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Welcome to Team 6 Social Studies

Welcome to Team 6 Social Studies . With Miss Springborn. All about me…. This is my 10 th year teaching at the middle school This is my fifth year on Team 6 with Mr. Tangleder, Mrs. Maguder, and Mrs. Luders, Ms. Reiderer, Mrs. Perri and Mrs. Hojnacki. My schooling….

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Welcome to Team 6 Social Studies

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  1. Welcome to Team 6Social Studies With Miss Springborn

  2. All about me… • This is my 10th year teaching at the middle school • This is my fifth year on Team 6 with Mr. Tangleder, Mrs. Maguder, and Mrs. Luders, Ms. Reiderer, Mrs. Perri and Mrs. Hojnacki

  3. My schooling… • I grew up in the Town of Tonawanda and graduated from Kenmore East High School (Go Bulldogs!!) • I then went to Canisius College where I earned my degree in Education, Social Studies, and eventually my masters in Literacy

  4. My Life… • I still live up in the Town of Tonawanda (that is north of Buffalo) • I have one son, Jacob, who is going into 7th grade this year and is 12 years old • We currently have a fish as our pet but in the past we have had a dog, a rabbit, and a frog

  5. My Big Family… • I am the youngest of 5 children (We are named in alphabetical order) Jeffrey, Jennifer, Jonathan, Julie, and Justine • I have 8 nieces and nephews: Ryan (15/Sophmore), Taylor (13/8th), Madeline (13,8th), Nate (8,3rd) Josh (8,3rd), Ethan (8,3rd), Kate (6, 1st) and Abby (6, Kindergarden) • My immediate family currently numbers 20 people…that makes a VERY CROWDED Thanksgiving table but we have fun!! • All of my family lives out of town except for my parents and my son

  6. The Family Photo Album…the brothers and the sisters…

  7. The younger additions to the family…

  8. What I do for fun…(when I am not at school) • I love music!! The top groups on my Ipod right now are Glee Soundtrack, Black Eyed Peas, Great Big Sea, GreenDay, Jack Johnson, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry • I love to be outside…walking, running, bike riding, anything to get some sunshine etc… Last year I ran the relay in the Buffalo Marathon • I LOVE to read…I read about 20 books this summer…mostly while laying in my pool or hammock • I LOVE to swim and I try to swim about 64-72 laps at a time (that’s 1 mile!) and I love being in the water • I am super busy with my son and all his activities…He yells at me for signing him up for so much but he really likes it too!! • I love to travel…In the past 2 years I have been to Indiana, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Gettysburg, Florida (Disney World), New York City, Cooperstown and Corning, NY

  9. Some fun facts about Miss Springborn • Favorite Food- Chocolate • Favorite Drink- Iced Cappuccino from Tim Horton’s • Favorite Color- Purple • Favorite Stores to shop in- Gap, Kohls, Target and Anne Taylor Loft • Favorite TV Show- I love to watch Glee, Modern Family, Project Runway, How the States Got Their Shapes, and What Not to Wear • Favorite Sports Team- Buffalo Sabres ( I LOVE HOCKEY!!) • Favorite place to visit- New York City (so much to see and do) • Favorite Author- Jodi Piccoult and Sophia Kinsella, but I loved reading the Hunger Games Trilogy, Twilight Series and the Percy Jackson Series • Favorite Game to play- Scrabble…my best friend and I play every time she comes back to Buffalo to visit • Best Friends at HMS- Mr. Tangelder and Miss Evans • Something that scares me- spiders and migraines • Farthest from home I have traveled- San Diego, California • Something you should know about me- I am always trying to stay up to date on current events and check the news many times a day

  10. Why I teach history… • First of all I LOVE to learn about history • I feel that by learning our past we can better understand the present day • The past can teach us many valuable lessons that we can learn from • Some big mistakes have already been made…we can learn about them and not repeat them! • There are some AMAZING stories of how the history of our world has developed • For American History, our country has a fascinating story that all of us should know. It makes us better Americans to understand our nations great history.

  11. What we learn about this year… • Geography • Native Americans • Explorers • Colonial America • The American Revolution • Constitution and Government • Early Republic (1800-1859) • Causes of the Civil War • Civil War and Reconstruction This is a two year course…you pick up in 8th grade right where we leave off in 7th grade!!!

  12. Supplies for Social Studies…. • One three ring binder • One folders • Colored pencils for you to use all year • Pen or Pencil to write with every day!! • A positive attitude EVERYDAY!!!

  13. Rules of my classroom… • Be ready to learn and on time everyday • Listen when others are speaking • Be prepared for class each day • Always ask a question when you don’t understand something • Be respectful of yourself, your peers, and your teacher…this means no put-downs or inappropriate comments will be tolerated in my classroom

  14. My Expectations…. • Each student should be to class on time, prepared, and ready to participate each day. This includes homework being done prior to class starting. Late homework will not always be accepted…this is my decision to make. • Class members are to treat each other with respect and help make the classroom a safe and fun place for everyone to learn. • Students will make good use of their time in my room. Follow all directions and get right to work. • Students will be responsible for missed work. This may be due to illness, lesson, vacation, etc… It is the student’s job to find out what they missed and complete the work in a timely fashion.

  15. How can you make it a good year??? • Use your planner, write down your assignments • Complete your homework on time • Seek out help when you have questions or problems • Study in advance for tests and quizzes • Use my website to help you • Play Quizlet online to review important vocabulary • Follow directions in class and try your hardest • Take advantage of extra credit opportunities when they come up

  16. Now open up your planners And write down the following assignments…

  17. DUE FRIDAY, Sept. 9th … • Get the Classroom Guide signed • Return the Photo Permission Sheet signed • Fill out Student Information Sheet for me • Return the MP3 consent form signed • Return the National Board Consent Form Signed • Bring all supplies to class on Friday • FIRST GRADES OF THE MARKING PERIOD!!!! • See a team teacher or guidance counselor if you need any help with school supplies

  18. I hope it is going to be a GREAT YEAR!!! Any Questions???

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