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INTRODUCTION TO CRYSTAL PHYSICS. What is Crystal Physics?. ‘ Crystal Physics ’ or ‘ Crystallography’ is a branch of physics that deals with the study of all possible types of crystals and the physical properties of crystalline solids by the
INTRODUCTION TO CRYSTAL PHYSICS What is Crystal Physics? ‘Crystal Physics’ or ‘Crystallography’ is a branch of physics that deals with the study of all possible types of crystals and the physical properties of crystalline solids by the determination of their actual structure by using X-rays, neutron beams and electron beams. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
CLASSIFICATION OF SOLIDS • Solids can broadly be classified into two types based on the • arrangement of units of matter. • The units of matter may be atoms, molecules or ions. • They are, • Crystalline solids and • Non-crystalline (or) Amorphous solids PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS • A substance is said to be crystalline when the • arrangement of units of matter is regular and • periodic. • A crystalline material has directional properties and • therefore called as anisotropic substance. • A crystal has a sharp melting point. • It possesses a regular shape and if it is broken, all • broken pieces have the same regular shape. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS • A crystalline material can either be a single • (mono) crystal or a polycrystal. • A single crystal consists of only one crystal, • whereas the polycrystalline material consists of • many crystals separated by well-defined • boundaries. • Examples • Metallic crystals – Cu, Ag, Al, Mg etc, • Non-metallic crystals – Carbon,Silicon,Germanium, PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
NON CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS • In amorphous solids, the constituent particles • are not arranged in an orderly manner. They • are randomly distributed. • They do not have directional properties and so • they are called as `isotropic’ substances. • They have wide range of melting point and do • not possess a regular shape. • Examples: • Glass, Plastics, Rubber etc., PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
ATOMIC ARRANGEMENT IN CRYSTALS • mono (or) single crystals • (b) polycrystalline solids • (c) amorphous solids PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
CRYSTALS • It is a substance in which the constituent particles are • arranged in a systematic geometrical pattern. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
= + CRYSTAL STRUCTURE Crystal structure = Lattice + Basis PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
UNIT CELL • A unit cell is defined as a fundamental building block • of a crystal structure, which can generate the • complete crystal by repeating its own dimensions in • various directions. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC AXES • Consider a unit cell consisting of three mutually • perpendicular edges OA, OB and OC as shown in • figure. • Draw parallel lines along the three edges. • These lines are taken as crystallographic axes and they • are denoted as X, Y and Z axes. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
LATTICE PARAMETERS • Consider the unit cell as shown in figure. • Let OA, OB and OC are the intercepts made by the • unit cell along X, Y and Z axes respectively. • These intercepts are known as primitives. In • crystallography the intercepts OA, OB and OC are • represented as a , b and c . PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
LATTICE PARAMETERS • The angle between X and Y axes is represented as . • Similarly the angles between Y and Z and Z and X axes • are denoted by and respectively as shown in the • above figure. These angles , and are called as • interaxial angles orinterfacial angles. • To represent a lattice, the three interfacial angles and • their corresponding intercepts are essential. These six • parameters are said to be lattice parameters. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
PRIMITIVE CELL • It is the smallest unit cell in volume constructed • by primitives. It consists of only one full atom PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
PRIMITIVE CELL • A primitive cell is one, which has got the points or • atoms only at the corners of the unit cell. • If a unit cell consists of more than one atom, then it is • not a primitive cell. • Example for primitive cell :Simple Cubic unit cell. • Examples for non-primitive cell:BCC and FCC unit cell. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
CRYSTALS SYSTEMS • The seven systems are, • Cubic (isometric) • Tetragonal • Orthorhombic • Trigonal (rhombohedral) • Hexagonal • Monoclinic and • Triclinic PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
CRYSTALS SYSTEMS • The space lattices formed by unit cells are marked by the following symbols. • Primitive lattice:Phaving lattice points only at the • corners of the unit cell. • Body centred lattice:I having lattice points at • the corners as well as at the body centre of the unit • cell. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
CRYSTALS SYSTEMS • Face centred lattice:F having lattice points at the • corners as well as at the face centres of the unit cell. • Base centred lattice:C having lattice points at the • corners as well as at the top and bottom base • centres of the unit cell. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
BRAVAIS LATTICES • Bravais in 1948 showed that 14 types of unit cells • under seven crystal systems are possible. They • are commonly called as `Bravais lattices’. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 1
MILLER INDICES • Miller indices is defined as the reciprocals of • the intercepts made by the plane on the three • axes. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
MILLER INDICES • Procedure for finding Miller Indices • Step 1: Determine the interceptsof the plane • along the axes X,Y and Z in terms of • the lattice constants a,b and c. • Step 2: Determine the reciprocals of these • numbers. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
MILLER INDICES • Step 3:Find the least common denominator (lcd) • and multiply each by this lcd. • Step 4:The result is written in paranthesis.This is • called the `Miller Indices’ of the plane in • the form (h k l). • This is called the `Miller Indices’ of the plane in the form • (h k l). PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
EXAMPLE ( 1 0 0 ) plane Plane parallel to Y and Z axes PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
MILLER INDICES • IMPORTANT FEATURES OF MILLER INDICES • A plane passing through the origin is defined in terms of a • parallel plane having non zero intercepts. • All equally spaced parallel planes have same ‘Miller • indices’ i.e. The Miller indices do not only define a particular • plane but also a set of parallel planes. Thus the planes • whose intercepts are 1, 1,1; 2,2,2; -3,-3,-3 etc., are all • represented by the same set of Miller indices. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
