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Australian Curriculum: Languages. Lucie Sorensen Senior Project Officer , Languages. Outline of Presentation. ACARA update Architecture of the Australian Curriculum: Languages Overarching design features of the Australian Curriculum: Languages
Australian Curriculum: Languages Lucie Sorensen Senior Project Officer, Languages
Outline of Presentation • ACARA update • Architecture of the Australian Curriculum: Languages • Overarching design features of the Australian Curriculum: Languages • Overview of draft curriculum (design features realised in curriculum documents) • orientation of the teaching and learning of all languages (key concepts and organisational structure)
ACARA Update Language specific
F-10 Languages curriculum development: Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages
F-10 Languages curriculum development:Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Modern Greek, Spanish and Vietnamese
Architecture of the Australian Curriculum: Languages • Pathways • Second language learners • Background language learners • First language learners • Time on task
Learning areas • English • Mathematics • Science • Humanities and Social Sciences – History, Geography, Economics and Business, Civics and Citizenship • The Arts • Languages • Health and Physical Education • Technologies Dimensions of the Australian Curriculum • General capabilities • Literacy • Numeracy • Information and Communication Technology Capability • Critical and Creative Thinking • Ethical Behaviour • Personal and Social Capability • Intercultural Understanding • Cross-curriculum priorities • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia • Sustainability
Intercultural understanding • a central aim of learning languages • learning languages involves comparison and reflection (linguistic, social, and cultural) • language learners actively engage in intercultural interpretation
Language, culture and learning Through learning languages, students acquire: • essential communication skills in the target language • an intercultural capability, and • an understanding of the role of language and culture in human communication. • Learning language involves: • Student Performance • Analysis • Reflection
Aims The Australian Curriculum: Languages aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, and skills to ensure students: • communicate in the target language • understand language, culture, and learning and their relationship, and thereby develop an intercultural capability in communication • understand themselves as communicators.
Context statement Band descriptions Language specific Achievement standards
Content structure – two strands • Communicating: using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating, and exchanging meaning. • Understanding: analysing language and culture as a resource for interpreting and creating meaning.
Overview of Communicating strand – sub strands • Socialising and taking action • Obtaining and using information • Responding to and expressing imaginative experience • Moving between/translating • Expressing and performing identity • Reflecting on intercultural language use
Overview of Understanding strand – sub strands • Systems of language • Variability in language use • Language awareness • Role of language and culture
Achievement standard • Achievement standards describe what students are typically able to understand and able to do. They describe expected achievement and emphasise the depth of conceptual understanding and the sophistication of skills
Chinese Foundation to Year 4 (Level 1) Achievement Standard • By the end of Level 1, students ask and respond to questions to exchange personal information and interests. They participate in creative performances in collaboration with others. They use gestures and movement to support their oral communication. They create short texts in characters by copying from word lists to convey personal information using models, or produce cards and posters for special occasions and events. They identify key words in texts glossed in Pinyin, or locate familiar words in texts presented in characters. They recognise familiar word order in Chinese sentences and use model sentence patterns to incorporate their own meanings in communication. Sentences are short, following the basic subject-verb-object structure with occasional use of adjective predicates. Numbers are used to describe age, family members and to quantify objects (with measure word). • By the end of Level 1, students understand that Pinyin provides access to the sounds of the spoken language and use it to practise speaking with attention to pronunciation and tone. They recognise features of the Chinese writing system: the range of strokes and their sequences in character writing and how component knowledge can assist in learning characters. They recognise that Modern Standard Chinese is a language of global importance and identify examples of Chinese use particularly within their own community. They describe features of Chinese culture and display awareness of cultural values when participating in interactions with Chinese people.
Consultation Portal • The Australian Curriculum has been published online • ACARA works with Education Services Australia to publish draft material on the consultation portal and when approved the online curriculum • Australian Curriculum Connect project linking state/territory digital resources to support the teaching of the curriculum http://consultation.australiancurriculum.edu.au/
Consultation processes • Online survey and written submissions • Teacher intensive engagement (trial schools) • National panel meetings (2 representatives from each state and territory and national professional teacher associations; DEEWR rep) • Face-to-face consultation forums in each S&T for draft Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages
Feedback • Broad feedback is sought on the Languages curriculum overall in relation to: • Rationale and Aims for the Languages: Learning area • Structure of the curriculum • More specific feedback in each Language is sought in relation to: • Context statement • Band descriptions • Curriculum content (clarity, coverage, pitch and sequence) • Achievement standards (clarity, coherence, pitch, sequence, usability) • Manageability for teachers
More information … ACARA Website www.acara.edu.au Australian Curriculum Website http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/Home
Chinese German, Modern Greek, Spanish, Vietnamese Lucie Sorensen Senior Project Officer, Languages Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) Level 10| 255 Pitt Street|SYDNEY|NSW|2000 Ph: 02 8098 3267| Fax: 1300 995 468 Email: lucie.sorensen@acara.edu.au
Italian Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages Arabic, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean Suzanne Bradshaw Senior Project Officer, Languages Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) Level 10| 255 Pitt Street|SYDNEY|NSW|2000 Ph: 02 8098 3149| Fax: 1300 995 468 Ph: +618 8302 4794 (Adelaide) Email: suzanne.bradshaw@acara.edu.au