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Impressions from MC2005

Overview of the MC2005 conference discussing radiation transport codes, tools, applications, and future plans with insights on various software like MCNP5, FLUKA, GEANT4, and more, featuring advancements, funding, physics enhancements, and user feedback.

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Impressions from MC2005

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  1. Impressions from MC2005 J. Apostolakis G. Folger

  2. Talk overview • The conference • The radiation Transport tools ‘present’ • Applications • Themes and topical issues

  3. Conference overview • About 200 participants: providers, users, .. • Organisation • Plenaries on MC tools • Parallel sessions on • Methods & data advancements (electron/gamma, neutron, hadron) • Verification & computer implementation • Applications in particular areas • Reactor, medical including dosimetry, .. • Wide diversity • Several session in parallel • This summary is a personal viewpoint • And relies on notes, as talk presentations not yet available

  4. Several teams present: MCNP 5 MCNPX FLUKA GEANT4 PHITS ‘Missing’ EGS (nrc/5) Penelope Tripoli MARS … Different ‘philosophies’ MCNP 5/X, FLUKA Standard ‘tool’/code driven by input files Built-in ‘tallies’ chosen by flags ‘Flat’ geometries Delineated by surfaces Yet more physics options being made available Geant4 Toolkit Hierarchial geometry, … Codes / Tools / Toolkit

  5. Neutrons, g, p, protons, .. Long line of codes (60s to now) From Los Alamos National Laboratory Team of 12 code developers & 4 on data Funding from ASCI program Capability evolution Great emphasis on Quality Assurance Revised implementation in F90 Profit from large supercomputer facility Especially for validation Traditional strengths, include Neutron treatment using data For E <~ 150 MeV Variance reduction techniques Latest improvements Push for proton radiography Extend protons up to 50 GeV New intra-nuclear cascade as option INCL4 (Liege) New data ENDF/B-VII Built-in parallelization MPI and OpenMP Generating weights fast With PARTISN code MCNP5

  6. Is eXtended version of MCNP4C Transports 34 particle types up to TeV energies Uses evaluated data libraries (p, n, g-nuclear) Physics models where libraries are not available Option for crossover at 20MeV, or as needed (some data up to 150MeV) Written in F90 Many options for radiation tallies, biasing Weight window generator Options for sources Pulse-height (with variance reduction) & coincidence tallies Physics enhancements CEM 2K and INCL4 (cascade), in addition to older Bertini, HETC, Fluka, Isabel models g doppler broadening g – nuclear models Awards for bug reports ‘certificate’ and $$ Support NAG/IBM/Intel f90 complr Parallel computation For all particles (uses MPI) High speedup for criticality calculations Future plans Magnetic fields Delayed neutrons & g CAD input with spline tracking MCNPX

  7. Aluminum Air HEU 7-Can HEU Test Problem ~5% Enriched

  8. Simulate hadron-neucleus with E up to 200 GeV Nucleus-nucleus from 10 MeV/n to 100 GeV/nucleon Transport heavy ions, hadrons & leptons Neutrons down to 10-5 eV Features JQMD for nucleus-nucleus using molecular dynamics JAM hadronic cascade Photons, electrons and low-energy neutrons as in MCNP4C. PHITS From RIST, Japan

  9. FLUKA Tool known at CERN – so just a few remarks • Compare to data for m-scopic data only • ‘Not a toolkit’ • Physics models are fully integrated • Self-consistent: full cross-talk between EM, hadronics, neutrons (with effort for same level of accuracy) • Correlations preserved enabling predictivity • ‘No programming is necessary’ • Recent extensions for heavy ions • Numerous comparisons & applications • Including CERF, TARC, ATLAS, Atmosphere, AMS, Borexino • Talks on E deposition in LHC magnets, , CERF comparisons

  10. Geant4 • One plenary and over 12 parallel talks • Much interest • Applications • Methods • Some concerns from users • Many choices available • Difficulty to get going without good guidance

  11. Summary - Codes • Fewer codes represented • Missing MVP, MCP, MCBEND, TRIPOLI, EGS, ITS, VIM, TART, … • More complex questions • Burn-up, activation • Remove bridge between MC and depletion codes • Correlated sources and tallies • (Anti)coincidence of events across multiple regions • Moving geometry, stochastic geometry • 2 & 3 D graphical output necessary

  12. Selected topics

  13. H. Tsige-Tamirat Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Input from STEP/IGES files Thinned with engineer’s help Tool to read CAD file, process & create MCNP input file Uses open source CAD as toolkit for reading Addresses overlaps and gaps (‘voids’) Created in C++, using MVC Status Working for realistic JET example Other efforts underway Delegating navigation to CAD system (speed issues) Tesselating BREP solids From *Summary talk* GUIs are becoming popular CAD is making progress Tools to convert to solids start to appear Still need to achieve arbitrary surface spline NURBS Would like to see these tools become OpenSource CAD input

  14. Human phantoms

  15. Distributions centers • Codes primarily available from • Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) http://rsicc.ornl.gov/ at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). • OECD / NEA (European Nuclear Energy Agency) http://www.nea.fr/ Nuclear Data Bank computer program services http://www.nea.fr/html/dbprog/ • Conditions for distributions are evolving • Personal licenses (not site as in past)

  16. Applications • Significant interest in medical applications • Dedicated session on ‘Tomographic Models for Radiation Protection dosimetry’ • Reactor applications • Several sessions • Emerging applications for Accelerator Driven • Space applications • Much interest in CAD-input

  17. Other notable / novel • Intercomparisons of ‘tools’ at times MCNP, Geant4, Fluka, data • For proton therapy applications • For accelerator driven applications • Novel approach to MC • Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays • for Ultra-high Speed Monte Carlo Computation • A.S.Pasciak, J.R.Ford.

  18. Enhanced electron and photon fluxes in thunderstorms T. Torii (JNDI), T. Sugita (SSL), T. Nishijima, Z.-I. Kawasaki (Osaka U) Japan Unusual applications

  19. Simulation of the Generation of EM Shower by Muon Irradiation μ+(2GeV) Deposition energy in the atmosphere is calculated by using Geant4 code. Emission of massive knock-on electrons μ-(2GeV) thundercloud Muon beam • Elevation Angle: 30°, Number of Histories:5 • E-Field: Winter Thundercloud (Tri-pole)

  20. Other topics from the Conference Summary Comments

  21. Summary- Data/libraries • More users produce their own data • Need better QA of data • Little evidence of effort on emerging needs • Delayed gamma, neutron • Improved secondary particle production including correlations • Library repository, with graphics good idea • NADS: //nuclear/llnl.gov/CNP/nads

  22. Summary – Physics & Methods • New physics models continue to emerge • Users getting frustrated with too wide choices • Provide recommendations • Methods improvements • Variance reduction with pulse-height tallies • Some tough issues remain • Effort to speed up • Parallelism, some re-write code for this • Algorithm efficiency

  23. Summary - Applications • About 25% of talks • Codes need to provide results & errors • Users need “convergence score card” • Normality checks, 2nd moment of analysis, trends • Users training more of an issue • Codes have 100-1000 options • Users unaware of “easy” solutions • Application work should beginwith related benchmark simulation • Eliminate time consuming mistakes

  24. Summary - Benchmarks • Not enough benchmark papers • Perhaps most important aspect of MC development • Need way to gather results • Web site to post papers • Mix “component” benchmarks with integral • Integral result can mask offsetting errors/deficiencies ( e.g. Geant4) • Develop quantitative metric for comparisons • Standard toolkit good start, some concern as well

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