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Hussain mujhko maaf karna Hussain please forgive me . Shuja Rizvi. understandingaza.com. Ajab tha akbar ki laash par bhi jo meine apni duaein maangi Barehna binte nabi ke sar se jo betiyon ki ridaaein maangi. It was strange, I came to the body of Akbar and asked for my hajaat
HussainmujhkomaafkarnaHussain please forgive me ShujaRizvi understandingaza.com
Ajabthaakbarkilaash par bhijomeineapniduaeinmaangiBarehnabintenabikesar se jobetiyonkiridaaeinmaangi It was strange, I came to the body of Akbar and asked for my hajaat I asked for the Hijabs for my daughter for the sake of the daughters of the Prophet who lost them understandingaza.com
TarapteAsgharkodekhkarbhinawaas o potonkikhairmaangiShikastaqasimketukredekhe pa ham nawaaonkikhairmaangi When I saw the tortured Asghar, I prayed for the safety of my grandchildren When I saw the pieces of defeated Qasim, I asked for the safety of our youth understandingaza.com
Maqaamezainab se khaimagahtakkyunmeriaankheinkhulihuwithiTaraptelashonkodekhkarbhiduaon par kyuntulihuwithi From the Maqaam of Zainab to the Tents why were my eyes so open Seeing the tortured bodies why was I inclined to pray understandingaza.com
Mein terezakhmibadan se hat karkyunapnisochonmeinghumkharathaJahaan pe qunbaqabilasarazameen pe bikhrahuwa para tha Why was I not thinking about your wounded body and was involved in my own thoughts The place where the family and children were scattered understandingaza.com
Mein ganjeshuhadakibikhrilashonpeapnehoshohawaasmeinthaMein thandapaanibhi pee rahathajahanpeasgharbhipyaasmeintha The place where the martyrs’ dead bodies were scattered, I was in my own thoughts I was drinking cold water where Asghar was thirsty understandingaza.com
Jahaanpeqatil ne nanhidukhtarkemunhpeitnetamaachemaareJalaayekhaymelagayedurtaraptibachhikeduruthare The place where the murderer slapped the little girl on the face You burnt the tents, you trampled with horses, you took off the earrings of the little girl understandingaza.com
Jahaan pe asgharkekhunko tu jabeeneaqdas pe mal rahathaJahaanpe ghazi kehaathlekartudushmanonmeinbhichupkharatha Where you were wiping the blood of Asghar on your holy face Where you were standing silently holding the hands of Abbas in the midst of the enemies understandingaza.com
Jahaanpeteri ye reesheaqdaslahumeinasgharmein tar ba tar thiJahaanpeakbartaraprahathatamamaankhonkiroshnithi Where your holy beard was drenched in the blood of Asghar Where Akbar was suffering, where you lost the light in your eyes understandingaza.com
Tamammaqtalki un jaghon par ghizakihar dam talaashmeinthaDuaaonmeinthameinrizkorozikiaurfikremuashmeinthaMein apnechehrekizebozinatmeinintihaayimadanrahathaShikastalaashonkedarmiyaanbhimeinnarmbistarpekhushparatha In all these places I was constantly looking for my own food I was thinking about my own desires, my own rizk and material thoughts I was deeply involved with the beauty of my own face In between the defeated bodies I was sleeping happily on a soft bed understandingaza.com
Mein ekrasmisalamkarkekyunteriturbat se hat gayathaMein faslon se basaatejaate hi tererozepejhukrahathaDareedadehnikiintehathimeinachhekhanonpelarrahathaKahaankeansukahaan ka giryamein is tarah dud meinkabparatha Why did I just say a traditional salam and then left your grave I was paying respect to your grave from a distance My animalistic desires were at its peak, I was fighting for good food What are my tears and what is my crying when I have such behaviour understandingaza.com
Meinteramujrimhunmeremaalik tu mujhkopathar se durbanadeAy Karbalakeqadeemqabil tu mjhkoasin se hurbana de Meinapneqaimkikhairmangunharekapnidohaa se pehleHussainHussainHussainmujhkomuaafkarnameinzindaayahunkarbala se I am your wrongdoer my master, you should better me with stones Oh the honour of Karbala, you can easily make me Hur I will ask for the safety of my living Imam before I ask for anything else HussainHussainHussain forgive me! I have returned from Karbala alive understandingaza.com