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Welcome to Social Studies Team 6

Welcome to Social Studies Team 6. Miss Springborn Grades 7 and 8 Room 212 . A little about me…. This is my 11 th year teaching at the middle school This will be my first year teaching 7 th and 8 th grade Social Studies at the same time

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Welcome to Social Studies Team 6

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Social StudiesTeam 6 Miss Springborn Grades 7 and 8 Room 212

  2. A little about me… • This is my 11th year teaching at the middle school • This will be my first year teaching 7th and 8th grade Social Studies at the same time • I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Secondary Education/History and a Masters in Literacy Education from Canisius College • I have one son, Jacob, who is an 8th grader this year

  3. What we learn about this year… In 7th Grade: In 8th Grade: Quick review 7th grade material Westward Expansion and Immigration The Gilded Age Imperialism and WWI The Roaring 20’s The Great Depression WWII and the Holocaust Cold War The Decades and modern day **Presidential Election in November • Geography • Native Americans • Explorers • Colonial America • The American Revolution • Constitution and Government • Early Republic (1800-1859) • Causes of the Civil War • Civil War and Reconstruction • **Presidential Election in November

  4. What will we use to learn… • Texts include Call to Freedom, Adventure Tales, Atlas of Our Countries History, and New York State textbook • We will utilize the LMC and computer labs for projects and research • We will be using many websites including one of my favorites…the Brainpop website

  5. Rules of my classroom… • Be ready to learn and on time everyday • Listen when others are speaking • Be prepared for class each day • Always ask a question when you don’t understand something • Be respectful of yourself, your peers, and your teacher…this means no put-downs or inappropriate comments will be tolerated in my classroom

  6. Communication • Email: jspringborn@hamburgschools.org • Phone: Main office 646-3250 • Home-links: Look for these about once a month. Need parent signature for a homework grade…keep you up to date about what we are doing in class • Daily Homework: Team 6 Website and my website • Twitter: search for me MissSpringborn

  7. How can you make it a good year??? These are tips I gave the students the first day of school. • Use your planner, write down your assignments • Complete your homework on time • Seek out help when you have questions or problems • Study in advance for tests and quizzes • Use my website to help you • Play Quizlet online to review important vocabulary • Follow directions in class and try your hardest • Take advantage of extra credit opportunities when they come up

  8. Tools to help each student… • All power points and notes will be available online. Students can re-watch them, print copies of them or use them to study from • A link to every units vocabulary will be available for Quizlet…this is a great online study tool for students to use at home • I encourage students to use their school email and ask me questions or let me know when they are having trouble on an assignment • Can ask me to stay afterschool or for a pass to come see me during Encore or Study Hall

  9. Also said like this…

  10. Thank you for coming tonight!!Let me show you my website…

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