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INTERORGAN AMMONIA TRAFFICKING IN HEALTH AND DISEASE . PRESENTOR-DR RAJESH PADHAN PRECEPTOR-DR S K ACHARYA. Why Ammonia is important ?. Ammonia is a neurotoxin Ammonia is important cause of cerebral dysfunction in liver failure
Why Ammonia is important ? • Ammonia is a neurotoxin • Ammonia is important cause of cerebral dysfunction in liver failure • Liver diseases are heterogeneous and manifest depending on the hepatocyte damage and hepatocyte reserve. • Arterial ammonia level depend upon amount of hepatocyte damage. • Severity of encephalopathy in ALF depends on ammonia level • Ammonia lowering strategies remain primary therapeutic target for Rx of increased ICP in ALF.
An Egyptian God Amen To the GreeksAmmon • Camel urine was collected in a cesspool close to the temple and it was widely believed that “man and all life rose spontaneously from a sea of ammonia” camel urine, soot and sea salt were heated together to form sal ammoniac or “salt of Ammon” ( Pickett, J., et al. (2000). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language) • Heating of sal ammoniac with alkali resulted in the production of ammonia gas leading the Swedish chemist T Bergman to coin the term “ammonia” in 1782 “smelling gas” to revive fainting spells
First published work in 1893 described the physiological consequences of a portacaval shunt (PCS) in dogs, a surgical procedure first described by Eck in 1879 (“Eck’s fistula”) Chief chemist Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine in St-Petersburg Physiologist, St-Petersburg
What are the issues in Ammonia metabolism? • How it exist ? • Sources of ammonia • Utilization of ammonia • Enzyme involved in ammonia metabolism • Arterial ammonia level • Ammonia trafficking in health • Ammonia trafficking in disease • Ammonia lowering therapies
How it exist in the body ? • NH3 exists as free form and bound form NH4 +. • 98% of total ammonia exists as NH4 + • NH3 is main diffusible form transported across biological membranes • Transport is facilitated by constitutive ion channels and transporters such as the Rhesus proteins and Aquaporin
Sources of ammonia • Dietary amino acid • Dietary amine • Intestinal bacteria • Glutamine • Nucleic acid
Utilization of Ammonia • Liver • Kidney • Muscle • Brain
Level of Arterial Ammonia • Healthy volunteers - about 45µM (Clemmesen ,2000; Gastroenterology 118) • Chronic liver failure , level is elevated to 60 µM ( Clemmesen ,2000; Gastroenterology 118) ( Plauth et al., 2000; Gut 46 ) • Higher arterial ammonia are documented in ACLF (90–120µ M) and ALF (150–180µ M) (Clemmesen et al.,1999 Hepatology 29 ) • Highest concentrations were found with ALF and elevated intracranial pressure that was unresponsive to conventional treatment (340µ M) (Jalan et al., 1999 Lancet 354) • Portacaval shunted rats showed 2-3 fold increase in ammonia concentration with normal control rats ( Dejong et al., 1992 Gastroenterology 102)
Hyperammonemia -A main contributor to death • Arterial NH3 (>124mmol/l) at admission is predictive of outcome of pts with ALF (V Bhatia, R Singh, S K Acharya Gut 2006;55:98–104) • Arterial NH3 > 146 mol/l has been proposed as a predictor of brain herniation & mortality in pts with ALF (Clemmesen et al., Hepatology 1999; 29: 648–653) • Arterial NH3 concentration, delivery to the brain and metabolic rate are higher in pts with high intracranial pressure (Jalan et al. Lancet 1999;354, 1164–1168) .
