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The Polish Banking Sector 2013/2014 The Polish Bank Association. Warszawa, March 2014 . Banks in Poland 2013 /2014. Commercial banks (including 2 regional co-operative banks) : 43 / 40 Branches of credit institutions: 26 / 28 Co-operative banks : 572 / 569
ThePolish Banking Sector 2013/2014 ThePolish Bank Association Warszawa, March 2014
Banks in Poland2013/2014 Commercial banks (including 2 regional co-operative banks):43/40 Branches of credit institutions:26/28 Co-operative banks:572/569 Number of service outlets, branches, sub-branches, branch offices:15.432/15.266 Number of employees:174.668/ 173.671 Data by Polish Financial Supervision Authority for the days: 31/01/2013 - 31/03/2014
Ownershipstructure in % of capital in Polish banking sector Thereis a visible trend of increaseinPolish capital withinthesector. Source: Polish Financial Supervision Authority
Polish banks' assets in bn PLN, EUR Source: Polish Financial Supervision Authority
Assets/GDP Source: Polish Central Bank
Polish banks' ownfunds (in bn PLN, EUR) Source: Polish Financial Supervision Authority
Net and grossprofits (EUR bn) Source: Polish Financial Supervision Authority
Percentage of assetsbelonging to loss-bearing banks inselected EU Countries
Return on AssetsinSelected EU Countries ROA Polish Banking Sector Source: European Central Bank, Polish FSA
Return on Equity inSelected EU Countries ROE Polish Banking Sector Source: European Central Bank, Polish FSA
StableCountry-Robust banking sector • During the recent financial crisisPolish bank have not requiredany public support. • The sectorisstable, healthy and with goodperspectives for growth. • The sectorremainedhiglyprofitablein 2013. • Prospects for 2014 and nextyearsaregood. Source: Polish Financial Supervision Authority CAR Polish banking sector
Non-performing loansratioin % Source: Polish Central Bank, Polish FSA
Deposits from non-financialsector in PLN bn, EUR bn Source: Polish Central Bank, Polish FSA
Credits for non-financial sector in PLN bn, EUR bn Source: Polish Central Bank, Polish FSA
Credit growth rate (%) in Poland & Euro zone in 2013 Credit growth rate in 2013 The rate of enterprise ,mortgagecredit & consumercreditgrowth in Poland was higherthan in eurozone Source: Polish Financial Supervision Authority
PolishForeign Trade in EUR bn Source: Minstry of Economy
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