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FUTURE: WILL Predictions

FUTURE: WILL Predictions. By Mgr. Šárka Jurajdová. VY_32_INOVACE_AJ1r01020. WILL FOR PREDICTIONS. PESSIMIST 1/ He’ll be have a boy/girlfriend. 2/ You won’t win. 3/ ___________________ 4/ ___________________ 5/ ___________________ 6/ ___________________ 7/ ___________________

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FUTURE: WILL Predictions

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  1. FUTURE: WILLPredictions By Mgr. Šárka Jurajdová VY_32_INOVACE_AJ1r01020

  2. WILL FOR PREDICTIONS PESSIMIST 1/ He’ll be have a boy/girlfriend. 2/ You won’t win. 3/ ___________________ 4/ ___________________ 5/ ___________________ 6/ ___________________ 7/ ___________________ 8/ ___________________ 9/ ___________________ 10/ ___________________ OPTIMIST 1/ I met a great girl/boy! 2/ I’ve bought a lottery ticket! 3/ We’re planning a trip for this weekend. 4/ I got a puppy for birthday! 5/ My mother-in-law has invited me for dinner. 6/ We are going to India on holiday. 7/ I’ve ordered this TV in a sale on the Internet! What a bargain! 8/ I’m going to propose my girlfriend. 9/ I’ve taken a new job. I’ll work as a secretary. 10/ I bought the house which we had seen in the estate agent’s brochure.

  3. SCHOOLSIN 2050 • What will schools be like in 2050? • Who do you think willteach children? • What subjects will be taught? • What kind of system of evaluation will be used? • Will there be any oral testing? • What will the relationships between the teachers and students be like?

  4. SCI-FI OR REALITY? How much do you think our planet will change in 100 years? Structure the sentences with: I think …will I don‘t think …will And justify your opinion. 1/ scientists/ clone humans 2/ health insurance/ be paid 3/ global population/ reach 15 billion people 4/ lack of water/ become the problem number 1 5/ alternative sources/ be used 6/ people/ not travel so much 7/ China/ become the superpower in world politics 8/ meteorite/ strike the Earth 9/ people/ settle on Mars 10/ English/ become the only language in the world

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