English I HonorsSeptember 2, 2014Bell work: Mythology Scavenger Hunt due! Turn in please.Agenda: •Antigone•Go over, explain, discuss, and explore Antigone Work Packet•Read background on Greek Drama and Oedipus Rex •Provide students with online access to Antigone•Distribute copy of Antigone for annotating•Assign/volunteer reading roles for Antigone•Reminders: • •Mythology Character Sketch and presentation due Thursday• •Mythology Questions and Influences due Thursday • •TKAM novels will be distributed/checked out on Thursday
I.D.s in Media Center English I HonorsSeptember 3, 2014Bell work: Mythology Scavenger Hunt due! Turn in please.Agenda: •Antigone•Go over, explain, discuss, and explore Antigone Work Packet•Read background on Greek Drama and Oedipus Rex •Provide students with online access to Antigone•Distribute copy of Antigone for annotating•Assign/volunteer reading roles for Antigone•Reminders: • • Mythology Character Sketch and presentation due Friday• • Mythology Questions and Influences due Friday••TKAM novels will be distributed/checked out on Friday
English I HonorsSeptember 4, 2014 Bell work: Turn in Mythology Questions and InfluencesAgenda:Mythology•Draw numbers for today’s Character Sketch Presentations•Write your name on the rubric and give it to me•After presenting, turn in sketch with written portionAntigone•Begin/continue reading Antigone (Prologue, Parodos, Scene 1 and Ode 1) p. 693-705•Begin/continue working on Antigone Work Packet as we readTo Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM)•Go over/review/explain To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) reading assignments and due dates•Go over/review/explain Mapping Maycomb Project (due Tues., Sept. 16th!)• Sign out/check out novels as needed
English I HonorsSeptember 5, 2014 Bell work: Turn in Mythology Questions and InfluencesAgenda:Mythology•Draw numbers for today’s Character Sketch Presentations•Write your name on the rubric and give it to me•After presenting, turn in sketch with written portionAntigone•Begin/continue reading Antigone (Prologue, Parodos, Scene 1 and Ode 1) p. 693-705•Begin/continue working on Antigone Work Packet as we readTo Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM)•Go over/review/explain To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) reading assignments and due dates•Go over/review/explain Mapping Maycomb Project (due Wed., Sept. 17th!)• Sign out/check out novels as needed