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Letters of Invitation. Christmas party. Public lecture. Wedding. Birthday party. What’s the differences between Invitation Cards and Invitation Letters?. Leading In. Invitation Card ---Structure. Inviter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Higgins request the pleasure of the company of
Christmas party Public lecture
Wedding Birthday party
What’s the differences between Invitation Cards and Invitation Letters? Leading In
Invitation Card---Structure Inviter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Higgins request the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson atcocktails on Tuesday, the eighth of November athalf past seven Holiday Inn Verb phrase Invitee Date Occasion/Activity Place Time
Invitation Cards Structure Forms Useful Expressions Tips on Writing Practice
Invitation Card---Form inviter request the pleasure of invitee to/at occasion/activity on date(week, day, month ) at time atplace R.S.V.P.Formal Dress Telephone
Invitation Card---Useful Expressions 1. requestthe pleasure/honor of someone ( at activity, on date, at time, at place) . 2. cordially/warmly invites someone (to/at activity, on date, at time, at place) . 3. You are cordially/warmly invited to attend (activity, on date, at time, at place) .
Invitation Card---Practice 1 Houghton Marine Electronic Equipment Co. Ltd. plans to hold an annual exhibition on Saturday, May 14 at Hilton Hotel at 2 o’clock. Complete the invitation, please. Houghton Marine Electronic Equipment Co. Ltd. (1) invites (2) to its First annual Marine Electronic Equipment Exhibition (3) the fourteenth of May (4) (5) you cordially on Saturday at two o'clock at Hilton Hotel
Invitation Card ---Tips on Writing • The inviter is mentioned in third person and invitee in second or third person instead of first person. • Don’t use abbreviations in formal invitations except for “Mr”, “Mrs”, “Ms”, “Dr”. 3. Time or date is mentioned in English instead of in number in general.
Invitation Card --- Practice 2Correct the mistakes in the invitation card . Sir Roy Jackson and my wife request the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson to the farewell party on tuesday, the eighth of November at half past seven at holiday Inn
Answers to Practice 2 Sir Roy Jackson and my wife request the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson at farewell party on tuesday, the eighth of November at half past seven at holiday Inn Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson Tuesday Holiday
Invitation Card---Practice 3 Translate the invitation into English, following the sample of the invitation card. 史密斯先生和夫人诚邀安德森先生和夫人于十一月八日(星期二)晚七点三十分参加在格林饭店举行的鸡尾酒会。要求回复。电话: 62143423。
Answer to Practice 3 cordially invite Mr. And Mrs. Smith request the pleasure of Mr. And Mrs. Anderson at cocktails on Tuesday, the eighth of November at half past seven p.m. at Green Hotel Formal Dress R.S.V.P. 62143423
Invitation Letters • Structure • Forms • Template • Useful Expressions • Practice • Tips on Writing
Cultural Notes 1. 邀请信的书写格式分正规和非正规两种。在书写正规邀请信时,通常不用第一人称而是用第三人称,如: “Mr. And Mrs. Kent Foster request the pleasure…”. 2. 作书面答复时,对正式邀请,通常用第三人称答复,对非正式邀请,通常用第一人称。 3. 对正式邀请的谢绝,通常用第三人称写,对非正式邀请的谢绝,通常用第一人称。
4. Dallas:达拉斯,美国德克萨斯州最大的城市。 5. The Moscone Center:莫斯科恩会议中心,是旧金山最大的会议展览中心, 以承办苹果电脑为主的展会而著名。 6. Doodads:公司名称,原指不知道名字的或忘记如何称呼的小物品,小摆设。
Language Points • schedule: 预定;计划 to plan that something will happen at a particular time be scheduled for预计 Some dozen movies based on television programms are scheduled for release this year. 十多部根据电视剧改编的电影预计今年发行。 be scheduled to do sth计划做某事 Researchers from universities across the country are scheduled to attend. 来自全国各地的研究者们计划参加。
2. gizmo: 小发明;小玩意 3. thingamajig: (口)某人,某件东西 4.rave: strong praise for a new play, book etc. 赞扬 The play got raves from the critics. 这部电影得到评论家的赞扬。 5. swap: (swapped swapped swapping) to give sth to someone and get sth in return 交换 swap sth for sth 用…交换 He swapped his watch for a box of cigars. 他用手表换一盒雪茄。
Invitation Letter---Structure Date August 16 Dear Sirs, The President and the Board of Directors of Far East Trading Co.Ltd. request the pleasure of your company at a banquet to be held at the Ambassador Hotel, Taipei, at 6:00 p.m. on April 1. Cordially, Jefferson Jack Salutation Complimentary Closing Body Signature
Invitation Letter--- Form 1 August 16 Dear Sirs, The President and the Board of Directors of Far East Trading Co.Ltd. request the pleasure of your company at a banquet to be held at the Ambassador Hotel, Taipei, at 6:00 p.m. on April 1. We are looking forward to seeing you. Cordially, Jefferson Jack Extreme /Full-Block Form (绝对齐头式)
Invitation Letter--- Form 2 August 16 Dear Sirs, The President and the Board of Directors of Far East Trading Co.Ltd. request the pleasure of your company at a banquet to be held at the Ambassador Hotel, Taipei, at 6:00 p.m. on April 1. We are looking forward to seeing you. Cordially, Jefferson Jack Semiblock/modified-block Form (折中式/缩进式)
Question How many parts does body of the invitation letter generally consist of ? Three parts: Opening: give a warm, personal greeting Focus: provide information about the invitation in terms of “who, what, where, when, why and how.” Closing: express the hope that the person to whom you are writing will be able to attend and expectation that the event will be a success.
