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Is Good good enough?. The first 100 Ofsted reports on the new framework in Essex. Including all routine primary reports Leaving out Section 8 and specific-focus reports. They’re good…..!. Who got the praise?. Heads Leadership team Governors Subject leaders Teaching assistants.
The first 100 Ofsted reports on the new frameworkin Essex • Including all routine primary reports • Leaving out Section 8 and specific-focus reports
Who got the praise? Heads Leadership team Governors Subject leaders Teaching assistants
Who got the praise? Heads 40% Leadership team 45% Governors 44% Subject leaders 2% Teaching assistants 17%
Who got the flack? Heads 0% Leadership team 3% Governors 6% Subject leaders 10% Teaching assistants 4%
Two issues came up positive in over half the reports. Can you pick them out? Reading Progress Positive pupil attitudes Behaviour Use of Pupil Premium Sound teaching Relationship with parents
Two issues came up positive on over half the reports. Can you pick them out? Reading Pupil progress Positive pupil attitudes Behaviour 78% Use of Pupil Premium Sound teaching 55% Relationship with parents
Good teaching The teaching is consistently sound and some of it is very good indeed. 55% The teaching is excellent, even inspiring, and this is true across the school. 12%
Big success in pastoral aspects Behaviour78% Positive relationships with parents 36% Pupils feel safe 33% Positive pupil attitude 28% SMSC 22% Relationships and teamwork in school 20% Attendance 12% Ethos and ambience 10%
More muted praise for core subjects Reading Writing Mathematics Science 1% 4% 13% 20%
More muted praise for core subjects Reading 20% Writing 4% Mathematics 13% Science 1%
Praise for pupil groups Early years 35% SEN 24% Pupil Premium 13% EAL 1%
Which is which? Attainment is good or better Progress is good or better • One is cited in 44% of reports. • The other is cited in 11% of reports.
The common negatives Teaching is inconsistent. Not all teaching is outstanding. Too much teaching is dull or routine. 40%
In more detail… Dull, slow-paced, rigid and/or superficial teaching style 19% Teachers talk too much, pupils not enough 7% Pupils lack independence 19% Marking is poor and doesn’t give useful feedback 44% Poor match of work to need/weak differentiation27% Fuzzy assessment for learning 32% Poor data monitoring 14%
Negative about some subjects Reading 7% Writing 27% Speaking & Listening 2% Mathematics 19% Science 0%
Negative about some pupil groups Least able More able Boys 24% 5% 3%
Negative about some pupil groups Least able 5% More able 24% Boys 3%
Reasons to be cheerful Profoundly caring Great atmosphere Good teamwork Great behaviour Supportive parents Strong early years Respectable reading results Reasonable progress Sound teaching
Watch your back • Good, but not outstanding! • Pedestrian and/or inconsistent teaching • Marking • The more able • Assessment for learning • Writing, in many cases • Maths, in some cases • Subject leaders
To be outstanding in Essex Strong, stimulating teaching across the school is the main goal.
To be outstanding in Essex Take a more active approach to the more able.
To be outstanding in Essex Get to a closer match of teaching to need. Smarter use of tracking…? (….and now is a good time to do it.)
To be outstanding in Essex • Check writing. The writing curriculum has changed quite a lot. • Check numeracy in Years 3 & 4. That is where the big shift has occurred.
Not because of the government Not because of Ofsted Certainly not for a speaker