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Violence Prevention Coalition of Orange County Violence Facts. Extent of the Problem
Violence Prevention Coalition of Orange County Violence Facts Extent of the Problem • The 20th century was one of the most violent period’s in human history. Each year, over 1.6 million people worldwide lose their lives to violence. Violence is among the leading causes of death for people aged 15–44 years worldwide, accounting for 14% of deaths among males and 7% of deaths among females. (World Health Organization, 2004) • Violence by an intimate partner accounts for about 22% of reported violent crimes against women and only 3% of reported violence against men. (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 2000) • More US teenagers die from gunshot wounds than from all natural causes of disease combined. (Journal of the American Medical Association, 1996: 275(22):1754) • A national estimate claimed that about 1,300 children died of abuse or neglect in 2001, which was an 8% increase from 2000. (Department of Health and Human Services 2001 Child Abuse Report Data) • Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for young adults (15-24) in America behind accidents and homicide. (American Association of Suicidology, 2002) • In the United States, the lifetime costs for all persons who are injured due to rape, robbery, assault and arson, and those who are murdered are estimated to be $325.3 billion. (Berkeley Media Studies Group, 1997)Updated 5/04 Definition of Violence The threatened or actual use of physical force or power against another person, against oneself, or against a group or community which either results in, or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death or deprivation. • Underlying and • Contributing Factors • Children exposed to abuse or neglect are five times more likely to grow up violent. (National Institute of Justice, 2000) • Published studies suggest that as many as 86% of homicide offenders, 37% of assault offenders, 60% of sexual offenders, up to 57% of men and 27% of women involved in marital violence, and 13% of child abusers were consuming alcohol at the time of offense. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1997) • A gun in the home is most likely to be used against someone who lives in that home (63% of victims) or an acquaintance (29% of victims). (California Department of Health Services, 1998)
Orange County Violence Facts • In 200,1 homicide was the leading cause of death for Orange County residents between the ages of 15 and 24 years. 86% (25 out of 29) of the homicide victims in this age group were male. (Calif. Dept. of Health Services, Epidemiology and Prevention for Injury Control) • In 2001, the number of deaths due to firearms equaled those due to motor vehicle collisions. Since then, firearm deaths no longer surpass motor vehicle-related deaths (in 2001 there were 229 motor vehicle-related deaths and 139 deaths due to firearms). (Calif. Dept. of Health Services, Epidemiology and Prevention for Injury Control) • Suicide occurs more frequently in Orange County than homicide--in 200,1 there were 235 suicides and 73 homicides. (Orange County Health Care Agency, Vital Records) • In 1993, there were 13,456 violent crimes (homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault) reported to law enforcement in Orange County. (California Criminal Justice Profile) • There has been a 27% increase in homicides in Orange County compared to the state average increase of 12%. (California Criminal Justice Profile) • In 2001, in Orange County 63% of homicides were committed using a firearm. (Calif. Dept. of Health Services, Epidemiology and Prevention for Injury Control) As of February, 1996, there were 931 licensed firearm dealers, 20 firearm importers, and 28 licensed firearm pawnbrokers in Orange County. (Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) • In 2001, in Orange County 588 people were hospitalized for injuries from non-fatal assaults. Hospital charges (excluding doctors' fees) were over $27,600,000. (Calif. Dept. of Health Services, Epidemiology and Prevention for Injury Control) • In 1995, 21% of the 3,268 designated trauma patients in Orange County were the victims of gunshot wounds, assault/rape, or stabbings. (Mission Hospital Trauma Services, Western Medical Center-Trauma Center, UCI Trauma Services) • In 2001/02, 25,607 child abuse and neglect reports were filed and referred for assessment in Orange County. There has been a 312% decline in the number of child abuse reports since 1992/93. (Ninth Annual Report on the Condition of Children in Orange County, 2003) • There were 36 known gang-related homicides in 2002, a 105% decrease since 1993. However, there was a 100% increase from the 18 gang related homicides in 2001. (Ninth Annual Report on the Condition of Children in Orange County, 2003) • Of the 670 Orange County children expelled from public schools in the 1995-1996 school year, 149 were for reasons including causing, attempting to cause or threatening to cause physical injury to another person; 220 were for reasons including possessing, selling or otherwise furnishing a weapon; 6 were for reasons including possessing an imitation firearm. (Orange County Department of Education) • The incidence of elder abuse continues to rise in Orange County. The average number of elder abuse reports received each month by the Social Service Agency has increased from 285 per month during 1997/98 to 436 per month during 2001/02. (Conditions of Older Adults Report, 2003) • There were 175 documented hate-related incidents in Orange County in 1995. (Orange County Human Relations Commission)