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Happy Are The Harassed Matthew 5:10-12; Psalm 129:1-7

Explore persecution in the early Christian church, study biblical references, and discuss personal experiences and feelings towards persecution. Learn to find joy and hope in the midst of trials.

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Happy Are The Harassed Matthew 5:10-12; Psalm 129:1-7

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  1. Happy Are The Harassed Matthew 5:10-12; Psalm 129:1-7

  2. “It is estimated that more people have been martyred for Christ in the past 500 years than in the church’s first 300 years.” “Persecution in the Early Church” Christian History

  3. Evan Williams – Twitter Cofounder

  4. DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. What types of persecution are referenced in (Matthew 5:10-12)? • Insults • Persecution • Slander

  5. DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. Have you experienced any of these because of your faith?

  6. DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. What forms of persecution are prevalent in your community?

  7. DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. Read the following passages and list what each says about persecution. • (John 15:18-25) Persecution is inevitable because Jesus endured the ultimate persecution • (Acts 14:22) The Disciples endured persecution. • (2 Tim. 3:12) All who are living godly lives will experience persecution • (1 Peter 4:13-14) We are to be joyous through our persecution because of the rewards to come

  8. DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. How can a person find joy even in the midst of persecution?

  9. DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. (Psalm 129:1-4) is a testament of how God had delivered Israel in the past. When has God delivered you from persecution?

  10. DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. How does remembering past deliverance give you hope for future persecution?

  11. DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. In (vs. 5-8) the psalmist encouraged the Israelites to pray for continuing deliverance. How can you pray more fervently for deliverance?

  12. DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. What do the following verses teach about perseverance? • (Romans 5:3-5) The end result of perseverance is hope through the Holy Spirit • (2 Cor. 4:16-17) Perseverance that is focused on eternity allows us to endure • (Heb. 10:36) It takes perseverance to complete the will of God

  13. DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. What is your usual attitude under persecution?

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