to study the subjects you want to teach for 4 years at university, then you need to attend two years of educational course about the didactic of teaching. Then comes one year of practice. What does a teacher earn? • At the beginning, you earn about 1200€ per month. Later you can earn up to 2000€. How good are the chances of employment? • In Italy there isn’t a strong demand for teachers. Therefore, you will be a temporary teacher for 5/10 years, then you will become a permanent teacher, when you can take the place of other teachers who are going to retire. What are the working conditions like? • Usually you work for 18/21 hours a week in state schools in the morning. Often you have to do some work at home as well.
Top Job No. 3- Engineer - • How do you become an engineer? • It is necessary to study 3 years at the university and, after you get the degree, you have to add another 2 years to get your master. What does an engineer earn? • There is no fixed salary. It depends on the projects, how good the person is, etc. How good are the chances of employment? • The market demand for this job is not very high because there are lots of engineers, for this reason you should do your best starting from university , to stages, specialization courses and up dating to make sure you'll make a career in this job. What are the working conditions like? • An engineer hasn't got any specific working times, he has a project to fulfill, the sooner he finishes, the better and the more he will be paid. He has a high responsibility.
Top Job No. 2- Fashion Stylist - • How do you become a fashion stylist? • To become a fashion stylist, it is required to go to a fashion school for 5 years or you visit a university course that is connected to fashion. What does a fashion stylist earn? • The salary is variable from 800€ to 5000€ and more! It depends on the name of the brand that you are working for. How good are the chances of employment? • There is a steady demand for this job in Italy. What are the working conditions like? • You should usually work 8 hours, 5 days a week, but during the preparation for a new collection, you have to work “non stop”.
Top Job No. 1- Doctor - • How do you become a doctor? • You need to complete a study of 6 years, where a year of practice is included. Afterwards, you can specialize in a certain category. What does a doctor earn? • A senior doctor (hospital doctor) earns about 2300€-2400€ per month to which are added various allowances for a total ranging between 2600€ and 3500€ a month. How good are the chances of employment? • In Italy the market demand for this job is high but also the selection is very extreme. What are the working conditions like? • The working hours of a doctor can range from 6 to 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, depending on your specialization, but you also need to work on the weekends.
Top Jobs in Spain • Banker • Scientist • Lawyer • Sportsman • Hairdresser
Top Job No. 5- Hairdresser - • How do you become a hairdresser? • You need an Intermediate Specific Vocational training (two courses after finishing high school). It's possible to study in a public or in a private center. What does a hairdresser earn? • The salary of a main hairdresser is about 1100€ and the assistant hairdresser earns 900€ per month. How good are the chances of employment? • The demand of hairdressers is increasing nowadays because people are getting more worried about their look. What are the working conditions like? • Hairdressers usually work at a private hairdresser's, although it’s possible to work in a public hairdresser, e.g in a retirement homes. They work 42 hours a week.
Top Job No. 4- Sportsman - • How do you become a sportsman? • You don't need an educational training, although a degree in “Physical Activity and Sports Sciences” could be advisable. What does a sportsman earn? • It's very difficult to live working as a sportsperson, only few sports earn enough money. A sponsor can be very helpful. How good are the chances of employment? • There are many young people who want to work as sportsperson but only a few can become one. What are the working conditions like? • It depends on the sport. In general terms, you should train at least 5 days per week but rest is as important as training. You have to take care of your behavior, food, etc because it is essential for you sports performance.
Top Job No. 3- Lawyer - • How do you become a lawyer? • First of all you need to study at university. Afterwards you can become a public or a private lawyer. That is where a selection will take place. What does a lawyer earn? • The public lawyer earns between 1.700€ and 10.416€ per month. The private lawyer has an income from 1.700€ upwards. How good are the chances of employment? • Lawyers can be government employees, if they pass a public competitive examination; They can work also in private law firms and companies; and they may open their own private law office. What are the working conditions like? • One can't say something definite about all lawyers, because the differences are too big.
