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Angela Joyce Teacher Qualifications Framework Manager

Qualifications for teachers in the sector in England: Developing systems to ensure learner progression. Angela Joyce Teacher Qualifications Framework Manager. Aims of the event. To outline key responsibilities of organisations involved in implementation of the reforms

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Angela Joyce Teacher Qualifications Framework Manager

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  1. Qualifications for teachers in the sector in England: Developing systems to ensure learner progression Angela Joyce Teacher Qualifications Framework Manager

  2. Aims of the event • To outline key responsibilities of organisations involved in implementation of the reforms • To outline current and future activity in relation to development of the teacher qualifications framework • To outline specific barriers to learner progression for which LLUK is seeking answers

  3. LLUK Develops standards and facilitates development of qualifications Works with partner organisations to ensure effective implementation Provides information and advice through the website and I & A Service QCA Accredits teacher qualifications submitted by awarding bodies SVUK Endorses teacher qualifications submitted by awarding institutions Responsible for the tariff of legacy qualifications IfL Registers teachers in the sector Confers ATLS & QTLS and awards Licence to Practise Monitors professional formation & CPD activities QIA Responsible for CETTS Holds support materials on the Excellence Gateway LSC Responsible for funding of AB qualifications Brokering agency for the £30m (for those with LSC contracts) Organisational responsibilities

  4. Regulations • Further Education Teacher Qualifications (England) Regulations 2007 • ‘full teaching role means a teaching role that carries the full range of teaching responsibilities…and requires the teacher to demonstrate an extensive range of knowledge, understanding and application of curriculum development, curriculum innovation or curriculum delivery strategies.’ • ‘associate teaching role means a teaching role that carries significantly less than the full range of teaching responsibilities ordinarily • carried out in a full teaching role….’

  5. ‘Equipping our Teachers’: We expect to amend (current) regulations to: …“abolish the present three stages of initial teacher training based on the roles that part time and full time teachers play” …“(create a) qualifications framework for the sector that is unit and credit based….” LLUK activities and consultation included: Audit of existing qualifications Research into roles in the sector Testing out on focus groups National consultation events HE & AB working groups Project steering groups and expert advisory group Identifying teacher roles and developing qualifications

  6. Firming up role definitions in the sector • Guidance for awarding institutions available from the website – soon to be available in hard copy – role descriptions • Intention to build bank of case studies, profiling people operating in the associate role • Evaluation ongoing from Sept 07 • Specialist focus groups re-established for November/ December consultation • LSC has commissioned research into ‘unintended consequences’ of regulations for the 3rd sector With up to 5 years for completion of a qualification, patterns may emerge but research won’t be completed until 2012

  7. Initial Award (PTLLS) for all teachers Minimum level 3 Mandatory 6 credit unit (minimum 30 contact hours) Free standing or ‘embedded’ Certificate (CTLLS) for teachers in a role with limited responsibilities Includes initial award Available at level 3 and level 4 24 – 36 credits (18 mandatory) Diploma (DTLLS) for teachers in a full teaching role Includes initial award Minimum level 5 120 credits (90 mandatory) New qualifications for teachers in the sector in England Qualifications developed within a credit based framework

  8. Developments in populating the TQF • Collaborative work with LLUK colleagues e.g. 14-19 Diploma Implementation units • Collaborative work with SSC colleagues e.g. MSC – Leadership and Management proposed developments • Collaborative work with partner stakeholders e.g. QIA with Subject Learning Coach accreditation and NIACE with e-learning • Collaborative work with DIUS e.g APL, Adult Progression • Developing relationships with CETTS

  9. Research and development activities • Include: • Exploring the needs of teacher educators for effective implementation of the new qualifications • Further research into equitable provision of CPD opportunities across the sector • Exploring priority areas for optional unit development • Recommendations for a TQF in Wales • Development of a user guide for use of the MSC generic standards for Management and Leadership across FE, ACL and WBL

  10. Developing flexible systems for teacher qualifications Extending existing systems for qualification delivery and assessment, to meet the needs of the widening sector • Delivery models - up to 1 year to complete PTLLS and up to 5 years to complete further qualification - how can systems ensure access and progression? Current models may need to be revised • AP(E)L/ Exemption systems – how can these be established and quality assured across awarding institutions? • Assessment models – to what extent can requirements for different levels be flexible while ensuring that quality is maintained and improved?

  11. Articulation of frameworks for learner progression In 2003-2004 – approx 23,000 new entrants on HEI routes and approx 22,000 new entrants on AB routes; there is the prospect of a major increase in AB numbers on PTLLS. LLUK needs resolutions to barriers to the following: • Importing level 3 credit into HEI programmes • Importing 6 credits into larger HEI modules • Allowing learners to take up to 5 years to complete • Sharing and use of units of assessment of different credit values • Articulation of teacher qualifications between England and other UK nations • Strong and developing credit accumulation and transfer systems from FE to HE and between awarding institutions

  12. Contacts • Angela Joyce • angelajoyce@lluk.org • Information and Advice Service: • 020 7936 5798 • www.lifelonglearninguk.org

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