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Unveiling the Essay: A Croissant of Ideas to Digest

Dive into the world of essay writing through a delicious analogy of a croissant with chocolate. Explore the introduction as the enticing top, body paragraphs as the filling, and conclusion as the satisfying bottom. Learn how to craft a five-paragraph essay with engaging hooks, connecting ideas, and a strong thesis. Discover the art of structuring your essay like a well-prepared meal, ensuring your main points are digested by the reader. Bon Appétit!

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Unveiling the Essay: A Croissant of Ideas to Digest

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  1. Eating an Essay

  2. An Essay is like eating a Croissant with chocolate

  3. Parts of an Essay Introduction Body Conclusion

  4. Introduction • Get the attention TOP OF THE CROISSANT

  5. Body • Supporting ideas Hammy! • Work on it

  6. Conclusion • Strategic point BOTTOM OF THE CROISSANT

  7. Introduction Body Conclusion Top of the croissant Chocolate Bottom of the croissant PARTS OF AN ESSAY PARTS OF A CROISSANT

  8. Now … You are ready to eat your essay Bon Appetite!

  9. A FIVE-PARAGRAPH ESSAY • INTRODUCTION paragraph • FIRST BODY paragraph • SECOND BODY paragraph • THIRD BODY paragraph • CONCLUSION paragraph

  10. INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH • Hook • Connecting ideas • Thesis statement

  11. THE HOOK GET THE ATTENTION Did you know that the food takes seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach?

  12. THESIS STATEMENT IT IS A SENTENCE THAT IDENTIFY THE MAIN IDEA OR PURPOSE OF THE ESSAY Digestion involves mixing food with digestive juices, moving it through the digestive tract, and breaking down large molecules of food into smaller molecules. Whatisthisabout? • Production of digestive juices • Movement of food through the digestive system • Absorption of nutrients

  13. SECOND, THIRD and FOURTH PARAGRAPHS • Topic sentence • Supporting ideas • 3. Concluding/transitional sentence

  14. CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH Restatement of thesis and points of development; suggestion; opinion; or prediction . …In sum, the digestive system conducts the complex tasks of digesting and absorbing nutrients from the foods and liquids you consume each day. Oftentheconclusion of a paperisworth more thanitsparts

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