Enzymes involved in Ammonia metabolism • Glutaminase • Glutamine synthetase • Transamidation reaction • Urea cycle • Urease • Amino oxidase
GLUTAMINE • Non-toxic, non-essential amino acid • Highest plasma concentration(50% of the whole body free amino acid pool) • Glutamine is the most abundant in protein • Role -1) fuel for intestinal and other rapidly dividing cells e.g. immune system 2) regulation of acid/base balance by amniogenesis
INTER ORGAN TRAFFICKING IN HEALTH • Intestine • Liver • Kidney • Muscle • Brain
Ammonia and glutamine exchange across the gut • Glutamine is crucial source of energy for SI. • Intestine takes up glutamine in large quantities from either blood or intestinal lumen (Adv Enzym 1982, 53:201–237). • Glutamine is predominantly consumed in jejunum • Glutaminase - 80 % in small bowel and 20% in large bowel • High glutaminase activity in small intestine mucosa produce glutamate and ammonia from glutamine • Large bowel utilize less glutamine but utilize glucose, short chain fatty acid and ketones • Large intestine contribute significantly to portal venous ammonia concentration by bacterial splitting of urea and aminoacid(Gastroenterology,1979:235-240)
Contribution of portal ammonia Weber et al 1979;Gastroenterology 77
Ammonia metabolism in liver • Excessive dietary nitrogen is either excreted or converted to a non-toxic form. • Site of detoxification- peri-portal and peri-venous hepatocytes • Periportalhepatocyte-prominent site for hepatic urea cycle and glutaminase activity. • Urea cycle convert ammonia to urea • 1 mole of urea remove 2 mol of waste nitrogen
Perivenoushepatocyte • 7 % of hepatocyte • Abundant GS convert ammonia to glutamine • Any ammonia escape periportalhepatocyte can be scavenged and detoxified by perivenoushepatocyte
Kidney and ammonia metabolism • Kidney contain both glutaminase and glutamine synthetase enzyme • Glutamine is the main substrate for renal ammoniagenesis • Normal physiological state-kidney excrete only minor amount of ammonia and 30 % of total ammonia production is released into urine and 70 % is released in to renal vein. • During acidosis, total ammoniagenesis is enhanced and 70 % of this enhanced amount is excreted in the urine to dispose the acid load.
Role of kidney in inter organ ammonia exchange due to liver failure
Ammonia and muscle • Muscle is devoid of an effective urea cycle and relies exclusively on glutamine production • GS activity in muscle is low (Metabolism 1976;25:427-435) • Due to large muscle mass, it has great impact on nitrogen metabolism • Skeletal muscle glutaminase activity is negligible as compare to GS activity • Glucose-alanine cycle- ammonium ion is transported from muscle cells to the liver in the form of alanine
Ammonia and brain • Normal brain is an organ of ammonia uptake and glutamine release • Ammonia readily traverses BBB with positive arterial–venous differences suggesting net brain ammonia uptake • Brain contains appreciable amounts ofboth glutamine synthetase and glutaminase(Cooper and Plum 1987) • Astrocytes contain most of total brain glutamine synthetase while neurons contain virtually all brain glutaminase(Cooperand Plum 1987). • Astrocyte GS preferentially takes up ammonia to form glutamine, which is deaminated to form GABA and glutamate
Ammonia neurotoxicity • Impaired bioenergetics and neurotransmission • Astrocyte swelling-Glutamine synthetase predominant in astrocyte location and NH3 result in alteration of key astrocyte protein including glialfibrillary acidic protein ,glutamine and alaninetrasporter • Oxidative stress-Decrese activity of free radical scavenging system • Nitrosative stress-NH3 result in increase concentration of L tryptophan metabolite including serotonin and quinolnic acid. • Mitochondrial dysfunction-Ammonia inhibit TCA cycle • Increased neuro-steroid biosynthesis-Ammonia modulate expression of PTBR which mediate cholesterol tranport and biosynthesis of neurosteroid-GABA-A and NMDA receptor • Direct affect on excitatory and inhibitory receptor function. (Neurochem Int. 2002;41:109-14)(,progNeurobiol 2002;67:259-79)
Ammonia and Other organs • Lung • Heart • Adipose tissue • Immune cell (LIMITED EVIDENSE ?)
Ammonia metabolism in intenstine in Liver failure • Cirrhosis is associated with 4 folds increase in intestinal PAG activity in the small bowel (j hepatology 2004:41:49-54) • In stable cirrhotic patients with TIPS there is net intestinal ammonia production, which directly correlates with glutamine uptake (Hepatology 2002;36:1163-1171) • The kidney plays a major role in the hyperammonia seen after stimulated or actual GI bleeding in patients with cirrhosis (Hepatology 2003:37:1277-1285) • In pigs induction of ALF did not provoke net intenstinal ammonia production (Am J PhysiolGastrointest Liver Physiol 200 :291: G373–81)
Ammonia metabolism in Liver in liver failure • Hepatocyte loss reduces ammonia detoxification by reducing the quantity of periportal urea and perivenous glutamine synthesis • Portal–systemic shunting further reduces ammonia detoxification • With progressive liver injury, despite increases in periportalglutaminase activity (six-fold) and ureagenesis increasing amounts of ammonia pass through to the terminal venules as corresponding perivenous glutamine synthetic activity is not increased.