Top Job No. 2- Scientist - • How do you become a scientist? • You should study a science branch at university (Maths, Chemistry,...). Or become a researcher in Economics, Languages, etc. What you really need if you want to be a researcher is to study a degree and to get a PhD at a university. What does a scientist earn? • The salary is from 1000€ a month to 2500€ if you have been hired. If you work as a research assistant, you will earn between 600-900€. How good are the chances of employment? • Right now there is no demand of this kind of job, because there are no public investments in science. What are the working conditions like? • Almost all the researchs are done at public research centres, where you work five days a week, eight hours a day. In a private company it depends on the job you do there.
Top Job No. 1- Banker - • How do you become a banker? • If you want to work as a banker, you have to study Economics or Laws at the University. What does a banker earn? • They earn between 2000-2500 € per month. It depends on the money or clients you get for the bank. How good are the chances of employment? • Right now only great banks like BBVA and BSCH need employees. The rest of the banks already have enough people. What are the working conditions like? • In Spain a bank is a private company, so you have the same working conditions like the other employees: 5 days a week, from 8am to 2pm.
Top Jobs in Germany • Lawyer • Doctor • Architect • Banker • Designer • Teacher • Stewardess • Photographer
Top Job No. 8- Photographer - • How do you become a photographer? • The education can be started with 16. What is essential is the right eye for motives. You have to take part in a professional education for 3 years. What does a photographer earn? • They usually earn between 800€ and 1.200€, but that depends on their qualifications. How good are the chances of employment? • For the future it is going to get harder for photographers to find a good and well-paid job. What are the working conditions like? • That depends on the employment. They have to work a lot with the computer and if they have their own studio, they have to work whenever there is an appointment.
Top Job No. 7- Stewardess - • How do you become a stewardess? • You need to be 18 years old to start your education after finishing high school. They learn about safety instructions, the handling of the passenger, etc. What does a stewardess earn? • They earn about 1.415€ per month. How good are the chances of employment? • The perspectives for stewardesses are very good because the demand is increasing. What are the working conditions like? • You have to be very friendly and welcoming to all you passengers. Furthermore, the working hours aren't fixed. Sometimes you have to stay overnight.
Top Job No. 6- Teacher - • How do you become a teacher? • You have to study the subjects you want to teach for 4 years at university. Additionally, you learn about psychology and communication skills. After university, you have to get practical experience in school. What does a teacher earn? • A teacher can earn about 3.300€ per month. How good are the chances of employment? • It became really difficult for teachers to find a job after their practical experience. What are the working conditions like? • You start working at 8am and finish in the early afternoon. Often you still have to work at home during the afternoon.
Top Job No. 5- Designer - • How do you become a designer? • You need to complete and education of 6-9 semesters. The most important subjects are art, informatics, English and economics. What does a designer earn? • The average income is 3.300€. There are only very few designers who earn more. How good are the chances of employment? • There are many possibilities where designers can go to after finishing their education. So if you are talented, you will find a job. What are the working conditions like? • You plan, produce and style the clothes of other people. They work in fashion ateliers and for fashion magazines or brands.
Top Job No. 4- Banker - • How do you become a banker? • There is no need to study, you can make a professional eduaction. During this time you already get to know the work in a bank. What does a banker earn? • They earn from 700€ per month upwards depending on the position they have. How good are the chances of employment? • Even though there are problems in the financial world, the job is still in high demand. What are the working conditions like? • You mainly work in an office and have direct contact with your clients. You give advices to them about their financial situation.
Top Job No. 3- Architect - • How do you become an architect? • After hight school you can enter university and study architecture. It takes about 3-4 years for the bachelor and 2 more years if you want to get your master. What does an architect earn? • They usually earn 3000€ to 6000€. But this also depends on their qualifications. How good are the chances of employment? • The chances of employment are rather bad. There is no need of architects in Germany at the moment. What are the working conditions like? • They plan and supervise the construction of buildings. This means they work in offices and also outside where the construction takes place.
Top Job No. 2- Doctor - • How do you become a doctor? • After finishing high school with an extremly good diploma you can enrol at a university for medical studies. The study takes 6 years. You get practical and theoretical experience. What does a doctor earn? • A doctor earns approximately 6000€ per month but this is also depending on his position. How good are the chances of employment? • Doctors are steadily demanded in Germany. What are the working conditions like? • The work for a doctor in a hospital is very stressful. They often have to work at night and on the weekends. If you have your own practice that is different.