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Rock of Ages: A Hymn of Redemption

Experience the timeless hymn "Rock of Ages" by Rev. A.M. Toplady, set to music by Ruth Buchanan, exploring themes of salvation and grace through powerful lyrics. Let the soul-stirring words cleanse and uplift you.

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Rock of Ages: A Hymn of Redemption

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  1. Rock Of Ages • Rock of agesCleft for meHide me now,My refuge beLet the water and the bloodFrom your wounded side which flowed Be for sin the double cureCleanse me from its guilt and power Words: Rev. A.M. Toplady Music: Ruth Buchanan

  2. 2. Not the labours of my handCan fulfil your law’s demandsCould my zeal no respite know,Could my tears forever flow.All for sin could not atone;You must save, and you alone. Words: Rev. A.M. Toplady Music: Ruth Buchanan

  3. 3. Nothing in my hand I bringSimply to Your cross I cling;Naked come to You for dress,Helpless look to You for grace.Stained by sin, to You I cryWash me, Saviour, or I die Words: Rev. A.M. Toplady Music: Ruth Buchanan

  4. 4. While I draw this fleeting breath; When my eyelids close in death;When I soar through realms unknown,Bow before the judgment thrown,Hide me then, my refuge beRock of ages, cleft for me Words: Rev. A.M. Toplady Music: Ruth Buchanan

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