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Unit Agenda

Unit Agenda. Write this down in your agenda book! March 2, Friday – The Hindbrain (HW – study notes) March 5, Monday – midbrain and part of cerebrum. (HW – study notes) March 6, Tuesday – QUIZ on the hindbrain, and midbrain. Finish the cerebrum/forebrain (HW – study notes).

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Unit Agenda

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  1. Unit Agenda • Write this down in your agenda book! • March 2, Friday – The Hindbrain (HW – study notes) • March 5, Monday – midbrain and part of cerebrum. (HW – study notes) • March 6, Tuesday – QUIZ on the hindbrain, and midbrain. Finish the cerebrum/forebrain (HW – study notes). • March 7, Wednesday – QUIZ on cerebrum. End of six weeks. • March 8, Thursday – Focus on putting the entire thing together. Look at some brain injury case studies. (HW – Article Review) • March 9, Friday – Article Review Workday. Article Review is due on Friday, March 16.

  2. The Hindbrain All of these lower brain functions occur without any conscious effort. http://www.stanford.edu/group/hopes/basics/braintut/f_ab07formdhnd.gif

  3. The Hindbrain • Label your diagram as we go. • You have notes on the back of your page. • You can add notes from this PowerPoint (as you see fit) to your diagram. http://web.lemoyne.edu/~hevern/psy340/graphics/brain_hindbrain.jpg

  4. The Brainstem • Brain’s basement – oldest and innermost region. • Begins where the spinal cord enters the skull and swells slightly, forming the medulla. • Brainstem is the point at which nerves to and from each side of the brain connect with the body’s opposite side. http://www.math.tu-dresden.de/~belov/brain/stem.gif

  5. The Medulla • Controls the heartbeat and breathing. • Destroyed medulla = instant death http://www.toosmarttostart.samhsa.gov/InteractiveBody/html/images/medulla.jpg http://www.wikipedia.org

  6. Pons • Sends signals between the cerebrum and the cerebellum. • Plays a role in sleep and in relaying sensory information (sight, taste, touch, sound, smell)

  7. Reticular Formation • Takes some information from the spinal cord and sends it to the brain. • Also plays a critical role in arousal. • “The reticular formation has also been traced as one of the sources for the introversion and extroversion character traits. Introverted people have been found to have a more easily stimulated reticular formation, resulting in a diminished desire to seek out stimulus. Extroverted people, however, have a less easily stimulated reticular formation, resulting in the need for more stimulation to maintain brain activity” Wikipedia http://www.portfolio.mvm.ed.ac.uk/studentwebs/session4/23/brain_filter1.jpg

  8. Cerebellum • Means “little brain”. • Responsible for some types of nonverbal learning and memory. • The most important function is coordinating voluntary movement. http://www.mult-sclerosis.org/cerebellum.gif

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