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Enhancing Standardization in Ghana's ICT Sector: Challenges and Solutions

Learn about the legal framework, standard development, current situation, challenges, and recommendations for the Ghanaian ICT sector. Discover strategies for improving market surveillance and increasing cooperation in the sub-region.

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Enhancing Standardization in Ghana's ICT Sector: Challenges and Solutions

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  1. ITU Regional Standardization Forum for Africa (Kampala, Uganda, 23-25 June 2014) STANDARDIZATION: THE CASE OF THE GHANAIAN ICT SECTOR KOFI NTIM YEBOAH-KORDIEH DEPUTY MANAGER, NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY, GHANA kofi.yeboah-kordieh@nca.org.gh


  3. LEGAL ENACTMENTS • Section 3 (a) of the NCA ACT, Act 769 of 2008: The Authority shall establish and monitor the implementation of national communications standards and ensure compliance accordingly; • Section 3 (n): The Authority shall certify and ensure the testing of communications equipment for compliance with • (i) international standards; and • (ii) environmental health and safety standards including electromagnetic radiation and emissions;

  4. STANDARD DEVELOPMENT The National Communications Authority collaborates with the Ghana Standards Authority to develop standards for the ICT industry in Ghana. Ghana Standards Authority has set up a National Committee on ICT Standards made up stakeholders in the industry.

  5. CURRENT SITUATION Regulator has developed Type Approval Guidelines to guide applicants and has also stepped up its enforcement efforts. Online portal for type approval applications and for displaying list of type approved equipment. Collaboration with Customs officials to help curb importation of sub-standard and counterfeit equipment at the port of entry.

  6. CURRENT SITUATION • Draft Technical Regulation has been developed to enable regulator to enforce standards. • Regulator has put together an elaborate publicity plan to educate the general public. • Marking Requirements • Market Surveillance • Test labs accredited to carry out tests on behalf of the NCA. These include RF, EMC and health and safety tests. Test Labs should be ISO 17025 compliant.

  7. Marking requirement • All Type Approved Equipment are now given a Equipment Identity clearly displayed on the device RTTE CC TAT IY SN NCA APPROVED: XXX - XX- XX- XXX RTTE CC : RTTE COLOUR CODE TAT : TYPE APPROVAL TYPE (modular or host) IY : ISSUE YEAR SN : SEQUENCE NUMBER

  8. CHALLENGES Lack of test lab Capacity Building Influx of ‘sub-standard’ and counterfeit communications equipment Market Surveillance not very effective due to lack of test lab Lack of awareness about standardization process. Delay in approval of technical regulations by legislature. Little or no cooperation in the sub-region

  9. Conclusions and Recommendations Test Lab in the sub-region through a PPP with technical assistance from the ITU ITU should organize more capacity- building workshops MRAs within the sub-region

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