MILLER INDICES • IMPORTANT FEATURES OF MILLER INDICES • It is only the ratio of the indices which is important in this • notation. The (6 2 2) planes are the same as (3 1 1) planes. • If a plane cuts an axis on the negative side of the origin, • corresponding index is negative. It is represented by a bar, • like (1 0 0). i.e. Miller indices (1 0 0) indicates that the • plane has an intercept in the –ve X –axis. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
CRYSTAL DIRECTIONS • In crystal analysis, it is essential to indicate certain • directions inside the crystal. • A direction, in general may be represented in terms of • three axes with reference to the origin.In crystal system, • the line joining the origin and a lattice point represents • the direction of the lattice point. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
CRYSTAL DIRECTIONS • To find the Miller indices of a direction, • Choose a perpendicular plane to that direction. • Find the Miller indices of that perpendicular plane. • The perpendicular plane and the direction have • the same Miller indices value. • Therefore, the Miller indices of the perpendicular • plane is written within a square bracket to • represent the Miller indices of the direction like [ ]. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
DESIRABLE FEATURES OF MILLER INDICES • The angle ‘’ between any two crystallographic directions • [u1 v1 w1] and [u2 v2 w2] can be calculated easily. The • angle ‘’ is given by, • The direction [h k l] is perpendicular to the plane (h k l) PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
DESIRABLE FEATURES OF MILLER INDICES • The relation between the interplanar distance and the • interatomic distance is given by, • for cubic crystal. • If (h k l) is the Miller indices of a crystal plane then the • intercepts made by the plane with the crystallographic • axes are given as • where a, b and c are the primitives. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
SEPARATION BETWEEN LATTICE PLANES • Consider a cubic crystal of side ‘a’, and a • plane ABC. • This plane belongs to a family of planes • whose Miller indices are (h k l) because • Miller indices represent a set of planes. • Let ON =d, be the perpendicular distance of • the plane A B C from the origin. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
SEPARATION BETWEEN LATTICE PLANES • Let 1, 1 and 1 (different from the interfacial • angles, and ) be the angles between co- • ordinate axes X,Y,Z and ON respectively. • The intercepts of the plane on the three axes are, • (1) PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
SEPARATION BETWEEN LATTICE PLANES From the figure, 4.14(a), we have, (2) From the property of direction of cosines, (3) Using equation 1 in 2, we get, PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
SEPARATION BETWEEN LATTICE PLANES Using equation 1 in 2, we get, (4) Substituting equation (4) in (3), we get, PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
i.e. (5) i.e. the perpendicular distance between the origin and the 1st plane ABC is, PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
Now, let us consider the next parallel plane. • Let OM=d2be the perpendicular distance of this • plane from the origin. • The intercepts of this plane along the three axes are PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
SEPARATION BETWEEN LATTICE PLANES • Therefore, the interplanar spacing between two • adjacent parallel planes of Miller indices (h k l ) is • given by, NM = OM – ON • i.e.Interplanar spacing • (6) PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 2
CRYSTAL SYMMETRY • Crystals have inherent symmetry. • The definite ordered arrangement of the faces • and edges of a crystal is known as `crystal • symmetry’. • It is a powerful tool for the study of the internal • structure of crystals. • Crystals possess different symmetries or • symmetry elements. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 3
CRYSTAL SYMMETRY What is a symmetry operation ? • A `symmetry operation’ is one, that leaves • the crystal and its environment invariant. • It is an operation performed on an object or pattern • which brings it to a position which is absolutely • indistinguishable from the old position. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 3
CRYSTAL SYMMETRY • The seven crystal systems are characterised by • three symmetry elements. They are • Centre of symmetry • Planes of symmetry • Axes of symmetry. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 3
CENTRE OF SYMMETRY • It is a point such that any line drawn through it will • meet the surface of the crystal at equal distances • on either side. • Since centre lies at equal distances from various • symmetrical positions it is also known as `centre • of inversions’. • It is equivalent to reflection through a point. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 3
CENTRE OF SYMMETRY • A Crystal may possess a number of planes or • axes of symmetry but it can have only one centre • of symmetry. • For an unit cell of cubic lattice, the point at the • body centre represents’ the `centre of • symmetry’ and it is shown in the figure. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 3
PLANE OF SYMMETRY • A crystal is said to have a plane of symmetry, when • it is divided by an imaginary plane into two halves, • such that one is the mirror image of the other. • In the case of a cube, there are three planes of • symmetry parallel to the faces of the cube and six • diagonal planes of symmetry PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 3
AXIS OF SYMMETRY • This is an axis passing through the crystal such that if • the crystal is rotated around it through some angle, • the crystal remains invariant. • The axis is called `n-fold, axis’ if the angle of rotation • is . • If equivalent configuration occurs after rotation of • 180º, 120º and 90º, the axes of rotation are known as • two-fold, three-fold and four-fold axes of symmetry • respectively. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 3
AXIS OF SYMMETRY • If equivalent configuration occurs after rotation of 180º, • 120º and 90º, the axes of rotation are known as two- • fold, three-fold and four-fold axes of symmetry . • If a cube is rotated through 90º, about an axis normal to • one of its faces at its mid point, it brings the cube into • self coincident position. • Hence during one complete rotation about this axis, i.e., • through 360º, at four positions the cube is coincident • with its original position.Such an axis is called four-fold • axes of symmetry or tetrad axis. PH 0101 UNIT 4 LECTURE 3