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Looking at Teaching Standards. Pre-Service Advisory Group (PSAG) Developed Standards 23 IAC 24Focused on Each Child" rather than All" ChildrenFocused on Literacy (Elementary and Secondary)Focused on needs of Special Education, ELL/Bilingual, GiftedCombined Language Arts, Technology and Illinoi
1. Education in Illinois:A Changing World Illinois State Board of Education
February 14, 2011
2. Looking at Teaching Standards Pre-Service Advisory Group (PSAG) Developed Standards 23 IAC 24
Focused on “Each Child” rather than “All” Children
Focused on Literacy (Elementary and Secondary)
Focused on needs of Special Education, ELL/Bilingual, Gifted
Combined Language Arts, Technology and Illinois Professional Teacher Standards into one set of nine standards
Rules are in place and effective July 1, 2013
3. Common Core English Language Arts K-12
Cross discipline literacy expectations
Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking and Language
ELA teachers and teachers in other areas are important in developing students’ literacy
Integrated Model
Mathematics K-12
4. 4 Why are a Common Set of Standards Important? Clarity: designed to help teachers, students, and parents understand what is expected of them to be ready to enter the workforce or college
Consistency: levels the playing field so all students will be held to the same rigorous expectations
Global Society: internationally benchmarked to high performing countries
5. 5 College and Career Readiness
6. 6 Overview of the K-12 ELA Standards Benchmarked to College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards.
K-8 standards are listed by grade level.
9-12 standards are listed in two year bands to allow flexibility in course design.
Separated into four strands: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Language.
7. English Language Arts 6–12 standards are divided into two sections
English, Language Arts and
history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. This division reflects the
This division reflects:
unique, time-honored place of ELA teachers in developing students’ literacy
Skills and recognition that teachers in other areas must have a role in this development as well.
8. 8 Math Standards – Key Points Focus on numeracy in the early grades
Basic algebraic readiness by eighth grade
Geometric concepts in the middle grades
Emphasis on solving real world problems
No specific high school course sequence or structure recommended
9. 9 More Meaningful Standards: consistent across states, clear to the public and on track for college.
Higher Quality Tests: assessments will include performance tasks to measure critical thinking, strategic problem solving, research and writing.
Through-Course Testing: Students will take parts of the assessment at key times during the school year, closer to when they learn the material.
Assessment System Design
10. 10 Maximize Technology: PARCC assessments will be computer based.
Cross-State Comparability: States in PARCC will adopt common assessments and common performance standards.
Assessment System Design
11. 11 PARCC Timeline
12. 12 For Additional Information Visit http://www.isbe.net/common_core/
13. Five critical pieces of legislation New, rigorous teacher and principal evaluations
Independent alternative teacher and principal preparation programs
Comprehensive approach to longitudinal data system
Doubled the number of authorized charter schools
June 1, 2010: Overhauled the State's principal preparation and certification requirements
14. Progress to date 5 time limit for certification testing requirements - February, 2010
Raised passing scores for Basic Skills test September 11, 2010
Rules for Board Review: February/March 2011
A revamped continuous approval for higher education programs
Approval process of not-for-profits entities
New focus for principal preparation
15. Progress to date Examining different types of tasks for use as assessments during student teaching
Piloting use of video for assessment activities
Redefining academic language for specific content areas
Working on rubrics for alignment between evidence, commentaries, and competencies
16. Progress to date Teacher and Principal Evaluation: The Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC) formed to work on a state system focused on performance and student growth.
17. Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC) Representative teachers, administrators, researchers, and the state agency
Received charge from SB 315 to develop a “Default Model” for teacher and principal evaluation, along with training program for evaluators.
Meet monthly in Bloomington
Building a foundation of information by learning about what is being done in the state and nationally.
18. Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC) Provide for the use of data and indicators on student growth as a significant factor in rating the teacher’s and principal’s performance.
Align with researched based standards and professional competencies
Provide for an evaluator training program for every evaluator
19. Focus of Principal and Teacher Evaluation
Includes evaluation of performance and student growth and based on 4 common rating system:
Needs Improvement
20. Evaluation Timelines September 1, 2012
Principal Evaluation Written Plan
Teacher Evaluation Written Plan
Evaluators Trained
Four Ratings
Principals Evaluated with New Plan*
SIG Grant Teachers Evaluated with New Plan
300 Schools in Chicago Evaluate Teachers
21. Evaluation Timelines Continued September 1, 2013
Remaining CPS teachers evaluated
September 1, 2014
Research-based study issued assessing validity & reliability
September 1, 2015
Lowest Performing 20% of remaining school district
September 1, 2016
All other school districts
22. What Does It All Mean: New Endorsement Requirements effective 2012
Impacts students in your program currently
Looking at graduates coming out of programs after February 2012
Principal Preparation Legislative Changes
2014 No longer be able to recommend for General Administrative endorsement
New programs must be approved and in place by 2012 or cannot admit candidates
23. Endorsements Effective February 1, 2012
24 s.h. and pass the content test for all areas except science and social science which require 32 s.h. and pass the test
12 of 24 s.h. must be upper division courses
For science and social science must have 12 s.h. in a specific designation (i.e. science biology would require 12 s.h. in biology and pass test; to add physics designation would require 12 s.h. in physics and pass test).
24. Illinois Professional Teaching Standards 2013
Graduates starting February 1, 2013
Programs must be approved by the STCB
New Assessments for Professional Teaching starting 2013
Code of Ethics for Educators - Current
Review dispositions to ensure aligns to Code of Ethics
Talk about Code of Ethics with candidates-What does it mean to be a member of the teaching profession?
Preparation Programs linked to Effective Teachers through evaluation data (2018)
25. What’s Next
26. This is a System Change Must redefine how we prepare educators
Must provide professional development based on performance reviews
Must provide Induction and Mentoring for new teachers and principals
Must understand evaluation process and ratings required-how do you evaluate in clinical
27. System Change Must redefine how we prepare educators
Must provide professional development based on performance reviews
Must provide Induction and Mentoring for new teachers and principals
Must understand evaluation process and ratings required-how do you evaluate in clinical
Think about the impact on PK-12 and not on candidates
28. Principal Preparation23 IAC 30
Focus on instruction
Rules going to JCAR in March
ISBE is working on template for applications
All programs must be approved
29. What are we looking at for middle and elementary Defining middle level
Content requirements for endorsements at middle level and elementary
Moving to standards for middle level
Self-contained or middle level content for overlapping grade levels
Defining criteria for programs
Student teaching requirements
Content and Standards
30. Working Together to Prepare Illinois Educators for Student Success
All Stakeholders Working Together
can Improve Outcomes and Opportunities
for Each and Every Illinois Student.