Ammonia metabolism in Muscle in liver failure • Skeletal muscle ammonia uptake is correlated to arterial levels in ALF and cirrhosis • In ALF patients with advanced HE, skeletal muscle consumes ammonia (100 nmol/100 g/min) with the stoichiometric release of glutamine (Gastroenterology 2000) • Hyperammonaemiccirrhotics who underwent TIPS for gastrointestinal bleeding, skeletal muscle was also the main site of ammonia removal (Hepatology 2003)
Ammonia metabolism in kidney in liver failure • Ammonia excretion is not directly correlated to plasma levels (Gastroenterology1960; 39: 420–4) • Early nineties –Rat experiment showed that in acute and chronic hyperammonia –reversal of urine excretion /renal venous ratio from 30/70 to 70/30 (Hepatology 18:890-902) • Recent study showed in stimulated GIB,increase ammonia concentration is due to increased renal amniogenesis(Hepatology 37:1277-1285)
Ammonia metabolism in Brain in liver failure • Brain delivery, extraction and uptake of ammonia increases in ALF and correlates with arterial levels (J Clin Invest 1955; 34:622–8) • Ammonia detoxification produces glutamine accumulation and thus osmotic stress – the ‘ammonia-glutamine-brain swelling hypothesis ( J Hepatol 2000; 32: 1035–8) • Glutamine increases Astrocytes expel myo-inositol and other weaker osmolytes maintain osmotic equilibrium. • ALF patients rapid rise in ammonia may outstrip compensatory mechanisms – Cerebral edema • In cirrhosis- more gradual increase in plasma ammonia there is some protection from intracranial hypertension and brain oedema
Interorganammonia,glutamate and glutamine trafficking in ALF
Results • ALF pigs develop hyperammonemia and incresed glutamine level whereas glutamate levels were decreased. • PDV contributed to the hyperammonemic state • Mainly through increased shunting and not as a result of increased glutamine breakdown. • kidneys were quantitatively as important as PDV in systemic ammonia release, whereas muscle took up ammonia. • Lungs are able to remove ammonia from the circulation during the initial stage of ALF.
Arginine supplementation • It is a semisyntheticaminoacid • L -arginine supplementation-allow ammonia detoxification to urea via arginase. • No study to evaluate its role in HE
Phenylbutyrate • Phenyalbutyrate >> phenylacetate • Phenylacetate+Glutamine=phenyalacetylglutamine(remove glutamine) • Trialed in HE
Sodium benzoate • Activated by conjugation with CoA and the generated benzoylCoA is then conjugated to glycine to form hippurate, which can be eliminated in the urine • Ammonia is consumed to replenish the glycine used in the hippurate synthesis • initially reported to successfully control episodes of hyperammonemia in patients born with genetic defects of urea cycle enzyme • Elimination of benzoate may induce a depletion of CoA Gastroenterology 2000; 12: 95-102
Sodium benzoate • Study –Randomised control trail • Patients-74 Pts with cirrhosis or portosystemicanastomosis and hepatic encephalopathy of <7 days • Treatment –Sodium benzoate (38 ) and lactulose (36 ) • Result-30 patients (80 %) receiving sodium benzoate and 29 (81 %) recevinglactulose recovered • Conclusion-sodium benzoate is a safe and effective alternative to lactulose in Acute HE. (Hepatology 1992;16:138-144)
L-Ornithine L -Aspartate • LOLA is a compound salt of ornithine and aspartate. • In the periportalhepatocytesornithine serves as an activator of ornithinetranscarbamoylase and carbamoyl phosphate synthetase. • Ornithineitself acts as a substrate for urea genesis. • Aspartateand ornithine after conversion to -ketoglutarate, also serves as carbon sources for perivenous glutamine synthesis. • In the skeletal muscle, LOLA up-regulates glutamine synthesis by substrate provision for glutamine synthetase
Efficacy of L-Ornithine L-Aspartate in Acute Liver Failure(Acharya S K. etal GASTROENTEROLOGY 2009;136:2159–2168 )
LOLA in Rats with acute liver failure(Hepatology 1999:636-640)
LOLA in cirrhosis and Hepatic encephalopathy • Study-126 pts with subclinical HE and manifest HE(grade I and II) -63 Placebo and 63 OA • Parameter study- • NCT-A Performance status • Post pranandial venous ammonia • Mental state degradation • Portosystemic encephalopathy index (Hepatology 1997;25:1351-1359)