Template Date Salutation Opening: give a warm, personal greeting Focus: provide information about the invitation in terms of “who, what, where, when, why and how.” Closing: express the hope that the person to whom you are writing will be able to attend and expectation that the event will be a success. Complimentary close Signature
Invitation Letter---Useful Expression • It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to invite…to …. . 诚挚邀请您参加…. 2. I am writing to invite you to …. 今写信诚邀您参加…. 3. We would be happy if …. 如…我们会很高兴。 4. We would like to ask you … 我们想请您…
5. I was wondering if you would like to join us for ….. 我想知道您是否愿意参加… • ….request the pleasure of …. 恭请….. 7. Would you be kind enough to do something? 请您赏光做….
8. Can you join us in…? 您能参加我们的….? 9. How about going to a concert tonight? 今晚我们去听音乐会如何? 10.Why don’t you join us for a drink? 我们去喝点东西怎么样? 11. Are you free after work on Friday to join a few of us for dinner? 你周五有时间和我们几个一起吃晚餐吗? 12. Please let us know as soon as possible. 请尽快告知。
Invitation Letter---Practice 1 Here are some sentences often used in invitation letters. Complete the sentences with your own words. 1、It is with the greatest pleasure that . 2、We would be happy if . 3、Can you join us in ? 4、How about ?
Answers toPractice 1 I write to 1、It is with the greatest pleasure that 2、We would be happy if 3、Can you join us in 4、How about cordially invite to you to attend Christmas party. you would like to join us for a Christmas party . celebrating my birthday? going to my birthday party?
Invitation Letter---Tips on Writing(2) 1. Pay attention to the writing of salutation. 2. Use the abbreviation of the twelve monthsproperly. 3. Don’t use the abbreviation such as “We’re”, “I’ve” etc in formal letters.
Tips on Salutation 1. Dear + Full Name (Don’t know the gender) 2. Be sure to add a comma after the salutation 3. Don’t use Sirsonly For example: Sirs, Dear John Smith Dear Sirs, Dear John Smith,
July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Tips on the abbreviation of the twelve months Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June
Tips on the formats of the date June 30 , 2000 June 30th , 2000 30th June, 2000 30 June , 2000 June 30th, 00 30th June , 00
Answer toPractice 6 August 15 Dear Mrs. Bailey, It is my pleasure to formally invite you to attend the annual seminar “On Stocks and Stocks Exchanges” on Monday, September 15th, 1991 at Xiangjiang Hotel. 3、About 200 participants are expected to come from all over the province. Therefore, it will be a valuable opportunity to exchange information and meet colleagues and experts in this field. 4、More details on the seminar will be available three weeks from now. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon, and I hope that you will start earlier to make you plan for the seminar. Yours very faithfully, John Burns
Answer toPractice 8 Jnauary 20 Dear Mr. Bloomfield, We request the pleasure of your company at a dinner-dance to be held at Gideon Country Club at eight o’clock on Saturday, the seventh of Feburary. Formal dress is required. If you have questions, please call us at 8657-8730. We’ are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, . Masterson Finsbury
The Differences Between Invitation Cards and Invitation Letters Invitation Card a. Less details b. More formal c. Definit Form Invitation Letter a. More details b. Less formal c. various Form