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Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

A r t S m a r t. 1 st Grade. Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053. C o l o r W h e e l. Vocabulary. Cool Colors. The artist we are studying today used. Bright Clashing Colors!!!. Warm Colors.

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Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

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  1. ArtSmart 1stGrade Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  2. ColorWheel Vocabulary Cool Colors The artist we are studying today used Bright Clashing Colors!!! Warm Colors Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  3. Form Vocabulary Form Using basic elements such as lines, colors & shapes to create an image in a work of art. Lines: Colors: Shapes: • Geometric Warm • Straight • Curved • Dotted • Vertical • Horizontal • Diagonal • Swirling • 3 Dimensional Clashing! • Organic Cool Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  4. Vocabulary WhatElementsofFormDo YouSee? What Colors Do You See? Find The Outline Name The Shapes Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  5. Vocabulary WhatElementsofFormDo YouSee? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  6. Vocabulary WhatElementsofFormDo YouSee? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  7. Vocabulary WhatElementsofFormDo YouSee? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  8. Vocabulary Silhouette Silhouette A 2 dimensional drawing of the outline of an object, usually colored black. Silhouettes can also be in reverse The artist we are studying today used Silhouettes Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  9. Vocabulary FindTheSilhouette Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  10. Vocabulary FindTheSilhouette Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  11. Collage Vocabulary Collage A work of art created by gluing different objects, materials and textures to a surface. Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  12. Vocabulary Review Form = Uses basic elements such as lines, colors & shapes to create an image in a work of art. Silhouette = A 2 dimensional drawing of the outline of an object, usually colored black. Collage = A work of art created by gluing different objects, materials and textures to a surface. Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  13. Vocabulary Artist “From the moment I held the box of colors in my hands, I knew this was my life. I threw myself into it like a beast that plunges towards the thing it loves.” Henri Matisse Frenchborn artist who was studying to be a lawyer but instead discovered his love for art while recovering from appendicitis. He is best known for his shocking use of bright clashing colors, forms and silhouettes in his collages. Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  14. Vocabulary Artist Henri Matisse Used Bright Clashing Colors Forms Silhouettes Collages Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

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