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DEFINITIONS An estimator of a populationparameter is a randomvariablethatdepends on thesampleinformationandwhoserealizationsprovideapproximationstothisunknownparameter. A Spescificrealization of thatrandomvariable is called an estimate. A pointestimatorof a populationparameter is a function of thesampleinformationthatyields a singlenumber. Thecorrespondingrealization is calledthepointestimateof theparameter.
PROPERTIES OF GOOD POINT ESTIMATORS • A good estimator must satisfy three conditions: • Unbiased: Theestimator is saidto be an unbiasedestimator of theparameterifthemean of thesamplingdistribution of is . Intheotherwords the expected value of the estimator must be equal to the mean of the parameter
UNBIASEDNESS OF SOME ESTIMATORS • Thesamplemean, varianceandproportionareunbiasedestimators of thecorrespondingpopulationquantities. • In general, thesample standart deviation is not an unbiasedestimator of thepopulation standart deviation. Let be an estimator of . Thebias in is defined as thedifferencebetweenitsmeanand ; that is Itfollowsthatthebias of an unbiasedestimator is 0.
EFFICIENCY Letand be twounbiasedestimators of ,based on thesamenumber of sampleobservations. Then is saidto be moreefficientthanif Therelativeefficiency of oneestimatorwithrespecttotheother is theratio of theirvariances; that is Relativeefficiency=
EFFICIENCY is themoreefficientestimator. If is an unbiasedestimator of , andnootherunbiasedestimator has smallervariance, then is saidto be mostefficientor minimum varianceunbiasedestimator of .
CHOICE OF POINT ESTIMATOR • Thereareestimationproblemsforwhichnounbiasedestimator is verysatisfactoryandforwhichtheremay be muchto be gainedfromthesacrifice of acceptinglittlebias. Onemeasure of theexpectedcloseness of an estimatorto a parameter is itsmeansquarederror – theexpectation of thesquareddifferencebetweentheestimatorandtheparameter, that is • It can be shownthat,
CONSISTENCY • Consistencyalsodesirable is that an estimatetendtolienearerthepopulationcharacteristic as thesample size becomeslarger. This is thebasis of theproperty of consistency. • An estimator is a consistentestimator of a populationcharacteristicifthelargerthesample size, themorelikely it is thattheestimatewill be closeto .
INTERVAL ESTIMATION • An intervalestimatorforapopulationparameter is a rulefordetermining (based on sampleinformation) a range, orinterval, in whichtheparameter is likelytofall. Thecorrespondingestimate is called an intervalestimate. • Let be an unknownparameter. Supposethat on thebasis of sampleinformation, we can findrandomvariables A and B suchthat • Ifthespecificsamplerealizations of AandBaredenotedbyaandb ,thentheintervalfromatob is called a 100(1-α)% confidenceintervalfor . Thequantity is calledtheprobabilitycontentorlevel of confidence, of theinterval. • Ifthepopulationwasrepeatedlysampled a verylargenumber of times, theparameterwould be contained in 100(1-α)% of intervalscalculatedthisway.
ESTIMATION FOR FINITE POPULATIONS • Whensample is largerelativetopopulation, • n/N>0,05 • Usefinitepopulationcorrectionfactor;
CONFIDENCE INTERVALS FOR THE POPULATION PROPORTION • Assumptions; • TwoCategoricalOutcomes (faulty/not faulty – complex/easy), • PopulationFollowsBinomial Distribution Normal Approximation Can Be Usedif: • n·p≥ 5 n·(1 - p) ≥ 5 • ConfidenceIntervalEstimate;