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This workshop focuses on analysis forces, communication tools, and network connectivity. Students and staff work on analysis plans before returning to NIKHEF. Utilize Telnet and FTP for data transfer and access. Discuss network tools, traceroute, and communication mediums for effective collaboration. With a well-equipped setup at NIKHEF, including NT systems and Linux farm, this workshop provides a great learning environment. Explore questions on disk space, CPU usage, and file access between NT and Unix systems.
D0@NIKHEF Investment & Analysis plans Prague, D0 Software Workshop
Amsterdam Frank Linde (staff) Kors Bos (staff) Graziano Massaro (staff) Marcel Vreeswijk (post doc) Onne Peters (grad. student) Paul Balm (grad. student) Michiel Vogelvang (under grad. student) Eric Laenen (staff theory) Lukas Phaf (grad.student theory) Nijmegen Sijbrand de Jong (staff) Frank Filthout (staff) Bram Wijngaarden (grad.student) Silke Duensing (grad student) More grad students A postdoc NIKHEF People Prague, D0 Software Workshop
Analysis forces • 4 ( - 6) grad students • 2 ( - 4) postdocs : • 2 ( - 3) staff Plan: students do most of their analysis when @FNAL before they come back to NIKHEF to write up their theses. Prague, D0 Software Workshop
Analysis tools • The network: Surfnet & Esnet (*) • Use telnet(ssh) to work @fnal • Use ftp (**) to get dst’s or ntuple’s to nikhef • Use root @nikhef Prague, D0 Software Workshop
The Network STARTAP New York Chicago 155 Mb/s 45 Mb/s ESNET ABILENE 200 SurfNet NIKHEF 155 Mb/s FNAL Prague, D0 Software Workshop
FTP [atlas] <10> time ftp d02ka.fnal.gov Connected to d02ka.fnal.gov. .../snip/… 220 d02ka.fnal.gov FTP server ready. Name (d02ka.fnal.gov:u30): bosk 331 Password required for bosk. Password: 230 User bosk logged in. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> cd /prj_root/779/alg_7/sirotenk/simpp_out 250 CWD command successful. ftp> get sim.isazeb_bks_uu_2k.0913-0947 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'sim.isazeb_bks_uu_2k.09130947' (1027858432 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. 1027858432 bytes received in 2166.36 seconds (463.34 Kbytes/s) ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. ftp d02ka.fnal.gov 7.22s user 147.66s system 5% cpu 47:52.24 total You have new mail. [atlas] <11> ls -l Prague, D0 Software Workshop
Traceroute [nikhefh] <5> /etc/traceroute d02ka.fnal.gov traceroute to d02ka.fnal.gov ( 1-30 hops, 38 byte packets 1 hef-router.nikhef.nl ( 4.72 ms 2.68 ms 2.62 ms 2 BR7.Amsterdam.surf.net ( 2.44 ms 2.27 ms 2.27 ms 3 BR6.Amsterdam.surf.net ( 2.83 ms 2.88 ms 2.56 ms 4 BR1.NewYork.surf.net ( 92.6 ms 94.8 ms 93.8 ms 5 chicago-rt1.es.net ( 110 ms 109 ms 110 ms 6 fnal4-atms.es.net ( 113 ms 112 ms 111 ms 7 f2.r-s-frw.fnal.gov ( 112 ms 112 ms 112 ms 8 f0.r-s-hub-0.fnal.gov ( 111 ms 112 ms 112 ms 9 d02ka.fnal.gov ( 114 ms 114 ms 116 ms [nikhefh] <6> Note: there are only 2 (scientific) service providers: surfnet & esnet Remind you: with the speed of light it takes 20 msec between nikhef and fnal !! Prague, D0 Software Workshop
Communication tools • Email, ICQ, NetPhone, Telephone, .. • NetMeeting, Virtual Conf. Room, Codec, .. • Visits to Fermilab ( 4 Coll.Mtng.’s) • Visits to workshops (Softw., Trig., Phys., .. Prague, D0 Software Workshop
@nikhef • NT systems (with Gordon’s setup) • Linux systems (with ups/upd setup) • Linux farm (in Nijmegen) • Lots of diskspace • (128 node Origin 2000 ( shared )) Prague, D0 Software Workshop
Questions for Prague • anything else than ftp ? afs? shared disks? • nikhef diskspace @fnal ? • nikhef cpu’s @fnal ? • what about NT? • file access NT – unix (samba? or afs?) Prague, D0 Software Workshop