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INVITATION TO INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE!. Part financed by the European Union. International Youth Conference on the topic of Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments. Conference devoted to World Environment Day, 5 th of June 2011
International Youth Conference on the topic ofClimate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments Conference devoted to World Environment Day, 5th of June 2011 Location: Kohtla-Järve, Estonia Dates: June 1-4, 2011 Organizer: Kohtla-Järve Town Government Part financed by the European Union
June 1, 2011 – Day of arrivalJune 2, 2011 – Conference, presentations; excursionJune 3, 2011 – Workshops; concert/performance; visits to heritage buildings June 4, 2011 – Day of departure Dates: June 1-4, 2011 Part financed by the European Union
Accommodation will be provided in hotel/hostel / host families(Please, inform organizing committee if you prefer to stay with a host family)Localtransportation, food and excursionswillbe paid from the project budget.Participants pay for transportation to Estonia from their own budget. Composition of each team: 5 English-speaking students + 1 adult Age of students: 14-16 years old Invited countries: Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Belarus, Finland, Russia Part financed by the European Union
Conference Requirements for presentations: *Each team should work out their own vision of problems and proposed solutions, connected with the topic of the conference* Each team should prepare a Power Point presentation in English* Each team should deliver their presentation/speech in English* Duration of each team’s presentation is 20 minutes Part financed by the European Union
Conference Suggestions for Team work and presentations You may try to consider and answer the following questions: Do we need to protect environment and reduce CO2 by using energy saving methods in historical buildings? Do we need to perform conservation of cultural heritage buildings without losing their identity? What do you think about the risk of changing historical buildings completely for energetic optimization? What do you think about the first wave of technical improvement of historical buildings (modern heating, insulation, thermal insulation windows, plasterwork, etc.)? Your vision of the future of your town/region/country with cultural heritage. Part financed by the European Union
Concert / Performance Performance requirements: * Each team should prepare a small presentation/performance of their country/region * Each team can select their own style of performance: singing, dancing, folk performance or anything else characterizing the country and its culture * Concert/performances will take place on the stage of Kohtla-Järve Centre of Culture * If you need any equipment or adjustments, please inform organizing committee in advance * Duration of each team’s performance is 15 minutes Part financed by the European Union
Youth Conference will be held in the frameworkof the international project“Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments”CO2OL Bricks Financial support : Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 Priority 1: Fostering of innovations across the BSR Area of support: Technology transfer Project duration: January 2011 – December 2013 Part financed by the European Union
Lead Partner – Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany18 project partners from 9 countries: Germany – 4, Sweden – 4, Denmark – 1, Estonia – 3, Lithuania – 1, Latvia – 2, Poland – 1, Belarus – 1, Finland – 1 34 Associated Partners Kohtla-Jarve Town Government organizes International Youth Conference in the framework of the above-mentioned project. Part financed by the European Union
Please inform organizing committeeabout your participationby 16.03.2011Registration forms will be forwarded to the teamswho are interested in participation and informed organizing committee. Organizing committee:JelenaKeningi: tel. +372 3378527, mob. +37253311030, e-mail: jelena.keningi@kjlv.ee JelenaScharonberg: tel. +372 3378581, mob. +37253418199, e-mail: jelena.scharonberg@kjlv.ee Nana Badaljan: tel. +372 3378605, mob. +37253709503, e-mail: nana.badaljan@kjlv.ee NiinaPrussakova: tel. +372 3378500, fax: +372 3378503, e-mail: niina.prussakova@kjlv.ee