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My experience I’ve been teaching for 9 years. This is my 7 th year in Lost Lake. I have a B.A. in Educational Studies from S.U.N.Y- Empire State College I am bilingual in Spanish and English. First Grade Expectations.
My experience • I’ve been teaching for 9 years. • This is my 7th year in Lost Lake. • I have a B.A. in Educational Studies from S.U.N.Y- Empire State College • I am bilingual in Spanish and English
First Grade Expectations Our field trip will be in the late winter early spring. More information will be sent home. • Please read over the expectations and sign and date. • There will be two copies one for you and one for me. • Please make sure to turn one in for my records. • You will also receive passwords for programs to use at home with your children.
First Consistency Plan Our field trip will be in the late winter early spring. More information will be sent home. • Please look over at our First Grade Consistency Plan. • As we start the PowerPoint, we will be referring to different parts of the plan and how we assess in first grade.
When students exhibit great behavior they can move their clip up. All student start the day on Ready to learn When student exhibit unacceptable behavior they can move their clip down. Students are given many opportunities to move up their clip and improve behavior. Happy faces all week equals treasure box prize on Friday.
8:40-9:35 9:35-10:05 10:05-10:35 10:35-11:05 11:05-11:33 11:39-12:09 12:09-1:00 1:00-1:20 1:20-1:55 1:55-2:40 Reading ROAR Daily 5 Writing Science/SS Lunch Math Recess AR Enrichment
Reading Block = (90 minutes) • Phonics- We will focus on a weekly phonic skill. • High Frequency Words- We will learn high frequency words weekly. • Vocabulary Words- We will learn the meaning of some vocabulary words weekly. Students must understand the meaning of the words. • Weekly Reading Comprehension Story – • Daily 5 centers- read to self, read to someone, word work, writing, computer and teacher • Grammar- We will learn a weekly grammar skill and practice the skill. • Writing-We will learn a writing craft and practice the craft throughout the week. • ROAR-
Time: Weekly Reading Lesson Test – from the McGraw-Hill Wonders Weekly Assessment Book. Includes phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, cold reads, high-frequency words, structural analysis, and vocabulary application strategies. Fluency - Fluency will be graded every other week, using the Fluency Assessment from McGraw-Hill Wonders Series. End of year goal is 60 words or better.
Language Arts Grades: Spelling – Words of the week with the sound of the week from McGraw-Hill Series. Writing - Grade level will pick writing prompts to use for this assessment. Writing will be graded every other week using the graduated rubric. Strategies from Being A Writer and McGraw-Hill Wonders Series. Grammar - Page from McGraw-Hill Wonders Series. ocabulary – Graded every other week beginning in Unit 4 (around the beginning of the 3rd nine weeks). Page taken from McGraw-Hill Wonders Beyond Practice Book. Listening and Speaking – graded every three weeks beginning in the 3rd nine weeks using the graduated rubric.
Language Arts Grades: Spelling – Words of the week with the sound of the week from McGraw-Hill Series. Writing - Grade level will pick writing prompts to use for this assessment. Writing will be graded every other week using the graduated rubric. Strategies from Being A Writer and McGraw-Hill Wonders Series. Grammar - Page from McGraw-Hill Wonders Series. Vocabulary – Graded every other week beginning in Unit 4 (around the beginning of the 3rd nine weeks). Page taken from McGraw-Hill Wonders Beyond Practice Book. Listening and Speaking – graded every three weeks beginning in the 3rd nine weeks using the graduated rubric.
Our writing curriculum is Be a Writer. The Being a Writer program is a yearlong writing curriculum that combines research in the areas of writing, motivation, and learning theory with social and ethical development. The program has two goals: to develop the creativity and skills of a writer, and to develop the social and ethical values of a responsible person.
Weekly Chapter Test - from Go Math Florida Benchmark Practice Book. End of Chapter Test - from the Go Math OnCore Common Core Assessment Guide or Alternate Chapter Assessments.
Our science curriculum is Florida Interactive Science Pearson • We have wonderful leveled readers to teach scientific facts along with interactive experiments. • In late Fall, we have our Annual Science Fair Night. Parents are invited to visit our school to see the experiment your child’s class has completed.completed.
Our social studies curriculum is Pearson My World • We have interesting leveled readers to teach history along with great topics like good citizens, American leaders, geography, maps and globe. • Every child will learn the importance of social studies along with current events. • In the Spring, we will have our annual Multicultural Festival. We will go on an adventure around the world visiting each continent.
Homework will be in the Yellow folder on Friday. All homework will be collected on Friday. Monday: Practice spelling words on spelling city or/ and writing each word in a sentence. Tuesday:Pick a writing prompt from the monthly calendar and write 3 or more sentences. Wednesday: Read weekly story and answer questions in complete sentences. Thursday: Math Worksheet Friday: Read a book and write the title on your read recognition log.
Our field trip will be in the late winter early spring. More information will be sent home. • Special Event: • 2nd grade – Thanksgiving Program – Thursday, Nov. 14th 6:30 p.m. • 1st grade – Valentines Program – Thursday, Feb. 13th – 6:30 p.m. • Kindergarten – “How Does Your Garden Grow?” – Thursday, April 10th – 6:30 p.m.
Time Capsule Project Our field trip will be in the late winter early spring. More information will be sent home. Make sure to complete this project, students look forward to opening this time capsule at the end of the year! Due : Sept. 13th
Assessments • Accelerated Reader – (AR) Testing will begin soon. Books from media and classroom library. Passing with an 80% or better. • Star Reading – Tested for reading level . Your child’s reading level goal is 2.0 or higher by the end of the year. • F.A.I.R. Testing- a comprehensive set of reading assessments to support instructional decision making and student learning that focuses on assessment for learning, focus on elements of reading, and is tied to the Florida state standards. It will help teachers diagnose student needs. (Proficient is 1.5 by the end of the year)
Student Illness • Student must be fever free for 24 hours before return to school (without the aid of Tylenol or other medication). • Hand washing daily is practiced in the classroom (before lunch and after restrooms use).
Uniform School The Lost Lake Elementary School Advisory Council has established our mandatory uniform policy as follows: Monday through Thursday- Tops: Knit polo style collared shirts in white, navy blue, hunter green, light blue or pink. No T-shirt allowed Monday through Thursday. Tucked in shirttails are preferred. Bottoms: Shorts (fingertip length) or long pants (not baggy or form fitting), skirts, skorts, jumpers, or culottes in black, navy or khaki (solid color only). Belts are preferred but optional. Leggings or stocking in solid black , blue or white only. Fridays only– Jeans on Friday must be fully intact appropriately worn jeans (not baggy or form fitting), without fashionable rips or tears. Jeans must be worn with any Lost Lake shirt or any solid color polo. Footwear: Tennis shoes or shoes with an enclosed heel are preferred. Sandals must have a heel strap. 3rd Offense: School Plus
Party and Snack Snacks, Parties, and Holiday Sharing • Store bought goodies are acceptable. • Snacks should be LOW SUGAR. • If you send a snack, your child will eat it at the end of the day before Enrichment. • If your child cannot participate in celebrations, please let me know. • Birthday Parties are now limited to a treat handed out at lunchtime (chips, cookies, donuts, cupcakes are easy to handout). • Please let me know if you have any allergy concerns.
THANK YOU !!! • Times to call if need 243-2433 (3:00 – 3:30 is best.) Email is fastest! • Email Address – greenn@lake.k12.fl.us • Website: www.lake.k12.fl.us