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VITAL 3rd Annual Consortium Meeting National Veterinary Research Institute, Pulawy, Poland

WP7 Delivering impact. Plans and progress on the VITAL Symposium, Workshop and Training Courses Mateja Ambrožič and Peter Raspor. VITAL 3rd Annual Consortium Meeting National Veterinary Research Institute, Pulawy, Poland 12th-14th April 2010. Agenda. Structure of the meeting

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VITAL 3rd Annual Consortium Meeting National Veterinary Research Institute, Pulawy, Poland

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  1. WP7 Delivering impact Plans and progress on the VITAL Symposium, Workshop and Training CoursesMateja Ambrožič and Peter Raspor VITAL 3rd Annual Consortium Meeting National Veterinary Research Institute, Pulawy, Poland 12th-14th April 2010

  2. Agenda • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  3. Structure of the meeting Version A

  4. Structure of the meeting Version A

  5. Structure of the meeting Version B

  6. Structure of the meeting Version B

  7. Agenda • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  8. Opening ceremony-what is expected

  9. Opening ceremony-who can answer? • Plenary lecture: The impact of food-borne viruses on human health in food supply chains • Vinje Jan, USA Title: Foodborne virusesAuthor(s): Koopmans M, von Bonsdorff CH, Vinje J, et al.Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS     Published: JUN 2002 Times Cited: 85 Title: Noroviruses: A comprehensive reviewAuthor(s): Patel MM, Hall AJ, Vinje J, et al.Source: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY     Published: JAN 2009 Times Cited: 13 Title: Norovirus Illness Is a Global Problem: Emergence and Spread of Norovirus GII.4 Variants, 2001-2007Author(s): Siebenga JJ, Vennema H, Zheng DP, et al.Source: JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES   Published: SEP 1 2009 Times Cited: 3

  10. Opening ceremony-who can answer? Plenary lecture: Consumers understanding of food-borne viruses • Hulebak Karen (USA)- Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission or • Havelar Aria (NL)- Member of EFSA´s Panel on Biological Hazards Title: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) history and conceptual overview Author(s): Hulebak KL, Schlosser W Source: RISK ANALYSIS     Published: JUN 2002 Times Cited: 22 Title: Risk-based standards for Campylobacter in the broiler meat chainAuthor(s): Nauta MJ, Havelaar AH Source: FOOD CONTROL   Published: APR 2008 Times Cited: 9

  11. Agenda • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  12. 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains- what is expected

  13. 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains- who can answer Keynote speech: Future perspectives in food chain analysis • Carl Henrik von Bonsdorff, FL Title: Detection Of Human Norovirus From Frozen Raspberries In A Cluster Of Gastroenteritis OutbreaksAuthor(s): Maunula L, Roivainen M, Keranen M, et al.Source: EUROSURVEILLANCE   Published: DEC 10 2009 Times Cited: 0 Title: Analysis of integrated virological and epidemiological reports of norovirus outbreaks collected within the Foodborne Viruses in Europe Network from 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2006Author(s): Kroneman A, Verhoef L, Harris J, et al.Source: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY  Published: SEP 2008 Times Cited: 12

  14. Agenda • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  15. 2nd Session: Virus detection methods- what is expected

  16. 2nd Session: Virus detection methods-who can answer Keynote speech: Challenges in virus detection • Podgornik Aleš, SI Title: Fast and efficient separation of immunoglobulin M from immunoglobulin G using short monolithic columnsAuthor(s): Brne P, Podgornik A, Bencina K, et al.Source: JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A   Published: MAR 9 2007 Times Cited: 11

  17. Agenda • General information • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  18. 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains- what is expected

  19. 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains-who can answer Keynote Speech: Challenges in Virus Monitoring • Franco Ruggeri, IT Title: Massive outbreak of viral gastroenteritis associated with consumption of municipal drinking water in a European capital cityAuthor(s): Werber D, Lausevic D, Mugosa B, et al.Source: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION   Published: DEC 2009 Times Cited: 0 Title: Waterborne outbreak of Norwalk-like virus gastroenteritis at a tourist resort, ItalyAuthor(s): Boccia D, Tozzi AE, Cotter B, et al.Source: EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES   Published: JUN 2002 Times Cited: 48

  20. VITAL Guidance manuals

  21. Agenda • General information • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  22. 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains- what is expected

  23. 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains- what is expected

  24. 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains-who can answer Keynote speech: Challenges in risk assessment in Europe • Aria Havelaar, NL Title: A risk assessment model for Campylobacter in broiler meatAuthor(s): Nauta MJ, Jacobs-Reitsma WF, Havelaar AH Source: RISK ANALYSIS     Published: AUG 2007 Times Cited: 19 Title: EFSA's 12th Scientific Colloquium - Assessing health benefits of controlling Campylobacter in the food chainAuthor(s): Bronzwaer S, Hugas M, Collins JD, et al.Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY     Published: MAY 31 2009 Times Cited: 0

