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Lesson 1 Vocabulary List

Lesson 1 Vocabulary List. The Phantom Tollbooth Period 1. Doldrums. (n.) a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression.

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Lesson 1 Vocabulary List

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  1. Lesson 1 Vocabulary List The Phantom Tollbooth Period 1

  2. Doldrums (n.) a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression. Sailors sometimes have difficulty when sailing in the doldrums. Winds will be light causing boats to come to a standstill, sometimes for days. Only sudden storms with strong winds allow sailors to move on.

  3. Peculiar • Definition: • Something that you don’t see every day meaning its very unusual and really weird you see. Sentence: When I went Trick-Or-Treating a peculiar double headed man came to the door and gave me eye balls instead of candy. Part of speech: The word Peculiar is an adjective

  4. Dawdle (noun) To waste time by taking to long to do something. We dawdled away the whole morning by watching T.V and not doing our chores.

  5. Dejected (Noun) Dejected is a person having low spirits; depressed. Buster felt dejected because he didn’t get to go on the family vacation. He is feeling dejected because he wants to be with his family.

  6. (n.) The quality or state of being drowsy; Apathetic or sluggish, inactivity. The teenager was lethargic after eating and drinking way too much after the Halloween party last night. Lethargic

  7. Presume (v) I presumed I was allowed to go to the mall with friends , but I got an F on a test. To take for granted , assume or suppose 2. to take upon oneself without warrant or permission 3. to rely or depend don't presume on his agreement 4. Law to take as proved until contrary evidence is produced

  8. People at school, at work, and other places it seems to be MONOTONOUS! When I see people monotonous it looks like they hate their job or what ever they are doing .One thing that I know for a fact is that makes tasks monotonous is paper work. Workers sometimes have difficulty when they have MONOTNOUS paper work. Especially in companies like cars, company ,and ect. MONOTONOUS:Adjective(ADJ) DEFINITION: 1.Sounded or spoken in an unvarying tone. 2.Tediously repetitious or lacking in variety. Synonym: Boring

  9. We had a strenuous day, moving into are new house. Strenuous Strenuous: very active, full of energy, and requiring much energy. Verb/Noun

  10. Definition Grave risk, something that might cause injury, loss, or destruction Perilous When you decide to fight somebody, you are taking a perilous decision. By Ignacio Balasch The firefighter made a perilous decision by trying to save the woman in the building on fire and not getting himself save first.

  11. Effusive (adj) Unrestrained in express feelings: giving or involving an extragant and sometimes excessive of feeling speech or writing The effusive protesters were yelling at the Congress men for shutting down the government in Washington D.C.

  12. Indignant (adj) feeling or showing of annoying The kids were indignant when little Michael won the best costume because he wore a slenderman costume and to many people were wearing the same costume.

  13. Balderdash [NOUN] The rule no running on compass is balderdash because teachers ‘have a cow’ when you’re late to class. Nonsense pointless talk OR writing

  14. Conciliatory (adj.) win over; placate. To win or gain The audience expected a conciliatory speech.

  15. Surmise Definitions : To make a guess about something. (Sermiz) verb A conclusion drawn on only limited evidence and intuition The teacher surmised Molly stole T’kyha’s pencil because she was sitting right next to her. Synonyms Guesswork, conclusion, inference, hypothesis

  16. TUMULT The lion roared causing a tumult in his African kingdom. (adjective) NOISE OR UPROAR, DISORDOLY AGITIATION OR MILLING ABOUT CROWD USUALLY WITH UPROAR


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