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The TAMTAM project

The TAMTAM project. Aims and expected impact. The TAMTAM project (Leonardo TOI, 2011). Testing and Implementing EQF- and ECVET-Principles in Trade Organizations and Education. Exploiting the TIPTOE plAtforM by Transferring ECVET and EQF semAntic tools in a Multi-sectoral perspective.

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The TAMTAM project

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  1. The TAMTAM project Aims and expected impact

  2. The TAMTAM project (Leonardo TOI, 2011) Testing and Implementing EQF- and ECVET-Principles in Trade Organizations and Education Exploiting the TIPTOE plAtforM by Transferring ECVET and EQF semAntic tools in a Multi-sectoral perspective

  3. Overview • In a nutshell • Exploiting the TIPTOE plAtforM by transferring ECVET and EQF semAntic tools in a Multi-sectoral perspective • Not just an acronym • Above all an onomatopoeic word • Used for auspicating a wide spreading of new qualifications and an effective usage of the outcomes of the TIPTOE “Testing and Implementing EQF and ECVET Principles in Trade Organizations and Education” project • TAMTAM mainly operates a sectoral and geographic transfer • From trade to ICT, fashion/textile, mechanics/mechatronics and energetic efficiency/green building • From the Netherlands to Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom

  4. Needs addressed • Construction and intelligent grow of a common European space for lifelong learning (Lisbon process, ET 2020) • Specific needs • Ensuring mobility and innovation in professions • By means of semantically transparent qualifications articulated into units to which ECVET credit points are allocated (European priority) • Favouring employability • Thanks to an increased match between results above and innovation needs of the labour world (New skills for new jobs) • Transversal need • Capitalizing and exploiting best practices possibly resulting from previous experiences, without “reinventing the wheel” • In terms of both methodologies and tools (e.g., software platforms)

  5. Objectives • The TAMTAM project aims to • Adapt (at the methodological,contenutistic,technological levels) • Transfer (through actions aimed at strengthening the awareness/ appropriation degree and at testing mobility and ECVET tools) • Valorise (through exploitation and dissemination activities) • The outcomes of the TIPTOE initiative, represented by • A methodology (for analyzing the education and labour worlds) • A platform (for creating a European profile in the trade sector) • By • Characterizing EQF level 5 qualifications belonging to new sectors representing the national views in the extended setof countries • Applying ECVET tools • Gathering innovation needs and verifying the flexibility of qualifications and their predisposition to updatability

  6. Context Other path “what is my EFQ level” ECVET points Non formal learning Formal learning (e.g., EQF 4) Lifelong learning Informal learning

  7. Practical obstacles: heterogeneity Information asymmetries

  8. The TIPTOE methodology Profile (NL) KSC (NL) KSC (all countries/profiles, trade sector) Profile (NL) KSC (NL) Profile (FR) KSC (FR) Profile (FR) KSC (FR) … … Profile (IT) KSC (IT) Semantic map(s), common vocabulary Profile (IT) KSC (IT) common elements, differences, gap Occupational dimension EU-EQF profile in KSC linked to EQF Educational dimension

  9. Profile (labour) (Assistente alle vendite, Italy)

  10. Profile (education) (Tecnico superiore commerciale per il marketing e per l'organizzazione delle vendite, Italy)

  11. Approach • Challenges • To overcome the information asymmetries and heterogeneity issues above • Due to different interpretations of EQF and ECVET concepts • But also related to more practical aspects, i.e., to content, language • EQF and ECVET in practice • Sectoral and European approach Learning outcomes are described with no exploitation of a shared dictionary The same concept could be expressed using different terms Naar kenmerken van het product uit te leggen To be able to provide information about the products Etre capable de décrire les produits et leur specificités

  12. Common vocabulary: taxonomy/ontology To be able to use selling techniques Knowledge Action verbs To act To identify Selling techniques To use To evaluate Communication techniques Customer Context To identify The customer Customer needs Full responsibility Customer further needs Customer compliants Customer doubts Knowledge of communication techniques Full responsibility in identifying customer needs

  13. The TIPTOE platform

  14. The TIPTOE project, in practice • Steps • Profiles collection • Profiles annotation with a common vocabulary (taxonomy/ontology) • Inference rules for semantic comparison: common denominator • Creation of the European profile and testing Explain Product Characteristics Provide Information Product Naar kenmerken van het product uit te leggen To be able to provide information about the products KNOWLEDGE BASE Etre capable de décrire les produits et leur specificités Describe Product Specificities

  15. European profile (more levels): the “ruler”

  16. More on TIPTOE • Title • “Exploiting semantics for constructing and comparing occupational and educational-driven qualifications: the TIPTOE project” • Authors • Valentina Gatteschi, Fabrizio Lamberti, Claudio Demartini, Rob van Wezel, Simonetta Bettiol • Publication • Journal of Universal Computer Science, special issue on “Outcomes of International Research Projects on Technology Applied to Education”, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 5-24, 2012 • Link • http://www.jucs.org/jucs_18_1/

  17. Consortium

  18. Consortium • Core partners • Politecnico di Torino - DAUIN (IT) – Applicant/Coordinating org./Beneficiary • 3s research laboratory (AT) • DEKRA Akademie GmbH (DE) • Industriegewerkschaft Metall Vorstand (DE) • Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Oviedo (ES) • GIP FCIP Rectorat de Paris - Groupement d'Intérêt Public Formation Continue et Insertion Professionnelle (FR) • CREDIJ Centre REgional pour le Développement local, la formation et l'Insertion des Jeunes (FR) • Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto (IT) • KCH International (NL) • Universidade do Minho (PT) • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - Institute for Business Education (SI) • clock-IT-skills Ltd (UK)

  19. Consortium • Associated partners • Istituto Tecnico per Geometri "BELZONI-BOAGA" (IT) • Istituto Statale Istruzione Secondaria Superiore "G.B. CERLETTI" (IT) • Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Alberghieri, della Ristorazione, Commerciali e Turistici "E. CORNARO" (IT) • Istituto Professionale per l'Industria e l'Artigianato "G. GIORGI" (IT) • Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "C. GRASSI" (IT) • Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "PININFARINA" (IT) • Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "A. Rossi" - Fondazione ITS Meccatronico (IT) • Istituto Istruzione Superiore "E.U. Ruzza" (IT) • Istituto Istruzione Superiore "Q. SELLA" (IT)

  20. Representativeness • Representativeness • Universities or higher education institutions (tertiary level) • Vocational or technical secondary school • Research centres and bodies • Vocational training centres or organisations • Social partners (trade unions, etc) • Chambers of commerce • Adult education providers associations • Associations working in the field of lifelong learning • Public authorities (regional) • Public authorities (national) • Adult education providers • Consultancy companies

  21. Stekeholders • Represented by • Operators of VET, users of selected sectors and authorities • TAMTAM aims at • Providing them with concrete answers to the demand for improved mobility and employability and up-to-dateness of occupational and educational profiles • Adapting the TIPTOE methodology and platform to let them • Manage the dialogue among heterogeneous actors • Handle and cross a wide variety of information concerning the application of tools for transparency (specifically,ECVET) by taking into account sectoral aspects (SQFs) • Enable benchmarking operations

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