  25. 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains- what is expected

  26. Agenda • General information • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  27. 5th Session: Foodborne viruses control- what is expected

  28. 5th Session: Foodborne viruses control-who can answer Keynote speech: Challenges in food borne viruses elimination • Nina Chanishvili, GE Title: Digitized fluorescent RFLP analysis (fRFLP) as a universal method for comparing genomes of culturable dsDNA viruses: application to bacteriophagesAuthor(s): Merabishvili M, Verhelst R, Glonti T, et al.Source: RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY     Published: SEP 2007 Times Cited: 4 Title: Differential scanning calorimetry and hydrodynamic study of bacterial viruses. Effect of solution conditionsAuthor(s): Mrevlishvili GM, Sottomayor MJ, Ribeiro da Silva MAV, et al.Source: JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY  Published: 2001 Times Cited: 4

  29. 5th Session: Foodborne viruses control- what is expected

  30. VITAL Women in science prize

  31. Agenda • General information • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  32. Training course: Control of viruses in food supply chains This one-day course will focus on the integrated management systems which VITAL will recommend to the food industry. The course will be targeted towards risk managers, and provide information about virus hazards, and appropriate HACCP. The course should begin with a 30 minute general presentation on food-borne viruses, but the rest of the content must be decided by Professors Raspor and Willems.

  33. Training course: Control of viruses in food supply chains- what is expected

  34. Training course: Control of viruses in food supply chains- what is expected

  35. Agenda • General information • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  36. Training course: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains This one-day course will be organized for training analysts who were not part of VITAL, in the principles of integrated monitoring and risk analysis which VITAL will formulate. Participants will be trained how to implement monitoring if and when it is necessary, and also in the way they can transfer this knowledge to colleagues in their countries. This course can therefore be seen as a “training the trainers” course, and will play an important role in disseminating VITAL’s outcomes. Morning • Course should begin with an overview of the COGP, to show the situations where monitoring will be necessary, and how to identify the sources and routes of contamination. • Then a section concerning the actual monitoring of the identified critical points will follow. This should include a demonstration (video?) of the sampling and detection methods,. This section could be delivered by 2 – 3 people from the data-gathering laboratories. Afternoon • This should take the form of a training course in the VITAL data analysis tools, using examples from the project. This course could be delivered by RIVM team.

  37. Training course: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains- what is expected

  38. Training course: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains- what is expected

  39. Agenda • General information • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  40. Workshop: Taking Forward New Developments in Monitoring and Control of Viruses in Food Supply Chains This workshop will be an excellent opportunity for interested parties, especially regulators, representatives of national and international bodies (e.g. EFSA, WHO, WTO), and members of the food industry, to discuss how the outcomes of VITAL will be integrated into food safety practices and regulations. Also invitations will be sent to scientific officers in Ministries of Food and Agriculture of all European countries. The aim of the workshop is to bring closer the scientists (virologists) with officials as well as industries in order to discuss the outcomes of the project and the role of viruses in food quality and public health. A specific section within the workshop will be devoted to regulatory issues.

  41. Workshop: Taking Forward New Developments in Monitoring and Control of Viruses in Food Supply Chains-what is expected

  42. Workshop: Taking Forward New Developments in Monitoring and Control of Viruses in Food Supply Chains-what is expected

  43. Workshop: Taking Forward New Developments in Monitoring and Control of Viruses in Food Supply Chains-what is expected

  44. Workshop: Taking Forward New Developments in Monitoring and Control of Viruses in Food Supply Chains-what is expected

  45. Summary of lecturers by country

  46. Agenda • General information • Structure of the meeting • Opening ceremony • 1st Session: Viruses in food supply chains • 2nd Session: Virus detection methods • 3rd Session: Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains • 4th Session: Risk assessment of viruses in food supply chains • 5th Session: Food-borne virus control • Training course “Control of viruses in food supply chains” • Training course “Monitoring of viruses in food supply chains” • Workshop “Taking forward new development in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains” • Financial structure

  47. Vital Symposium:New developments in monitoring and control of viruses in food supply chains • WHERE? • Ljubljana (Cankarjev dom) • WHEN? • 6. 6. 2011-9. 6. 2011

  48. Financial structure • From proforma invoice for 300 persons: • Place with all tehnical facility : 20.000€ + VAT • Registration: 6.500€ + VAT • Organization of the meeting by the CD agency: 10.000€ + VAT • Total: aprox. 45.000€ • Our budget planned in WP’s for Symposium ?

  49. Financial structure • Agreement in CD is in processing • Registration fee for 4 days: 400€ Early registration 350 € • Registration fee for event/day: 150€ Early registration 100€ Special registration fee for VITAL members?

  50. Steps • Organising and programme committee 1.may 2010 • Agreement with CD signed 15.may 2010 • Congress website 1.june 2010 • Invitation to potential audience 1.june 2010 • Draft programme 15. June 2010

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